Friday, August 13, 2021

Once Upon a Thursday, The Paisley Common, 5 Months!

The Ridge

Thursday, Aug. 12th began as a busy day but it soon petered out to slow moving, the perfect pace for us retirees. All of us. We had an appointment for Black Beauty to get new tires and her annual safety inspection so Bill and I were on our way to Walkerton’s Hometown Tire just after 7. Joe, the mechanic, was late arriving but that was no problem.

Good morning Thursday

While we waited, I noticed a park trail beyond the shop so wandered that way to put in time. By 8:30 he’d arrived and we were on our way back home. There were a couple of construction delays on the way so Bill took some alternate roads around the towns back to Durham.

The drive to Walkerton and waiting at Hometown Tire

It was a cleaning day for me so we stopped at the Mat and Bill helped get it taken care of quickly. I think I understand now how to open those big dryers with the socket wrench so will be able to look after them on my own. He did find $2.70 so got tipped for his efforts! 😊 Back home, Gibbs was happy for our return and we went about the rest of our day.

I was interested to find this small park and
trail down from the shop

Trust me, with the humidity and heavy clouds overhead, we didn’t do much for the remainder of the morning and early afternoon. We had some lunch around noon but nothing too heavy as we had plans to go to The Paisley Common for supper. Bill and I were pleased to be able to take some friends to the small town where we spent the winter.

I'll remember this for the next time I need to bring
Ptooties over for an hour or two hour job

We did our own thing for most of the day, in our respective ‘homes’, and at one point we watched the farmer in the field behind us picking up the bales of wheat. What a fancy fandangled machine that is!! Times have sure changed the way farmers look after their crops. 😊 Around 3, we met outside in the shade for a short Happy Hour and at 4:30 we were getting spruced up a bit for an evening out.

Happy Hour in the shade
The Wilsons relaxing 😀

Kim and I were thrilled not to have to plan supper! We drove to Rob and Pat’s in Durham and they followed us in their vehicle to Paisley. Well, that turned into a complete mess of a drive, finding us on gravel roads and unexpected road closures. That was crazy since Bill and I have found many routes between the two towns. There is a private joke between Bill and Rob from our s/w travels of 2018/19 that made it quite humorous.

My beautiful 'shovel' dahlias

James, the proprietor of T.P.C., met us (by fluke) at the entrance to the restaurant and darned if he didn’t recognize us right off the bat. “Well, hi! Pat and Bill Richards, right?” That blew us away and made us feel quite welcome. 😊 We had reservations and the only table for 6 was the centre one called The Common Table. It brought quite a conversation among the wood enthusiasts in our group. Rob, Pat, Kim and Ken discussed the unique carvings of the walnut table and bench we were seated at.

It was interesting to watch the baling process behind us

One tractor, one farmer
The turbine looked funny with just 2 blades
The 3rd one is in perfect line with the base column
The video below shows action if you're interested

I was undecided what to have, the menu has changed a bit but we were all able to find something from the multiple choices. Bill and I had the 1 pc. fish and chips dinner and don’t even ask what kind of fish it was because it never matters to me. It was delicious and plentiful. I have brought home 75% of the fries to reheat in Rosy. That concept of reheating fries at home was something I learned from George Yates first and then Kim second. Don’t like to waste good fries and theirs are good.

Entering Paisley after 5 mths
Entrance to The Paisley Common
with a new outdoor patio

When we went out, Bill chatted a bit with James about the renos for upstairs and their living quarters and when we saw Wes and Susan out, across the street, we went over for a 30-minute visit on their veranda. 

Some things never change and their portions are
in that category. You get what you pay for!

The boys, Rob and Ken, got to see the cars in the garage and we headed home with full tummies. A brief driveby in Hanover to say hello to Gerry, who was on their porch, and we returned home to Gibbs. He was happy to see us after a 4-hour stint in his crate. 😉 (none the worse for wear either).

A happy group for dinner

We sat on the Leybourne's porch for a short visit
and caught part of the sunset on the drive home

Bedtime wasn’t delayed by much, I was so tired for some reason. We watched Swamp People until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer and we were all in bed before 10:30. What a wonderful day! Before signing off this post, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that our little Leroy Jethro Gibbs turns 5 months old today. It doesn't seem possible that we've had him already for 3 months. 🐾🐶

3 mths ago when his harness was wayyyy too big

The day we chose and brought him home

Life is grand!!
Good night!

Thank you for your visit! Comments are always appreciated.


  1. Good to see the farming. Sounds like your weather is close to ours. Hot and humid. Makes going for a drive, even if you get waylaid, nice due to the AC!!! Happy 5 months Gibbs!!

    1. The farming is always interesting, mostly because we just get to watch! :)

  2. What a nice day, visiting with good friends, good food, and good weather. That Gibbs is so adorable!

  3. Yep, farming has sure changed over the years. It has been awhile since I have seen those great big square hay bales though. Here they are mostly huge cylinder shaped ones. When Harvey's brothers harvest their grain crop the combines are run by computer!!!

    Happy 5th month birthday Gibbs.

    God bless.

    1. In my childhood days, the bales were rectangular but smaller. Lifted and stacked by hand.
      By computer? Wow, times are sure different. :)

  4. That was a different view of the house you stayed in over the winter in Paisley. I've only remembered it covered in snow :-) Nice outing and dinner too. I bet they missed you guys and you them!

    1. Yes, I guess the house would look much different and to be able to sit on the porch. :)
      It was nice seeing them. I laughed when Susan said "Where's Gibbs!!??"
