Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Warmest Day in a While, Music Jam

Park Place RV Park

On Saturday, Dec.30th we slept in until 6:30 and then I forced myself up close to 7 when I heard Bill was getting into the shower. There was no time commitments today for anything but I had a blog to finish. I wanted to make collages of all my pictures from yesterday but Picasa wasn’t co-operating. I should have just done it anyway, as this morning was no different.

Good morning!

My walk around the block

I had to zoom in to get the Q mountain in clear enough.
It always brings me fond memories of our first year here. 

Last night, I watched three good movies until about 10:45. One was called The Gift and it was 12 minutes long 😊. Another was called Being Rose with an older Cybil Shepherd. Cute movie, although slow there were some good views of the desert and even a mention of Truth and Consequences, a town in NM we have spent time around. I can’t recall the name of the first one – duh.

Walking north behind the Arizona Sun RV Park & Resorts

now, walking east 

Gibbs and I went for our walk, it was 47F/8C, me in my down jacket again. I changed into a lighter jacket when we got back home and I struck out again. I didn’t get as many steps, only about 4000, but at least I’m getting out there. Again, there was nothing going on at the clubhouse for me, but I took some ink tanks and a long sleeve top over to the FREE table. The tanks didn’t fit our printer.

Bill took a picture of us to send back home to
my sister. Gerry, my bil, said some not nice words!!
Ha ha, their weather is not short-sitting weather. ♥

I was crocheting worms in the top picture but
did you notice Gibbs? He LOVES his new reindeer Stuffy.
He has only chewed one foot and his hat but mostly just
carries it around from one spot to another. ♥

Then, back home, Gibbs and I sat outside. I changed from long pants and a t-shirt to shorts and a sleeveless top. That sun was gorgeous! I took my Yarn Drum out and made 3 more worms for Sheila. I, mistakenly, used a 2 (or 3) ply yarn because of the multi-colours but they aren’t as nice. Bill and I had lunch and I tested the ‘new’ keto bread It isn’t as nice as what I get at Fry’s but it is guilt-free and not bad at all.

I thought I'd check out the Music Jam.
I'll just say that although the instruments were mostly good,
some people shouldn't sing. Sorry! Others were pretty good.

I think I'll get her name wrong but I'm
going to say 'Joanne' (?) is quite good on her flute.

When the boys went in for their snooze, walked over to get a listen in on the Music Jam at 2. Hmmm, well, I don’t want to be too critical but there is only so much that my ears can take. I’m not sure if this was just a ‘not-so-good’ day so I’ll visit again another time to see for myself. 😊 They are amateur musicians and are having fun – I hope. I walked back around 3, when they took a break, and was glad I went.

The southwest sky was cloud filled by late afternoon

The winds had picked up. I know it is hard to see
the ribbon at the top of the pole.
Gibbs and I walked around the park.

The sky has been clear blue all day and the 69F/21C was a real treat! It will be cooling off (again) for the next week or more. Too bad but as long as we get sunshine, we’ll take it! Back home, Donna checked on the Ridge and Bill’s cargo trailer for us. Things are fine and it sure doesn’t look like winter back there! Thanks, sis! I had my cup of tea and around 4:30, Gibbs and I went for a walk.

I thought this meant a great sunset tonight

But regardless, it created a lovely pink hue over the flat land
and mountains.

The clouds have moved in to the west so I’ll have to remember to watch for another nice sunset. We’re having grilled sausages, on a bun for supper. We had the last of the apple crisp for dessert. Today,  I cleaned up the table in the gazebo, making use of the K-cup holder we’ve been using. We need the counter space inside so went back to the old way of storing the cups. I'll take a picture tomorrow, forgot to do that earlier.

The clouds were just hanging when the sun dropped
below the mountains.

And this pink one over our neighbour's home

Supper doesn't get much simpler than this!

This has been a good day and I caught a few of those lovely suntanning rays! 

Like a puffy blanket over the Suite
Good night.

Thank you for popping in.


  1. Thanks for your company & support at the jam . I have to believe the musicians are having fun…. 🤩 Patti

    1. I know it is important to support park events, i also believe they are having a good time. 😊

  2. I really like the picture of the cloud over your neighbors, almost looks like it is sitting on top of them. What a pretty cloud. Sounds like a good day in your neighborhood.
