Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Oatman, Hot, Windy and Some Clouds

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Nov. 1st we moved into a new month. Or perhaps I should say we were blown into a new month. Ha ha! Yesterday was windy until about 5 when the winds died right off, making for a beautiful, calm evening. This morning we didn’t get up until around 8, no early time commitment today. However, I experienced a bit of nausea and light-headedness immediately.

Our drive into Bullhead City

and eventually Oatman

Bill hopped in the shower and I decided to forgo mine given the way I was feeling. Bill made me a cup of tea and I sat in my recliner instead of going back to bed. I wanted to try and ignore the feeling, hoping it would dissipate. It hadn’t by 9:30 so I made a piece of toast with butter and it was within 10 minutes, that I was up and getting dressed. Yay! I had drunk enough water yesterday so it wasn’t that but no matter, it’s gone. 😉

It was a beautiful view

We got cleaned up and drove up to Oatman. It has been 3 years since our last visit and at that time, the desert was lush enough that we didn’t see any burros. It was sad because we’d taken Keith up who had never been there. Today, there weren’t a lot but we saw and fed at least 8. They’re so gentle, pretty and hungry! Bill and I overdressed today as we know it is always about 8 – 10 degrees cooler up there but this morning was an exception. 😊

A hillside of Teddy Bear Cholla

The sign says it all
It's definitely historic

The scenery from up here was gorgeous
I can't help but wonder what this home was like in the
earliest decade of the 1900's
It looks quite large!

On the way back home, we made a stop at Walmart so I could pick up some junk food for us and Gibbs, namely chips and ice cream for us and puppy cookies for him. One last stop at the post office for stamps and then homeward bound. It was just after 1 and we were hungry by the time we arrived home. We had some lunch and by then it had clouded over.

A little bit of carnival type play
at the Shooting gallery

We both hit what we aimed at so
that indicates how easy it was

For our friend, Judy O
who reads but couldn't be here 💖
Your place is still thriving!

I like the pool when it is hot and sunny out not just hot so I decided to leave the boys around 2:30 and go work on the puzzle instead. An hour later, after making strides on this challenging puzzle, I returned home to Happy Hour at our place. We are in the shade but it was very comfortable. We had another fun visit with L and R and of course, Schatzi. 😊 We discussed past times, future plans and it was just regular good friendship chatter.

One of the reasons we come to Oatman
is these beauties

These burros come and go in and out of town of their own accord
They are treated well, only fed desert plant life cubes under strict control
of the townspeople

They are very gentle
but no babies this fall for us to see

When they walked back around to their home around 5:15, Bill lit the Weber and grilled our sausages for supper. Inside, I fried up potatoes and nuked some pepper squash for me and corn for him. We decided when we got home from Oatman to take advantage of the free 50-amp power we have here and turned on both a/c units. If you remember, we don’t need it to be cold, just comfortable so a setting of 75F/23C is perfect.

Downtown Oatman

This was a great little visit

Improvements on the puzzle but a long way
to go

Lori's delicious little pastry bites

Supper was awesome and Lori had made some mini pastries this afternoon and sent a few inside with us for our dessert tonight. They were so tasty with some Tillamook Butter Pecan ice cream!  

Oh yeah!!

The quail ran through twice, a few at 4:45 and a few later at 5:45. Some must have had appointments that delayed them. 😊 This was another great day here in the heat of the desert we love. I hope you had a great one too, wherever you landed today.

Decided to take a look back
at Nov. 1st, 2018
We were on Beale St. in Memphis!!
good night!
Thank you for the visit!


  1. Beautiful little historic town. I've never been there. Maybe this year. The burros are so cute and friendly I see. You still have your fingers. Enjoy.

    1. Oh, you have to go sometime! It is a sweet little town and the burros are adorable.

  2. Thanks for the visit back to Oatman, it's been about five years since we have been there.

    1. You're welcome! It has been 3 years for us so time for a return visit. ;)

  3. We've never made it to Oatman. I believe we would enjoy it. The puzzle sure looks inviting. A great pastime and it's good for us too.

    1. Yes, you would enjoy it. I agree about puzzles, good for the mind!

  4. Never been but it looks fun. Glad you had a good day. The unwell feeling could be a blood sugar thing since you felt better after eating. A light snack before bed might help until your body adjusts to the time zone changes. It’s a big adjustment so quickly for our bodies.


    1. Oatman is a fun place, we enjoy it. Who knows what the light head feeling was but you may be right about the time zones. There were a lot in a short period of time.

  5. When my brother bought his acreage it came with a donkey named Abraham. He's a sweet boy too and very gentle. The burro in the first photo looks a lot like Abe. Sounds like a fun day!

  6. One of the babies was actually stolen a couple years ago. The entire town was up in arms (literally) and they chased down the culprit, bringing the baby back home. Needless to say, the Momma donkey was pretty happy, as were the townspeople.

    1. Oh my goodness! How does someone steal a baby burro? That's terrible! They are sure sweet.

  7. Looks like a great time in Oatman! I love that little town :) Deb could be right about the blood sugar thing. Glad you're enjoying your time there and with R and L!

    1. Always a fun time up in Oatman, you know it! :) Thank you Shirley!

  8. The weather yesterday was a little crazy. Parker was sunny and no wind....Quartzsite was cloudy and windy....Wellon was sunny and no wind.

    1. It was very unpredictable, the weather. Turned hot and stayed that way all day. :)

  9. What an interesting place to visit. Love the burros.

    God bless.
