Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Ridge was Quiet

The Ridge

On Tuesday, July 9th it was 7 before I heard anything. Bill was almost ready to leave when I quickly got up, washed and dressed. He left at 7:15 and I wasn’t too far behind him heading for town. The Mat was empty for a few minutes but before too long, two ladies arrived with laundry. That’s a switch! Usually, it’s men I meet in there. 😊

Good morning!
What a lovely picture across the corn field
down the road.

Today was the day to clean out the Lost & Found box. It was full again. First thing I did was to sort through it, discarding stained or damaged items (including single socks) and loaded two washers. Then I cleaned. By the time I was done my jobs, there was about 15 minutes left on the dryers. I wrote my name on the work calendar and included the extra 30 minutes. I folded the clothes and dropped them at Rethreads at the corner.

I took this last night and I 
wonder if you can see what I see?
This is the stairs up to the bathroom
and bedroom. The bath door is open.

I drove to Foodland to get butter, that was the item I forgot the other day and we were almost out. I hate paying the price here of butter. I stopped at the Water Store (Battery Pro) to fill our jug and returned home. It was already warm, at 16C/62F so when I got back, I closed windows and turned the a/c on. 😊

A walk down the lane to check mail

We didn't feel this breeze much up on the Ridge
but all 3 flags are at attention.

Lots of growth in my gate garden.
I'm so pleased!

Another 28C/84F day was coming our way and best to keep the cool in right from the get-go. We set it at 24C/75F and it is surprising how much of a difference that 4 degrees makes. Bill will appreciate a cool atmosphere after working outside all day. I got lazy and after playing my online games, well, most of them, I kept falling asleep in my chair! It was 11:30 when I forced myself to get up and go outside for a walk around before lunch.

We walked back and he was pretty warm when
we got up the hill.

Here's what he did.
Sat at the top of the corral hill and
caught the breeze. 💗
He's a smart pooch!

I had one of my broccoli/egg cakes and I’m glad I’m not crazy about them as they were a very long process to make. They are fine and filling so I’ll eat the last 4 over the coming days. 😊 At 2 or so, Gibbs and I walked down to get the mail and then we sat in the shade of the tree behind the Bunky. The breeze made it quite nice although the little fur ball kept moving, looking for that perfectly cool spot for a nap.

Here's what I did. Since our
pump from the pond isn't working, I prime my
hand pump and fill the watering cans.
The water comes from our rain barrel, which
is full to the brim and sits right beside where I'm standing.
It works just dandy.
My plants needed watering and the tomatoes and peppers
are looking good.

At 3:30, we came in and I started working on my winter photobook. I have a voucher to use up before October so I began compiling information and pictures. It takes me a while but once I start, it comes quite easy. Bill was home by 4:15, not sure exactly as I was deep into my book making. 

We were quite comfortable in the shade.

And look at who's letting me hold
his 'sore' paw. 😊
I think he has healed it.

For supper, we had raw shrimp with cocktail sauce and Bill had fries while I had the last of my spaghetti squash. Strawberries and whipped cream topped off the meal. They are now gone.

An easy supper and Bill enjoyed his fries.

Good night!

It was a lazy day but a good one all the same. I hope yours was too! I think I'll watch some tv tonight. 😃

Thank you for the visit.


  1. It's nice that you and Bill
    get out at about at the same time.Your gate
    garden looks great,Gibbs
    is such a cutie.I'm pretty
    sure that shrimp isn't raw
    raw shrimp is gray,I think you meant cold shrimp
    have a nice night,Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. Woops, of course it isn't raw. It was frozen shrimp, sorry!

  2. We'll be feeling Beryl tomorrow, not sure if it's heading your way or not. It might be an indoor day for everyone.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Four degrees? Heck ONE degree makes a huge difference in my house. Love your gate garden!! And of course I'm glad Mr. Gibbs foot is better!!

  4. I have to wonder if the people who lose/leave their clothing behind at the Mat, ever see them at the thrift store later on?
    The heat is on here, we had 29C yesterday, 31C expected today. The a/c has been steadily running since before 7 a.m. to keep it at 23C in the main part of the house. Unfortunately it doesn't cool off the second floor very much, so we're all sleeping on the main floor for these hot days.

    1. I wonder the same things - I don't lose sleep over it though! haha
      Yes, our upstairs (which is only 2 steps up) is warmer too.

  5. Your gate garden looks beautiful!
