Saturday, December 30, 2023

Hanging Around, Quick Trip to Blythe, Friday Night Supper

Park Place RV Park

On Friday, Dec. 29th it seems we are moving quickly to the end of the month and year. I was awake at 6:30 when the boys got up but dropped off again and fell into a silly dream. Why we dream what we dream is certainly a mystery. Anyway, it was 7:20 when next I opened my eyes!

Our 'wind detector' pole doesn't hide
the sun and made for a nice picture of
our morning sun.

I got washed and dressed before coming downstairs to have my tea. Daddy got ready for the morning while Gibbs and I sat together in my chair. After he left, Gibbs and I slipped out for our walk. I was in short sleeves so wore my down feathered jacket, it was warm against the cool morning. I think it was 45F/7C with some light cloud cover hovering around the area. I missed the sunrise, it was already 8:30. 😊

The morning doves rent the same
overnight accomodations.

After bringing Gibbs back, I went back out for a longer walk. I’ve noticed that I have something akin to Achilles heel/tendon in my right foot. It has been coming on since late summer and maybe even last winter, so I’ve paid attention to what shoes I wear and for how long. I’ve also Googled some exercises but it is confusing. Some sites say ‘do them’, others say ‘don’t or you’ll stretch it too much’. I am careful how much I do and haven’t been walking as much.

There are some nice
sidewalk paths to walk close to us

It's funny, the longer walks don’t seem to have me aching the next day. So, I got my 6,000 steps in before returning home. Hopefully, it won't be painful in the morning. There was nothing to do at the clubhouse, I didn’t want to start a new puzzle until after the Saturday Music Jam so just stayed at home and crocheted more worms. My friend, Sheila, liked hers so much that she asked if I would make more for her. Of course! I have lots of wool to use up. 😊

Without a puppy dog on a leash, 
I took time to take a selfie.

People don't have grass but some are very creative
with their front yards.This is on Emerald St. where I 
followed signs to a Yard sale but it didn't appeal to me.

This tree still thinks it is Fall
but isn't it pretty? Colour in the desert.

Prickly Pear cactus.
Don't touch!!

From a distance, these Saguaros are
using sign language. Interesting!

The USAF relics at the Quartzsite Town Park

Looking through one of my favourite trees
on this walk. 

More colour, not just red, brilliant red.

Bill was home by noon and we had bacon and eggs for a change. He’s already told me that we’ll be going out for supper tonight. He knows I like to hear those words occasionally as it means my menu-planning brain gets a rest! He brought home the mail and we received 2 Christmas cards from Bill's daughters. Thank you Krystal and Jess.

A quick trip across the state line.

No fruits here.
They weren't stopping any in our row today.

Dome Rock

I guess, I can soon take Ball Santa's hat off.

After some walks, crocheting and dozing for the boys, we got cleaned up to go out. Today hasn’t been too warm, but not cold either. T-shirt weather, I suppose you’d call it. I never know how warm it is in restaurants so wore long pants and took along a cardigan.

Gibbs sleeps on the arm of the chair with his
little buddy "Stuffy" close by.

The drive to supper
With all those clouds, It was unfortunate we were indoors during
the beautiful sunset others witnessed. 

Our first time in the Yacht Club.
It's a nice 'bar' atmosphere, 2 pool tables
and friendly staff.

We went to The Yacht Club for a change. Bill totally surprised me with that one as he drove past our usual ‘haunts’. 😊 We were there early and found a booth, ordered our drinks and food all within 10 minutes. We both like the atmosphere and it’s about time we checked it out! We’ve heard about it for a few years. Our meals were great, you can’t beat Fish & Chips! We had a pleasant waitress and were home before 6 with full tummies.

Fish and Chips with a margarita.

We drove home on Tyson Rd.
This is the one that was closed and Bill took videos of on
Saturday, after the rain fall.

Looking towards town, there is
still a lot of standing water.

It was a calm evening and we were surprised once more when we realized that Gibbs had eaten a full bowl of his food while we were away! He’s never done that so we are quite pleased. I finished my blog and we watched some tv for the evening. This was a really nice day.

The pretty sunset was done by the time we got out of the restaurant.
I have a feeliing there will be more, it is Arizona after all 💕

Good night everyone!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Our morning temps have been the same as yours the last week or so. Alas, it doesn't get much warmer as the day goes on. A cold spell is coming though and this morning it's a balmy -1. The fish and chips look good, as does the drink. A marguerita right?

    1. I know, we still get winter here. Yes, that was a margarita. 🍸

  2. It's always nice not having to cook, and the fish and chips look delicious!
    We're still having above seasonal temps here, close to the freezing mark during the day. It's supposed to last another week and then things will get colder. It sure should make for a shorter winter.
    Love your photos of the desert plants.

    1. I'm glad you all will have a shorter winter because of the warm temps. 😊
