Saturday, July 13, 2024

Laundry, Cleaning and Some Baking

The Ridge

It was warm already when we woke up on Saturday, July 13th but there was a nice breeze first thing. We did sleep in a bit, it was after 6:30 when Gibbs got Bill up and it was almost 8 when I left for the Mat with the sorted clothes.

Good morning!
Jumping ahead of my narrative (as usual)
as I hung clothes, Gibbs kept watch - in the shade.

Only one lady was in doing a load of laundry and complained from the get-go. She actually suggested I go to Hanover to do my laundry because it was much nicer there! Ha ha. She soon shut up when I told her that I cleaned and it was the patrons who made the mess. Funny though, as a few others have told me they come to Durham because Hanover is run down. (shoulder shrug) 😊

Here is a story.
Gibbs and I sat on the patio.
Top picture, you probably can't see what he's looking at.
Bottom picture 'might' make things clearer.
It is a true staring contest.

I finished my cleaning and laundry and before heading home stopped at Foodland with a handful of items on my list. My Scene points are adding up so one day, I’ll get a nice discount – free groceries! Back home, I put them away and Gibbs and I went out to hang clothes. It was a perfect day for it! He watched for ‘unwanteds’ while I did the work. He has a tough job but if he can do it in the shade, he’s happy.

I zoomed in for you. 
Gibbs was so patient and then charged him.
Of course, Chippy is faster.

I planned the ‘menu’ for tomorrow, we have a family reunion at my cousin’s home near Hanover. We haven’t had one for a few years, 5 at least, since most of our parents have passed and they are the ones who started it 60 ? years ago. My cousin thought he’d try it again, offering his home for us to gather. It is always potluck so I had to think what to take. Usually, a main dish and a dessert to share and your own drinks. I hope it works out for everyone. Only one uncle remains so he would be pleased.

Bill made a toasted bacon sandwich and
I had my onion rings. Yum!

Bill stopped in Durham to get his hair cut on the way home from the flying field at noon. They offer cuts one Saturday a month during the summer, at the church, and you pay what you want. It’s perfect. I’ll probably go in September or October before we head south. He looked pretty spiffy, neat and tidy when he got home. He said he felt a whole lot better too, it was getting shaggy. (no picture, sorry except what you see below.)😊

There was a car show in the area and when we were at the
sewing centre, we got a peek at a few passing through.
The Mustang is still my favourite. Not like my '81, much nicer.

After lunch, at which I ate my reheated (in the air fryer) onion rings, we drove to Cedarville to pick up my serviced sewing machine. It was under $80 so we were happy! We’d expected it to be over $100, at minimum. It will be just fine for another few years, it just needed oiling and adjusted in a few places.

An Olds and this Chrysler Prowler.
It's soooo low, can't imagine getting in and out of it
at our age! 

Back home, Bill took the chain saw down behind the Hangar and cut that broken branch that I posted yesterday, reporting that the tree itself seems to be dying. That explains the damaged branch. We have a few removals to take care of before the fall. I came inside and started making dinner rolls in the bread machine. Did I name my machine? Hmmm, maybe Betty will be fitting. 😊 I have a keto recipe for cupcakes I’ll make in the morning, if not tonight and mix up some coleslaw.

As I paid and checked out, the sales lady gave
me this flyer - with a impish smile.
I don't think so! 😁

For supper, Bill grilled burgers. They weren’t quite Super burgers but even without the added bacon, they were very good. I didn’t mind having a burger 2 nights in a row since this time it was on lettuce. Different, right? We cleaned up after we ate and Bill went to the Hangar with Gibbs on his heels. After hanging around down there for 5 or 10 minutes, Bill sends him up here ‘go find Mom’. He sits outside until he’s ready to come in. Always before I sit with tv or my book.

These 3 evergreens are at the top of our berm 
near the clothes line. I'd say one has a problem, no?
Look at their new growth at the top. 
It made us laugh.

And now that the doves have vacated,
this is her nest that fell through the branches.
She needs to read the instructions. 

Tonight, it is warm in the Suite because I’m baking my rolls so decided to take my book out with him for a while. Ooh, my rolls smell wonderful! This has been a good day. Slight breeze, clear sky and a lovely 29C/83F for a high temperature. There is rain/storm in the forecast for tomorrow at some point but fingers are crossed that it doesn’t interfere with any of our Sunday plans.

A yummy burger topped off
with an ice cream cone. 💗
Good night!

Thank you for popping in to see what we’re up to.


  1. It's nice of your cousin to offer to host a family reunion.l hope you take a camera and get lots of
    family pictures for memories .Have a nice evening, Mary

    1. Yes it is. Not a lot of pictures but the group photo for sure!

  2. Another nice warm day. Glad you can bear the heat without AC. With our humidity it would be difficult. Hope the reunion goes well.

  3. I save my Scene points until just prior to Christmas so it pays for those extras that are nice to have. Free groceries are terrific any time of the year.
    Enjoy your reunion! I'm sure there will be more food than would be needed...potluck meals tend to bring out the best.

    1. Good idea! I keep saying no when they ask if I want to cash some in. :)
      There was lots of food. Thank you, I had fun.

  4. We had to give up our BMW Z4 when it got too hard to get in and out of. Also, it had developed a lot of little niggling problems that were hard to diagnose and fix. BMW's are great mechanically, but anything electric, forget it. And now with computers, probably impossible to keep everything up to snuff.

    1. Such a cute little car though! We gave up our normal Corolla for the same reason - getting in and out of the SUV is much easier!
