Monday, July 8, 2024

Beginning a New Week

The Ridge

Monday, July 8th already and although I say time is flying by, it was a nice leisurely weekend. Bill got the call/text last night that Billy needs him for work this week, or at least a few days. Mixed feelings of course, for us, but every little bit helps and he is being very careful working on this outside job. I was up at 7 and within 20 minutes, Bill was on his way.

Good morning!

It was a nice morning for tea outside.

Gibbs and I went outside into the pleasant morning. I took my tea with me and moved the chairs off the lawn with the plan to cut it once it dried. The dew is quite heavy these mornings. At 10, I drove over to M’s for his errand run into town. We made 5 stops, one at my suggestion so I could pick up some bird seed that was on sale at Home Hardware. We were back home by 11:15 and I came in and changed my shoes.

I cut it with the blades on the lowest in the 
hopes it won't need to be done for a few days. 😎
It has been a week since we cut it.

Time to cut grass. Gibbs found the coolest spot to lay was under the Suite where he had shade plus a wee breeze. He didn’t move for the whole 40 minutes. 😊 When I finished, even though the sun wasn’t exactly out in full glory, I was hot and drippy. Just as I went to sit in the shade with Gibbs, Robin called with a favour. She was at a birthday party at the conservation area and wondered if I could pop in to check on Mildred at her house.

She let me walk in through the first two
garages and immediately went out to the middle garage
to just look at me. 

Of course! She was in the first garage, there are 3 joined, and she had the run of the whole area. That is a lot of free space for a teeny 4? 5? pound squirt. She never barked but ran around Robin’s car about 5 times trying to show me who was boss. 

She must have been running around
as her hair clip was falling out. 💖

She wouldn’t come near me until I sat on the step for about 10 minutes and talked to her. Finally, when I asked her to sit, she did and allowed me to walk over and pick her up. Such a little sweetie. Robin said later that she probably wanted me to stay.

I let myself out through their 
car garages. Aren't these 'purty'?

Andrew is working on the red one.
All Chevettes, I believe. 

Back home, I was happy to step into the Suite as I turned the a/c on after Bill left. We knew it was going to be a hot, humid one today – and it was. The sun made appearances (of which you wanted to be sheltered from) and the breeze picked up a bit. Bill was home before 4 and after a change of clothes and a snooze, we went out together.

Gibbs and I walked to get the mail where I found
this for an event that was at the church yesterday. Darn!
Gloria put it in Friday afternoon but didn't put the flag up,
so we didn't check it until today.

The sky looked threatening a few times
but nothing transpired. 
Ha! Look at that evergreen and shed on the left.
They really are standing straight! Honest!

He dumped the black tank, we lasted 18 days this time! I pulled weeds in my small garden out in front of the patio mat. Enough of that nonsense! We offloaded more bags of stones from BB and sat in the shade for a few minutes until it was time to start supper. Bill grilled a pork chop and I fried liver inside for me. We each had salad as our side dish and after a yummy meal, cleaned up and settled for the evening. It was a hot but nice day. 😊

A filling supper, we didn't need dessert. 
We reached 28C/83F today and only dropping to 18C/64F.
A/C will be off and windows will be open. 
Good night everyone!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. It's good to know to know Bill is being
    cautious at work,both
    you and he are deligent
    money earners,smart!Gibbs is so
    cute, Mildred sure is tiny,I hope you all have a nice
    comfortable night -Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. Mildred is adorable but yes, Gibbs is the right pooch for us. ♥

  2. Liver is delish bbq'd too. My late husband used to do it

  3. What a cutie patootie!!!! Nice garages too! Interesting how you can find liver up there. You could hit up every grocery store here and never find it. I used to love it ... fried!!

    1. Isn't she though? Yes, the garages are great!
      Really, no liver? I'll take that as a challenge this winter! :)

  4. Wow, Robin and her husband have quite the set-up. The wee pup is a cutie!

  5. Getting the BBQ circular a day after I can relate to. We get our store advertisements in the mailbox on Monday evening for the previous week. The new ones are available on Wednesday online. So they get tossed without even being looked at. :-)

    1. The late flyer was unfortunate, as I would have gone. The church is on our corner.
