Wednesday, July 10, 2024

If Yesterday was a Quiet Day, Today Flat-Lined

The Ridge

On Wednesday, July 10th, we all started our day slowly. It was going to be day of rain and although it wasn’t steady, it may as well have been. It was windy and wet, yet warm so it was an inside family time. Bill’s job is outside working on a railing for a porch so they weren’t needed today. He was okay with having a day off. We were up around 7:30 and he did a couple of odd jobs in the Suite.

Last night when Bill let Gibbs out,
he remarked on the beautiful sky.
Notice our neighbours upstairs window?
Looks like it is on fire from the reflection.

The bottom screen of our door got replaced and the RV Lock battery was changed. I worked on my Photobook, reliving our 2023/24 winter journey. I love re-reading our trip events, and although I lived it in the flesh, some things had been stored in some recesses of my mind. 😊 It is fun bringing them back to life.

Nope, you're not working today, Mom.

The morning was pretty much a wash out with showers, even up until 2 o’clock it rained. I had my own shower mid-morning too, inside. We had bacon and eggs with toast for lunch and went back to our regular duties. Ha ha, lazing about. Once the winds picked up, we had gusts up to 33 mph.

This pail sits under the eaves from the Suite.
Yesterday, there was only 4" in it. Good plant

Our laneway walk showed
the winds coming from the opposite direction today
than yesterday. Even though from the NE, it was still
a warm wind.
The pond is getting harder to see. 😔

I talked Bill into watching a movie with me, The Upside, and we both enjoyed it a lot. It was tea time at 4:15 and I took a break from book writing to book reading. The new J.P. book is picking up in action so I’m turning pages quicker. It is unusual for his books to take me so long to get hooked but finally, I’m caught up in it. Gibbs and I walked down after the movie to check the mail and Bill had a parcel waiting for him. The surprise was that, even though it came from the U.S., there was no duty charge.😊 

The geese, even though grown, are very skittish - still.

Gibbs races back up because Daddy is in there.
'Are you coming, Mom?'

For supper, we had half of a small 1.5 lb. pork loin. I picked two up at Walmart for $5 each, couldn’t beat the price. I made a spice rub for it and cooked it in Rosy, the air fryer for 40 minutes. Perfecto! I boiled 3 small potatoes, cauliflower for me and corn for Bill. Everything was delicious, another Sunday meal on a Wednesday. After we cleaned up the dishes, Bill watched one of his movies and I sat to finish my blog.

My daily entertainment.
He hides his face in my shirt but don't kid yourself,
he full well knows that I'm watching him the whole time. 

It is still raining and I sure didn’t get outside much today. Tomorrow looks like an improved day for sure so maybe I’ll get outside more. We had a high temperature of 18C/66F which was mild and would have been beautiful had we had sunshine. PS, the movie we watched is worth a peek, based on a true story.

A wonderful dinner even though
the colour is pretty bland.
Good night!
(Rain, rain, go away)

Thank you for the stop by. Your comments are always appreciated.


  1. What kind of air fryer do you use? Picture please?

    1. I've included a picture in today's blog post. It is not fancy, simple and small.

  2. And what temp did you cook it at? On bake? Or Air Fry? Ha. It looks delicious so Karen and I probably aren't the only ones who want to know how you did it!

    1. Ha ha, I cooked it at 350F. I don't have any options like the fancy ones do. One dial for temperature on top and one dial for timer up to 30 minutes. So, I ended up cooking it an extra 10 minutes. It was a small pork loin.

  3. Nice having a day off in the middle of the week.
    Our rain was on and off all day.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. it was nice but couldn't do anything outside. Oh well, we enjoyed it!

  4. Gibbs makes me laugh every day!! I'm surprised you are getting so much rain from a storm that hit Texas!

  5. It's funny, I was whining about too much rain just a week ago, and now I'd love a nice rain. Our rain barrel volume has gone down as I've used the water for the containers. We're never quite happy with the weather are we?

    1. You're right, we need something to grumble about, I guess. haha

  6. Gibbs is too funny. The pork loin looks delicious.

  7. I am with Maebeme, we could really use a nice rain right about now.... The heat is really drying things out. Rain water is the best for watering.

    God bless.

    1. I think we'll be getting those dry days too. It looks like a warm week coming up.
