Friday, June 23, 2023

A Short Term Job, Back at the Shop, Auction Hunt

The Ridge

On Friday, June 23rd, I believe we all got up together, around 6:45 after Bill took Gibbs out. I received a call yesterday from Robin, at the old schoolhouse, asking if I could water her outside plants for her over the coming week. Robin is the gal who always has a large garage sale at her place on the highway, many times through the summer. Now, she has a huge double partitioned garage and can leave the items in there for whenever she chooses to open the door to sell. 😊 She’s a really nice lady.

Last night after I posted,
the sun was disappearing behind the clouds
with style

They own a few Airbnb’s in Canada and they were flying to the one in Saskatchewan this afternoon. Of course! I said, and will stop in every other day to make sure they survive her absence. I dropped in around 8 this morning for her to show me where the hose was and which plants I would need to water. There are really only a handful but they are important and would/may not survive if we don’t get the rain that is forecasted. Money in my pocket, although the amount is to be determined upon her return!

Bill and I drove to Rockford to view
the auction items.
It is always a nice country drive.

I sat with Bill and Gibbs back home until almost 9:30 when I went over to M’s shop for some work on a van. He has any necessary welding and body filling done so the lower 12” of the van on both sides needed to be grinded and sanded to get ready for paint. It has been waiting for my attention so I used both the air grinder and sander to clean it up as best I could. I’m obviously out of practice because the motions I was using soon had me feeling worn out. LOL 

Back home, I noticed that
he got his flag hanging today!
It's lovely but the apple tree does
need more trimming.

At a few minutes after 12, I had to stop. I’d done what he needed me to do and my back and arms were ready for a break. Three hours of work were noted on his calendar and I drove home to my sweeties. I noticed right away that Black Beauty had a nice bath, she put Ptooties to shame this day! 😊 Regardless of the rain, which was light and sporadic from our rising, Bill wanted to get the main dirt/dust/grime off her before it got any worse. She looks great! I should have taken her picture.

the puzzle is coming along nicely

We had some cream cheese banana bread to finish it off and Bill made himself a sandwich. I’m glad I’m done work for the day and weekend although I might need to take M into town one day. I did tell y’all that he lost his license, didn’t I? He didn’t get it renewed, after the Covid fiasco, to which there is no excuse. I had a reader ask what happened so wanted to clarify why I was driving him all over the place. For a price, of course! 

Our rose bush from our London home
This is the best it has ever done
and I didn't trim it back this spring.

Another question I had was about the Mat. When Kaitlin and Sandy bought the business from Jamie in August/22, K seemed to be running the show. We got along great and I looked forward to seeing her again this spring. I haven’t seen her yet. 😌 She was feeling overwhelmed with the whole thing over the winter, and has backed away from it. I’m sad to hear that but Sandy, her husband, is very attentive to my needs and to the laundromats needs as well. It still would be nice to see her again. 

This is why we dug it up and brought it.
it's beautiful!

Bill and I took a drive to the 6and6 Auction site and viewed the items on sale. We’ve been watching a few things and wanted to see them in person before we made bids. I’m hoping for a,..... wait for it, bird feeder shepherd's crook but we’ll see how the price goes as it is ending this evening. Fingers crossed, I’m so fed up with the critters stealing the seed! I’m sorry, Chippy, but it’s not for you! I suppose I should buy peanuts for him. That would fill his tummy too. 

While I prepared supper,
someone slept in my chair 💓
Be still my heart!

I made a cup of tea around 4 and took it out to the Bunky to work on the puzzle. Bill and Gibbs had dozed and then Bill went to the Hangar while Gibbs ran around outside. I looked out to check on him and he was up on the front step. I asked him if he wanted to go ‘in the house’ and I got a positive response. He went in without batting an eye. He may have thought I was going to follow but seemed fine as I walked away. 😊 The puzzle pieces were falling into place quickly and before I knew it, it was 5:25!

The pork was delicious!

I prepared and baked the pork loin in the convection oven, peeled and boiled potatoes, boiled Brussel sprouts (might be my very favourite!) and cooked some mixed vegetables for Bill. When things were ready, I carved the pork and Bill mashed the potatoes. It was a wonderful meal! Reminding me of a Sunday meal again. After cleanup, I worked on my blog and we both kept an eye on the countdown of the auction, me in the Suite and he in the Hangar.

we might have to have a Friday meal on Sunday!

This has been a nice day. It feels good to get back to work although at the same time, I came home feeling like I’d been dragged through a parade! Ha ha, muscles I haven’t used in a while. Our day was filled with light rain showers but not steady by any means. It also reached a humid high of 19C/67F with the humidity at 85%. Lots of rain coming our way and warm nights for sleeping. Both are okay by me.

Here is our little fluff ball, 
in 2021 at 3 months old. 
Hey! I just noticed how much better our grass looks now!
Good night y'all!

Thank you for coming by for a visit today. I hope your Friday has been a good one.


  1. Mike put a plate barrier on my shepherds crook. Chippy can't get up there now! I'll try to remember to put a photo on my page. My local naturalist group advised against feeding the birds these days so it's quiet back there. The @#$%& chipmunk is eating the peony buds instead!

  2. It’s nice your getting some extra work with Bill unable to work.
    Is he able to draw some disability income? Winter will be here
    before we know it. Can hardly believe 4th of July is almost here
    for us in the states. Seems like summer rushes by after that holiday.
    Happy your getting some rain....of course we are not in central Calif.
    Linda a.

  3. Love the flag pole!!! How nice of you to mind the plants. It helps when a few dollars get in your pocket. Be careful ... Chippy just might take to munching on your beautiful roses!!

    Wow .. your dinner looks fabulous!!!

  4. It can be a very expensive proposition when one loses their license. After a first-time DUI here in Saskatchewan, it will cost the driver between ten and twelve thousand dollars in fines and associated costs. An at fault accident can also result in the loss of a license for a period of time, and have other costs as well. Based on your descriptions of M's work, he likely hasn't the wherewithal to regain his license. He's lucky to have you to taxi him about.
    That Gibbs, gosh he was just a little fluff ball. He's definitely grown into a lovely dog.
