Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Heat is Back On

The Ridge

On Wednesday, July 3rd Bill was up for his second day of work this week. He was getting ready when I came downstairs. I was up before 7 and got ready for my job in town as well. Gibbs was just watching; I’m sure knowing the outcome. 😊  I slept much better last night but I think I’ll be removing the duvet this week.

Following Bill into town

The temperature at 7:30 was already 18C/65F with a high today of 29C/85F. That’s hot for us, taking the humidity into account. I followed Bill as far as Durham, and we parted ways just before the main intersection. He doesn’t have far to travel for this job so he’s taking Black Beauty. He’s happy to give her a good run and I’m happy to have Ptooties to scoot around in.

I love this little dam and try to come a couple of times
while we're home.

On my way home from town, I got our water bottle filled and then stopped at McGowan's Dam for some pictures. Read my captions under the pictures and you'll see what I overcame. 

there is a walking bridge over the dam to
the beach area on the other side.
I've never been able to walk over those open
grates - ever - so today, I pushed myself.

This forest area was along the bank on the other side
and I stopped in the middle and took a picture of the
fisherman. I never let go of the railing.

I know it is silly but not being a great fan of water, let's just say it
was a big deal for me.
Here I am on the other side, facing the fact that I have to cross it
to get back to Ptooties. ai yi ai!

Then I popped in to Robin’s garage sale. First time this year for both things! 😊 She was inside washing windows of their home, garage, shop and office cabin. That girl is ambitious! We had a good old chat before she left me to peruse her wares – if she can’t trust me, she can’t trust anyone, with the liberty she gives me!

Meet Mildred. 💖 Robin's company when
Andrew is away.
She has her sale set up in and outside this shed.
She has tried a few locations and needs
somewhere easy to close up when she has to leave to clean
her bnb. It's perfect!

I found a few treasures, 4 puzzles (2 are 500 pc. and 2 are 1000 pc.) with bigger pieces. They are Springlok so fun pictures and ‘should’ be fairly easy. Famous last words. I also picked up some old style lacy ‘doilies’ to spruce up the Suite, a vase for actual flowers and curtain rods for the fridge when we travel.

Aside from the things I mentioned,
I found a small clock for the Bunky.
The other one died.
I guess I need to flip the page on my calendar.

We have a couple of things set up for me to help her out in the coming days so after booking those, I set off for home. We were unplugged from power today but I debated when I got home if it was a good idea. The rain forecast was upon us. (Yay!) I watered my plants when it didn’t seem like it would happen and then I worked on the puzzle in the Bunky.

Eggplant and fried radishes for lunch.
Yum! thanks Shirley for the latter idea. 😃

Lots of hub bub going on out there

Not the case inside.♥

When I saw Gibbs trying to find shade under Ptooties, I put him inside where it was definitely cooler, at least this morning. I came in for lunch and when it started raining, stayed indoors. It was a good time to go through my dresses to find something to wear for my daughter’s wedding in September. I have a few to choose from. 😊

We're getting used to everything getting wet.
At least things are green!

When Bill returned from work at 3:45, I had narrowed it down from 5 choices to 2 so that was a productive afternoon. Sitting here now, I think I’ve decided. The weather will be a factor, at that time of year anything is possible. I worked more on the puzzle while Bill and Gibbs dozed and at 5:30 prepared supper. It was one of those ‘found it in the cupboard’ kind of meals, tonight being Hamburger Helper.

Yay! One corner of the sky and trees complete!

We don’t do it often and we still enjoy it. With additional items, green onions and peppers, it was good. I made a garden salad to go with it and it was a complete meal. After dishes, Bill made his lunch for tomorrow and went to the Hangar. Gibbs is crashed on the cooler floor and I’m doing this. It’s a lovely night so I might take my book out with the little guy and sit for a bit.

It has been a great day. Sandy has paid me for the month of Mat cleaning so I’ll get it tomorrow from the office.

I had room for my salad on the plate but Bill didn't. 
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. It's good to know Bill's back at work, that must mean he's feeling better.
    I hope the heat and
    humidity don't make you three too uncomfortable.
    Have a nice evening, Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. We don't complain too much about the heat, we've waited for it and we also know it won't last. Temperatures up and down so much. :)

  2. Thank you for getting across the dam! The water looks so refreshing and then all the shade on the other side! Water and shade look like Heaven! :) I grew up living on lake shore so no fear of water at all for happy you made it over and back!! Great job on the puzzle! Wow!
    Your green yard looks wonderful !

    1. Silly, I know, but it took some nerve! :)
      Thank you, none of us in my immediate family are overly fond of water. Mom was frightened of it so I guess it was natural and Daddy was always in a boat fishing so had no fear. ♥

  3. Dealing with fears is a big issue, and having taken those first steps to conquer them, should make you feel proud.
    Weather seems to be out of the norm lately, but compared to other places, we're in the best part of the world.
    Puzzle is coming along.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. You're absolutely right Rick. I am proud, wish all fears were that easy to get over! Ha ha!
      Yes, it sounds like we are better off than so many.

  4. I'd be IN that river I think!! It looks so nice and cool. Good for you to have the courage to walk the plank!!! I know you'll find a fabulous dress ... you always do!!

    1. Thank you Nancy! I'm sure you'd be in the water with your temperatures.

  5. Don't think you're alone on walking across that bridge. My first fear is heights (I always say that is why I'm only 5'2"), and my second fear is open grating. On sidewalks, I can usually avoid them and have been known to walk on the street when I couldn't, but crossing that bridge would have been terrifying to me. Good job conquering your fears!
    There were storms all around us yesterday, but we were missed entirely. No thunder and lightning, nor rain either, though it appears we may have gotten some overnight.

    1. You've made me feel better, that open grating is freaky to me! Thank you for your comment, I'm not alone.
      The storms missed us too although we did have a bit of rain.

  6. That bridge was a long one. Good for you.
