Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Day of ‘Nuttin’ Honey’ to Ourselves

The Ridge

Bill was up with the alarm at 6 and he and Gibbs had their morning outing. Next thing I knew, it was 6:45 and Bill was getting ready for work. Gibbs and I went downstairs to sit with him until he left around 7:30. I have no where to be today, and nothing really pressing on the agenda. Because it will be an off and on wet day, I won’t go out to cut lawn or pull weeds. I can’t wait to get into that corral garden, don'tcha know? 😊

Good morning!
The sky was pretty last night after all.

I was actually able to play all of my morning Wordle games plus Scrabble-Go. I missed a bunch yesterday. After my tea, I did a few stretches involving my feet and ankles from an app called Block Therapy. I’m not sure how much I’ll do but would like to do anything to help with my Achilles Heel. Some days, I don’t even notice it, others it aches like a son of a gun. These are easy although somewhat uncomfortable things to do here at home, using a rolled-up towel. It’s worth a shot!

Rain off and onthis morning

Gibbs went out to watch Daddy drive out
this morning.
He no longer chases, but 'waits' with me.

It rained off and on throughout the morning so I decided to Google some recipes for Keto bread. I’m not giving up! I miss my guilt-free bread and one day I believe I’ll find something I can make that will satisfy me. So far, it hasn’t happened. Some recipes have been so-so but others just plain NO! I found quite a few but many have one or two ingredients that I never have in the house, others take a lot of eggs and suggest the oven rather than bread maker and visa versa. I found one to try so I’ll let you know.

What would I ever do if I didn't have this 
little bum (haha) to entertain
I love this view. πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

Gibbs needs to get outside so we went out around 3 to check the mail and part of my Amazon order was stuffed in the mail box today. I think my collagen powder will be here tomorrow. Gibbs got a royal treatment today. His ear drops (not his fav. thing), his coat brushed and also his teeth brushed. He was very good. 

It’s a mild enough day but fairly windy so it isn’t a hardship being inside. I check my tomatoes and peppers often and I don’t know if I’m 100% happy with the upcoming results. Hmmm, or am I just comparing them to Bridgette’s flourishing garden? 😊

Yum, fried radishes and onions
(Shirley πŸ’–)

A tasty lunch plate.

I’m very happy she is having such success, since I believe this is the first year she has gotten into planting her own vegetables.  The bread is smelling good so fingers crossed I didn’t just waste 5 eggs. LOL I removed the dead flowers from my vase and picked some of our Shasta daisies to replace them. They are plentiful now and are so pretty in their whiteness.

At a few periods, this is how much
sun we saw.

Today, a parcel with my name
was in the mail box. 

By the way, I did get my results the other day from my ‘Mammy-gram’ and all is well so I can shelve that question for another 2 years. I’m not ever worried but it is nice to have that confirmation all the same. I started my blog and Gibbs and I waited until Bill got home around 4:30. He (Gibbs) hears every sound out there on the gravel road and can pretty much distinguish Black Beauty’s rumble even though Bill goes really slow. 😊

The bread looks and tastes pretty good.
Not sure if it is the best so have one more
recipe to try in a few days. 

Told you it was windy!

For supper I have a pork tenderloin out so it should cook up nicely with coleslaw on the side. Bill may want a potato too, we’ll see. As it turned out, I cooked it in Rosy, the air fryer, little yellow potatoes for my working man along side the coleslaw. It was all very good and we have some leftover pork for another night. I perked it up by adding bacon while it cooked. Bacon makes everything better!  We loaded the dishwasher and washed the pots by hand.

My daisies perk up the vase flowers

It has been a day on the cooler side, with lots of clouds, a few periods of sunshine and some rain showers off and on this morning. It reached 22C/72F but it didn’t feel like that at all. I enjoyed my peaceful day without having to leave the property. That all changes tomorrow again and that’s okay. 😊

Supper was easy. Yes, there
was enough meat here. It filled the plate
once I cut it up. πŸ˜‚
Good night!

Thank you for taking the time to pop by! I enjoy your comments when you have time to leave one.


  1. YAY for bacon!! Please PLEASE send us a little rain and wind. We are turning into big fat prunes!!!

  2. Bacon does make everything taste better. :)
    Love the vase of flowers, so pretty. If you wouldn't mind, please send the rain my way. We had far too much at the beginning of the month, and now we're drier than a fart in a windstorm. The humidity is high (100% this morning!) but nothing is falling from the sky. Yesterday we reached a high of 31C and today is supposed to be the same.

    1. wow, that sounds like Nancy's weather and she's in California! We aren't getting an over abundance of rain so between you, Nancy and our friend and family in Alberta, not sure who to send it to! We usually get your weather so I might be crying soon.

  3. I hope the bread tastes good because it looks delicious.

  4. Not a really big bacon fan, now sausage is another matter. Sure hope that bread turned out to be delicious.

    God bless.
