Saturday, July 20, 2024

Jess, Matt and the Grandchildren Visit

The Ridge

On Friday, July 19th, from the beginning to the end, it was go-go-go. No complaints, it was all necessary and good stuff. 😊 I was on my way in to Durham to clean the Mat by 7 and on my way home again by 8:30. Bill and Gibbs were outside.

Traffic wasn't bad today, just one family.
Good Morning!

Bill had cut the grass and emptied 10 more bags of stone on the berm. He was weed trimming up here around the corral and buildings when I drove in the lane. The place looks good and the weekend is free from grounds work. I had some cereal and took M into town at 10 for his hour of errands. When I returned, we were close to having our company arrive. Needless to say, the blog is quite late.

My biggest leaf hosta

I had noticed this spring that the mice had been into
my Kleenex in the Bunky.
Then I was straightening things in there and found this.
Thankfully, no babies but that's about 10 tissues at least!

Bill’s (our) youngest daughter and family flew in to Toronto from Olds, Alberta this morning at 7:20. They rented a car and drove to our place first to visit for the day. We don’t see them very often, the kiddos especially. They are growing so fast so these opportunites are very important. Easton is 5 and Hadley is 3 going on 13. My oh my, that little pipsqueak is a smart one! Easton was quite tired so slept on our bed for a couple of hours so I experienced Hadley first hand.

Hadley never stopped for long.
Little Miss Curious was a great little explorer.
No fear there.

She loved seeing what Grandpa was doing in the Hangar.
"Make it work" she said of this plane. 😂

She wanted to sit on Jazz and when Bill started it up,
the look she gave Mom was priceless!
Top right picture, she reached for Grandpa's hand.

We had lunch as soon as they arrived and after Easton woke up, we drove to the Pebbles playground which is along hwy 6 just outside Varney. It was a good decision, the children both ran from one thing to the next. Us adults had fun watching them and also enjoyed some time on the swings too. Who doesn’t love a swing but I do admit to not being Hadley or Easton’s favourite pusher. Higher, higher! Grandma was a bit anxious. 😊

Higher, please!
Hadley started in the 'baby' swing but soon
graduated to the regular ones. 

The playground was pretty cool

They enjoyed themselves

Even though her shoes were on the wrong feet ("I know" she said)
she was able to rock climb just like Easton
He did awesome!

We all got a turn on the swings.........
well, except Grandpa.

Bill and I had decided on picking up a couple of New Orleans’ pizzas in town for supper but Matt suggested we try the new Foundry restaurant in Durham instead. Who are we to argue although it wasn’t in the plan that they foot the bill. It was only 4ish so we had no problem getting an outside table. The place is huge inside too. Bill had fish and chips, I had chicken quesadilla and we all had an adult beverage. Although Hadley asked for a sip, Mom refrained from obliging. 😊

I'm lousy at selfies with a crowd
but at least I got our guests.
We were right along the busy highway but some of the vehicles
were quite entertaining!

We slipped Matt a wee bit of $, which he wasn't going to accept, towards the cost. It was very kind of him to treat us. We enjoyed the company and the food. Easton and Hadley were very good, it’s hard for children to wait for the food to arrive. We were back home at the Ridge by 6 and I set up my tripod for some family/memory pictures. The day was perfect, not too hot or cold and it was dry. Blessing!!

When Grandpa's food arrived first, Hadley tried to sneak some fries.
Bill is very protective of his food. 

It was around 6:30 that they loaded 2 tired little ones into their seats and pulled out. They have a busy few days ahead of them for this holiday trip, heading to a Cambridge motel for a few nights before London and more visits etc. Cambridge is close enough to Toronto so they can tour the CN Tower, the Aquarium and African Lion Safari is on the list too.

A bit of a break while I got my camera out.
I see Jess in these pics of Hadley but I also see her
older sister, Krystal.

What a great experience for the family. I’m sure they all slept well after such a long day. Today, I took an abundance of pictures so sorted through and added a few and put the rest in my laptop folder. 

A couple of nice family pictures until the next time!

We had fun and I was so tired that I was in bed by 9:30 after falling asleep in my chair many times.😊 It was a great day.

Grandma & Grandpa Richards
with Easton and Hadley.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. What a fun time, those are the days that go into the memory book :-)

  2. Great pictures. Fun times. Great memories.

  3. What a great park to play with the kids!! My how they have grown!!!! They will remember that forever!!

  4. What a fun day with the family. Oh, I know the feeling of exhaustion after a full day with the grandkid (in your case two).
    That park was neat, and I really like the dump truck slide. Someone was very creative.
