Sunday, July 28, 2024

Let’s Make it a Do-Nothing Day!

The Ridge

So, on Sunday, July 28th Bill was up with Gibbs at 6:30. That’s nice – no alarm – just Gibbs’ inner clock. 😊 At 7:30, he walked to the Hangar to make sure his plane batteries were charged and at 7:50, he and Duncan left for another morning at the flying field. What did Patty and I have going on today? NOTHING!

Good morning!
The boys are off by 8 am

I did finish another late blog from Saturday but that was after a fashion show. Patty had a few dresses for me to try on to see if either one would work for Bridgette’s wedding. I had pretty much made my mind up on what I will be wearing – two choices – but I fell in love with one of hers………….hence the whole show for Patty’s benefit to help me make a decision.

This is all you get to see.

I tried on 4, swapping out shoes where necessary and I think we have a winner. Having another female opinion to help me was a big bonus. I ended up doing a complete switcharoo from my first two options. 😊 But, I’m happy. With the wee bit of noticeable weight loss, my mind was changed. After putting everything away, the three of us went for a walk to the corner and down Baptist Church Road to the hill.

Gibbs found a patch of shade

A 300-pc puzzle that I bought
from Robin yesterday.
The pieces are huge!

While I worked on the puzzle, I could
hear scratching behind my large picture frame.
A Kleenex nest and 2 mouse babies crawling back and forth.
They aren't there anymore, that's all you need to know. 😞

It was already warming up fast and we were aiming for shade as we walked home. Gibbs would see a shaded spot on the gravel road and slow down for a minute. We relaxed at home until Bill and Duncan returned for lunch. They had a very good morning, with 3 flights on the Stinson. Yay! There was talk about the two of them getting the tall dead tree down from the area behind the Hangar but with the hot, humid day, it was agreed to just relax for the afternoon.

We all relaxed
I dozed in the hammock, Bill in the chair,
Duncan on the gravity chair and Patty read her book.

There's a special conversation going on here.

There was a lot of discussion about travel insurance, health and the route south in October and November. This will be their first year aiming for Arizona so Bill offered ideas and Duncan was open to any suggestions. They seem well organized in what they want to do and I’m sure many of their plans will come to fruition. They will also learn about the Jell-o jiggling and adjust accordingly. 😊

My Caesar this afternoon
was delicious!

We all had later suppers, it was 7 when we started barbecuing our burgers and 7:30 when we met at the picnic table to eat our separate meals. Patty brought over the last of the grapefruit pie to share for dessert. For our last night, we had another campfire but a short one, long enough to see the space station one more night. It was 9:45 when we said goodnight and went inside. 

Yummy, bacon, cheeseburgers
with the works.

Patty's lovely plant. I can't
recall the name of it.

Another great day with a high temp of 30C/85F. We had a nice breeze for most of the day and mid-afternoon, there was some hammock and chair dozing by some other than Gibbs. 😊 .

Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.


  1. Beautiful photos and fun times with friends. Patty's lovely plant is a Mandevilla!

  2. It's nice that Bill got to fly his plane, that's a good
    looking hammock, Gibbs is so cute, your
    cheeseburger looks delicious,-Mary

  3. You had a wonderful day with your friends. Those are the best, when there is nothing in particular to do, and there is lots of time to just relax and enjoy each other's company.

    1. That is so true. We feel so comfortable with them and many of our camping friends.
