Friday, November 25, 2022

A Beauty of a Day, Company and Dinner Out

La Posa South LTVA

On Black Friday, Nov. 25th Bill and I weren’t interested in any shopping deals. Our travel month is usually the hardest month for us as far as having cash flow. So, we tend to limit our spending after paying for the fuel to get down here. It was a chilly 42F/6C this morning when I took Gibbs out for our walk at 7:45. Yet, at that temperature with no breeze, it felt warmer than yesterday’s 50F/10C in those strong winds. 😉

What a beautiful morning!

We walked down the road to the south and then he stopped. I told Bill that he didn’t just put his brakes on, he put his emergency brakes on. “What?”, I asked. He turned on his heel and headed for home. I dropped him off with Bill and I headed back out again for a longer walk. The sun felt wonderful and I was toasty warm in my new jacket. I walked down to where we parked last January and then east to the main road in before heading north up towards the water and dump station.

A couple more examples of how people spend their
winter out here
Oh, that bottom one is us! ♥

I saw that the water had been turned on so cut through there and headed back home from the opposite direction. I told Bill about the water and soon he went up to get another bladder full. Now, there will be NO skimping while we’re here. 😊 We had our tea and debated going into town for propane for the Weber and gas for the genny but decided to wait until after we ate.

As you can see, Gibbs made the rounds
to greet everyone

But he kept coming back to Riley
He found his favourite

We had made plans to join Deb, Riley and Doug for mid afternoon pizza at Silly Al’s. Yay! First, they came here at 1 for a visit. It is always so nice to re-connect with our friends down here, whether we’ve met with them each year or not. In the case of Deb and Riley, it has been 4 years since we’ve seen them! We did see Doug on our last trip down here but that doesn’t lessen the importance of seeing him again. 😊

My small meatlover's pizza
Half of it came home with me

My name is on the bottom of this but
I can't take credit for it
Thank you Deb for thinking quick enough to catch
our server for a group photo ♥

It was a great catchup here in the heat of the afternoon sun and the chat continued over great pizza. Deb and Riley had never been there before. I do believe they loved it too. Doug, thank you again for the pizza and to Deb for suggesting the outing! After going our separate ways, we got our propane at the Pit Stop and fuel at the Arco out on N. Riggles Ave. The price was good for gas but really good to see for diesel.

Check out this diesel price
That's if paying cash OR credit 

Back home, we sat outside with Gibbs for a bit but the air sure cooled down when the sun dipped behind the wispy clouds. I knew it would be a good sunset tonight because of those clouds and was not disappointed. I made a tea inside and Bill and Gibbs had a nap. No cooking tonight but we plan on a snack around 7 if we need something light. This has been an awesome day. The winds were almost non-existent and seeing our friends was the highlight.

The sun dropped in shades of yellow

And then burst with pinks once out of sight
There was also a waxing crescent moon tonight
only 3% and it was pretty in the black Quartzsite sky

Credit to Doug for this one
Awesome picture of all of us
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in. We had a quiet evening with our books.


  1. It was a great day with great friends. Enjoyed the discussions and the pizza.

    1. We did too! So glad you guys suggested it! Like Deb said 'we need to do this more often'.

  2. What great day! Thanks for having us over for a visit, Riley and I had a great time. Pizza was good but the company was excellent. Gibbs is a sweetheart!


    1. Ditto. We truly enjoyed the catchup visit. Good pizza too with leftovers!

  3. Interesting that diesel in California is $5.42 ... not that much cheaper in Arizona. I guess it's the "traveling" season. Gas here is $4.52, $2-something in Florida! Glad you all got to go to Silly Als. Best pizza in town!!

    1. Yes that is funny. At Winterhaven the diesel was 6.99$, crazy!

  4. Nice to have a get together with friends. You all look so tanned and warm. :p

  5. Wow....4 years. Glad you were able to reconnect. Deb is great with pictures. When we visited out at Ogilby Deb stopped someone that was walking by to take a group picture. Pizza looked really good.

  6. What a lovely day you all had.

    God bless.
