Sunday, December 3, 2023

Laundry, Warmer Days, Quiet Afternoon

Park Place RV Park

On Sunday, Dec. 3rd we rested (for the most part). Bill went flying, I took Gibbs for a walk and did 2 loads of laundry. While waiting for the dryer to finish the jeans, I put a handful of pieces in the puzzle. It will be a challenge if more than two of us are working on it so I’ll play that one by ear. When Bill returned home, I was just finishing up yesterday’s blog post. Gosh, I’m getting lax, not finishing in the evening.

Good morning!

Today was a warmer forecast, 69F/21C, with clear blue skies. We will be warming up for a few days, until Friday, at least reaching into the upper half of the 70’s/20’s. For lunch, I had my leftover pizza, warmed up in Rosy, the air fryer. I likely didn’t need all 4 pieces but ate them anyway and we planned a minimal supper. Bill had a rice Krispie square after finishing the last of the homemade bread but I didn’t have room for anything else. Little Miss Piggy. 😊

Two separate efforts today.
top one this morning
bottom one after lunch.

While the boys snoozed in their chairs, I walked back to see what I could contribute to the puzzle.  Quite a few pieces found a place and I made a few connections. It was around 3 when I walked back home. By this time our front patio is in the shade so the temperature drops enough to make me feel chilled. Silly, I know, but I came indoors and made a cup of tea.

Just because he likes people
watching and because I like Gibbs watching

A beautiful afternoon
Gibbs thinks so too.

At 4:30, Gibbs and I took our walk around the park and then relaxed until it was time to start supper. A nice easy meal tonight. Bacon and eggs were on the menu, since we seldom have them for lunch. We had pie to clean up too so that helped fill us for the rest of the evening. This has been a good day; nice and quiet and now we have clean laundry to start the week.

Tired after his walk

Supper doesn't get much easier than this.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. Great minds - we had bacon and eggs last night too. I had an omelette, and my son fixed his own over ramen noodles. Apparently it's very good that way.
    Glad to hear it is warming up some for you. We had a skiff of snow overnight but expecting it to reach 6C on Wednesday. That should make most of it disappear.

    1. That's too funny! Hmm, eggs over ramen? Interesting! Enjoy your warm up. :)

  2. Such a sweet boy that Gibbs. It almost seems disappointing that someone else finishes the puzzle before you have a chance to. Some of them sure seem to go fast!!!

    1. We agree about Gibbs! ♥ As for the puzzles, I do like it when we finish them together but sometimes it doesn't work out.

  3. Quiet days are a blessing. I am glad that you enjoyed yours.

    God bless.

  4. Love the sunrise pictures! Gibbs is just too cute! Glad you enjoyed your day! :)

  5. We love bacon and eggs....any time of the day too.
