Sunday, July 7, 2024

This is More Like It!

The Ridge

On Sunday, July 7th Bill and Gibbs slept in. It was 6:50 when Bill woke up and the little guy was still sleeping. By the time he came out of the bathroom, he was awake and with encouragement, dragged his weary body down to go outside. 😊 Both Gibbs and I were up later last night than usual, 11:30, but it’s pretty normal for Bill.

Good morning!
As Bill and I pulled out of our lane,
the 3 geese families were in our front field.
Can hardly tell the kids from the parents!
They'll be flying off soon.

Clouds had moved in but we were grateful
for them.

We woke to a clear blue sky and nary a breeze. Everything was so still and quiet. Bill was happy as it meant a good flying morning. With my tea made, I followed him as he pulled his cargo trailer down the lane and as far as Durham. I turn to the Mat and he goes straight through at the lights towards Hanover. When I arrived, one man was waiting for his laundry to dry. We’ve chatted before and today was no different.

They aren't moving at this point
but the heat will dry them. 

Dollar Store Dave and another lady I remember from previous weeks (most people are regular on their wash days) came in about half way through my cleaning. I did 3 loads today; one was the duvet cover and Nancy’s chair quilts. They were dried in the machine while I brought our 2 loads home. Only because I don’t have room on my umbrella clothes line for everything! 😊

I don't know if you recall the Mama Mourning Dove
in our small evergreen up on the berm?
Well, somehow, her nest has disappeared and
her babies were on the ground under it. 😕

Here she is in full protection mode
whenever I get too near. However, she will often fly
off leaving her babies exposed.

When she flew off, I ran up and grabbed my
camera to capture the little fluffballs.
They weren't moving except their little
♥'s were ruffling their feathers. 💗

It was plenty warm already, 18C/64F, so I knew they would dry quickly even without winds. When I left the Mat, I stopped at Foodland, picking up more sales items and a couple of lottery tickets. One can dream and we do. Back home at 10, Robin texted that the bnb guests left early so I could go anytime to clean. I hung the clothes and left the Ridge by 10:30 with a bagged ‘lunch’. I was done by 12:30 and on my way home.

I barely get the door open and he's out like a flash.
Then this performance.

If I giggle at him, his tail goes and he waits
for me to pet his belly. Little show off.

Gibbs and I just hung around outside, some sun, some shade, because of the heat. The sun felt hot but some clouds moved in and we were grateful for them! 

He had a hard time finding the coolest spot so
moved around a few times within 10 minutes.

I didn't get too hot as I was in some shade of
the tree and the clouds helped too.

Maybe it's cooler under here.

Daddy's home!
Waiting for him to join us outside.

Bill got home from flying, with some colour to his back (the boys fly without their shirts on these hot days), around 1:45, I think, and we all sat together under the shade tree. We reached a high of 26C/79F this afternoon, so quite lovely, and the winds picked up a bit too. We all dozed inside until 4:30 when Bill and I, with Gibbs supervising, went and brought the clothes in off the line. 

My Shasta daisies are starting to bloom.

For supper, we settled on grilled cheese sandwiches since he had a turkey club sandwich with the guys at the field. It was quite filling, he said! For dessert, we had an ice cream cone. Yes indeed, I cashed in on some Chapman’s Premium Butter Pecan for $3.99! Great price and with the cones, it is easier to ration ourselves from overdoing it. 😊 They were delicious!

My sandwich on sour dough bread - um, um, um, um, um. ♥

He went to the Hangar for the evening and I wrote my blog and will either read, the new book (J.P.’s Blow Back) is hard to get into, or watch a movie. What a great day and I earned myself an easy $60! This afternoon, I spent about an hour on re-vamping the lease for M's apartment. He (we) have a new tenant for August 1st and he seems really decent. I'm praying that this will be a good one for a change. I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend and had good weather too.

I'd forgotten how good their
ice cream was! We enjoyed our sweet treat.
Good night!

Thank you for the Sunday visit.


  1. Those mourning dove babies are so cute!Gibbs is lucky to be small enough to find shade under a chair . Nice for Bill to go out flying with his friends.$60, good for you!
    You're a good worker that deserves it, have a lovely evening,-Mary

    1. I hope the babies are okay, she wouldn't sit on them if they weren't alive, would she? Hmm. Seems they are slow in growing up.
      Thank you, Bill was happy to go flying on a calm morning. I don't know that I work hard but I do earn my cash. :)

  2. Cute little dove babies. Dove Mom's aren't always the best! LOL. Gibbs is such a happy camper, I love that little face. As for the ice cream ... well you KNOW how much I love THAT!!

    1. I know that Doves don't build great nests either so not surprised theirs is gone in the wind.
      Ice cream............yup, knew you'd love that picture!
      Gibbs is a happy little guy.

  3. I wonder if the nest blew down in the wind. It's amazing that they haven't been lost to predators, their momma is taking good care of them.
    That Gibbs, he's quite the little character. He knows what he wants and how to get it too. :)

    1. You don't even know Gibbs personally and you've got him pegged. :)

  4. I hope those little Dove chicks will survive on the ground. Now this weather surely calls for ice cream and your's looks pretty nice!

    1. I know, I worry every day and keep an eye from a distance.

  5. That Gibbs does like his shade. So cute!

  6. He's probably thinking 'silly Mom' out in the sunshine!
