Friday, July 5, 2024

A Bit of This and That, I Did it!

The Ridge

On Friday, July 5th I was up out of bed at 6:30 and downstairs to join Bill soon after. He was getting ready for work, happy that he got 4 days in this week. I was ready to leave with my tea before him so pulled out of the lane at 7:10. It was going to be another warm aka hot day in the neighbourhood. We didn’t get any rain overnight, well, Bill says about 10 seconds worth around 11 pm, but the grass was quite dewy. Gibbs was pretty wet when he came back up to bed.

Good morning!
Wow! 3 Moonflowers this morning!
All from my newest transplants!

I did strip the duvet of its cover when I got up and replaced it with the chenille bedspread we keep under the bed. This should be all we need for a while. Fingers crossed. The Mat was empty and I’d taken my cheap little stick vacuum that I bought at a garage sale a couple of summers ago. It only works so-so and I wanted to try it on the two mats instead of sweeping them. The shop-vac they have doesn’t have a suitable brush head so I avoid the clunky thing. 😊

After Bill got home at noon hour, you may think I'm
taking pictures of our vehicles. 
Seek and you shall find the real reason. 💖

I spent a couple of hours with Gibbs before driving over to take M into town for his errands. It wasn’t long and I felt a ‘stitch’ in my side but up above my rib cage. I went into Foodland so I wasn’t in too much discomfort. It just felt like bloating or indigestion and after dropping M off, I came home, had a mouthful of cream and went up to the bedroom to watch a movie. Bill texted at noon that he was on his way home and by then, it had gone away. I’m not concerned, there and gone.

Gibbs and I took a chance, around 2:30 
and walked to 'check the mail'.
I love how he either follows or walks beside me now.

The sky as I got to the end of the lane
was definitely worth a picture or two.

Stunning but threatening?
Yes, it started raining as we turned to walk back up. 
Of course! It didn't last though.

We had lunch together and he had a snooze before going out to cut the back field. He did the berm yesterday morning. I went into the Bunky to work on the dreaded puzzle. By 3:30, he was done and by 4, so was I. I conquered it! Yay! Another accomplishment. It was one of the toughest I’ve done. Where 3 strange shaped pieces took the place of one big one far too many times! 😊 Oh well, it was a challenge.

Tadah! Accolades, please! (just kidding)

Gibbs and I came inside just in time and the sky opened up with a light rain shower. I made a cup of tea, did a bit of banking and sat with my book until it was time to make supper. Bill barbecued sausages (which turned out to be quite small!) and he had his in a bun while I had mine on the plate. We each had a bbq’d cob of corn. It was all very good, topped off with strawberries and whipped cream. Yum!

Seeing my Tiger Lilies at the end of the lane gave
me the idea to pick some for my new vase.

I love the bouquet I gathered as we walked back up
to the Suite. All from my gardens.
Even a purple thistle but although prickly to pick,
it adds nicely to the mix.

Well, what the heck. Why not?

He loaded the dishwasher and because the rain has stopped for at least the early part of the evening, he went to the front field to cut the last of the grass. With a forecast of a rainy day tomorrow, it is a wise move, we think. Who knows really when it will rain and by how much. I didn’t have to water my vegetables again, the patio tomatoes are the only ones showing fruit/vegetables so far but the flowering is encouraging on everything else. Actually, there are wee peppers too. 😊

He loves the outdoors and crashes (arms crossed)
once inside. He's by the door so he gets any breeze 
that is coming in through the screen.

Some blue sky again

Sausages and corn on the Weber Q

It was a good day. Robin has asked me about cleaning on Sunday for her but as for the other job, she has postponed it until a week from today. That’s cool, with this heat, I’m quite okay with that! M called before supper to see if I was okay. Nice that he was concerned with my ‘discomfort’, as he called it. He does aggravate me sometimes but he is a good, caring friend. I hope my American friends recovered from their celebrating 😊 yesterday and everyone had a good day today. The weekend is here!

Supper was good.
I had sour dough toast for lunch so avoided
a bun tonight.
Slowly getting the weight under control. Both of us. 

Strawberries from Giant Tiger before they are gone.
Foodland's were just not ripe enough, even though the price was right
at $3.99.

Before I close, I wanted to make a note about my commenters. I appreciate YOU! Some of you regularly comment and you are always very encouraging. Even the 'once in a while' commenters, I totally understand and value. There are a lot of blogs and by the time you/we read them all, that is a lot of extra computer time added to your/our day. So, thank you. I do answer each one even if you don't go back to see what I've said (I don't either) but I wanted to be sure you knew how much it means to me that you take the time. 💓💓 Thank you!

Thank you for following and commenting.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around. Your comments are appreciated more than you know.


  1. You and Bill got a lot done today, I see Gibbs under your vehicle 😊I wish it would cool off where you live,have a nice night, Mary

    1. Yes, a fair bit was taken care of. We don't mind the heat after all the silly weather we've been having.

  2. I think you could have another career as a flower arranger. I''m serious. That is a great bouquet. You've got the eye and knack.

    1. Wow! Thank you. I sure don't feel the same way, I feel kind of clumsy at it. :)

  3. Stitches occur when you use muscles that have been lax for some time.
    It's supposed to be cooler for the next couple of days, but though we are clear, you might get wet.
    I seldom go back to check on replies.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your weekend.

    It's about time.

    1. Yah, I don't think it was what Mom called a stitch, more like indigestion.
      We have a great forecast until Monday night.

  4. I have one sad little tiger lily who tries her best to produce three little flowers every year. So sad compared to yours. I'll trade you some HOT for some COOL!!

    1. Tiger lilies I seem to be able to grow well! :)
      You're still trying to get some of our cool weather. Ha ha, now we have heat but not like yours!

  5. Your lilies are looking amazing! Great job on the puzzle.

  6. That's a beautiful flower arrangement. We had strawberries and whip cream too. It's so refreshing.

  7. Great job on the puzzle and your flowers look so pretty in their new vase!

  8. I always read the blog but never comment. Someday I might have something worthwhile to say.

    1. Not sure who this is but comments are not always necessary. I still appreciate that you read. ♥
