Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Finishing Up for Santa, Rock Painting, One Last Visit

Park Place RV Park

On Tuesday, Dec. 12th, Gibbs slept in until 6:30 and I followed suit by sleeping in until 7:30. Wow! Last night wasn’t that late for me. I enjoyed 3 more episodes of Justified but with only 3 left, I shut it off. Bill came down to watch a movie as he wasn’t ready for bed yet. It was to be another cool night so I think Bill had the Blue Flame on for the evening at least. Maybe on low through the night, I don’t know. I was warm, snuggled up in bed with sugar plums…..you know. 😊

What clouds!
No matter what the cause, they are beautiful.

They lasted throughout the day in 
different forms.

This morning, I made my tea, with no mind-blowing sunrise I settled in my chair instead of rushing out to capture it. It was a chilly 39F/3.5C again so Bill bundled up with his heavier jacket before he left for the field. The sky was a mixture of sun and clouds early on and remained that way all day. We reached a high of 67F/17C by mid afternoon but I’m getting ahead of myself. Woops!

On my walk, I captured this vision.
The Saguaro is hiding but there are those clouds again.
Wouldn't this be a great framed picture?

I bundled up myself and took Gibbs for our normal walk. I should have been smart enough to know what that sun would do if I left my down jacket on but………I wasn’t. When I dropped him off, I slipped on my fanny pack with wallet and id and headed out. Dressed the same. I took the long way up to Family Dollar, past the library and down Plymouth Rd. to Main Street. It was time to help Santa finish his shopping for stockings. 😊

A little tree, surviving on my walk
to the Family Dollar

By the time I’d turned onto Sunset St. my jacket was off. I warmed up in a hurry. When home, Gibbs and I waited until Bill returned around 11. I wanted to update my Christmas card list, the one I’ve been using is quite convoluted and space was running out. Seems each year someone else gets added. 😊  Rather than make one up on my laptop that I would want printed off, I rewrote a new one with extra space.

From puttering, sleeping and dozing
we spent the afternoon together.

This is my puttering

After lunch of ham & relish sandwiches, I went to the gazebo to paint. Bill, well what Bill does with his planes is mostly beyond me but one fellow camper here in the park tagged it perfectly. “You are always puttering”, is what he said and it couldn’t be truer. Bill likes to keep busy. I managed to finish more ladybugs while painting a couple of new rocks for Christmas. I need to remember (hahaha) to carry some of my older ones on my walks. Maybe, I’ll take them to Celia’s Garden.

This is the space where the
bread maker HAD to fit.
The stove cover needed to be freed up
for lifting. It works when we're stationary!

A text from Judy told me they were heading to Yuma today and then Gayle and John informed us that they are leaving the area tomorrow. She wanted one more get together since they will be in Mexico for the remainder of the winter. They popped in after we’d finished outside and we had a nice ‘last’ visit. I did remember to ask Bill to get a picture of my sister and I before they left. After hugs, at 5, they were on their way.

One more visit before they leave the country.
Mexico, here they come....soon.

For supper, Bill grilled cheeseburgers and we will relax for the evening. Tonight is a new episode of The Voice so we will catch that before choosing something we each liked. Our tastes do vary but that works for us in our household. We are waiting for new season’s to start on our favourites from back home. 😊 

No sunset, but instead the results
to the east. 💓

We skipped the bacon tonight
and it was just as tasty.

This has been a warmer day and although I missed the sunset (again) the sky has cleared and the mountains to the east made up for it.

One final note: Today is our 3rd oldest grandson's 22nd birthday. Happy Birthday, Braeden!

For those who were missing
Easton, here he is with his little sister, Hadley.
Thanks Matt (their Daddy) for sharing.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit. Your comments are always welcome.


  1. That would be a pretty picture framed it took me a minute to find the Saguaro. Your Christmas rocks and Lady Bugs are some nicely painted rocks. Cute picture of your cute grandbabies.

  2. Love the new Christmas rocks and of course the ladybugs are just adorable. (As are the grandchildren). Happy Birthday to your Braeden.
    The photo would make a great jigsaw puzzle. :)

  3. Look there ... you did GREAT on those rocks!!! Very cute!!! And I can't believe how big Easton and Hadley are! Also VERY cute!!

    1. Thank you Nancy for your encouragement. And the idea in the first place.

  4. Cute Christmas rocks. Well done. My goodness that burger looks yummy.

    God bless.

  5. Bill and Gibbs look so comfy. The rocks look great. I really like the Christmas rocks. Sweet picture of the kids.I used to call those hugs "tight hug squeezes".
