Tuesday, December 5, 2023

What a Busy Day! For All of Us!

Park Place RV Park

On Tuesday, Dec. 5th Bill and Gibbs went out at 6:20 for their first walk. I slipped out of bed and hopped into the shower. We had a full day planned. That was the only walk Gibbs got with me before Bill and I left him in charge at 8 o’clock. I left a note (from Gibbs to his sitters) on the island with treats, his leash, spot cleaner and doggie bags and gave him his ‘look after the house’ treat. 😉 

The drive to Yuma was uneventful.
Most of the traffic was heading north on I95.

The Yuma Proving Grounds
and Imperial Dam Rec Area

We drove to Yuma for some shopping, Christmas, grocery and otherwise. It was a beautiful day. I’m not sure what time Carol-Ann and Kobus collected him but I received this picture at 10:30 with the message ‘Gibbs all settled in’. We can’t say how much of a relief it is to know he is back home and in great hands. We were able to go about our day without a worry. He’s our child though so his name came up a couple of times in conversation because we missed him.

This is the picture I was sent at 10:30
He looks pretty happy and content!
They both do!
I wonder what Gibbs is thinking.

entering the agricultural capital
We could smell the vegetables in the air

We stopped at Target, Ross, Hobby Lobby, Harbor Freight and the .99¢ Store before going to Black Bear Diner for lunch. It was 12 noon and they were very slow bringing us our meal. We did have milkshakes to tide us over and kind of fill us while we waited. 😊 The waiter was good and apologetic so he received a nice tip all the same. When we left there, we went back to Fry’s for our groceries.

Familiar sights in Yuma
Lin's, the Chinese Buffet we frequented in our first
few years down here. George introduced us to this restaurant.
Bottom right is the entrance to the
Yuma Palms Mall.

Black Beauty's happy face bobble held on tight
and didn't lost his hat.

There were a few good bargains and being there on Tuesday, Seniors’ Day, was an unexpected bonus as it got us 10% everything as well. We left Yuma around 2:30 and drove into our site at 3:40. Good timing! We unloaded bags and then went to gather our little boy. Needless to say, he was quite excited to see us and it was reported that they all had a great day together. We can’t thank them enough.

The menu comes in newspaper format

A little story about Gibbs' day. Carol-Ann took him for 3 walks. The first one, she wasn't thinking and came up towards the front of the park. When Gibbs got close to our site, he stopped and wouldn't move. She brought him to the door and inside so he could see that we weren't here. He walked a bit more and then laid down, not budging. Carol-Ann is a small lady and Gibbs is 25 pounds. You can guess what happened next. She carried him all the way back to their site. The next walks were in the opposite direction! 

My lunch was huge, filling and delicious!
I brought half of the milkshake home, what you
see is not what you get. They bring the metal cup
that it was blended in and it is 3/4 full still. ♥

I have packaged meat to separate into meal sizes but everything else found a home in the cupboards or fridge. We agreed that we won’t be needing supper tonight, my Bear Benedict with hash browns and fruit was filling! Bill had a large burger with fries. We may be snacking later, we’ll see.

On our drive home, we saw this familiar 'blimp' on the east side
and then the irregular blimp on the west side. It didn't show up
in my picture though. We've seen it once before.

It has been a good day and we’re quite tuckered. For those who don’t know the area, Yuma is 90 minutes from where we are but well worth the trip to and fro. We are ready for Christmas. 😊

This is one of Gibbs' favourite treats.

I'd say he had a busy day and he'll sleep well
Good night y'all!

Thank you for stopping by!



  1. I'm sure Carol-Ann and Klobus enjoyed the day with Gibbs; like having grandchildren, it's fun to spend the day with them and then hand them back at the end of the day. :) Gibbs certainly makes his desires known.
    It's been my experience that serving sizes in the States are much larger than here in Canada. Your lunch looks delicious!

  2. It's neat you have people to visit with Gibbs and keep him amused. That lunch looks so amazing, it's got me drooling. Glad you had a great day and are all shopped-up.

  3. Your first picture really confused me. I use my phone so the pictures are small...."there's no lake on the way to Yuma"...lol. Lunch looked delicious.
