Friday, December 8, 2023

Walk Around the Neighbourhood, Puzzle Fanatics, Surprise!!

Park Place RV Park

On Friday, Dec. 8th we were up by 7. Not all at the same time but up, just the same.  Bill went flying, I took Gibbs for his morning walk or visa versa. I decided that perhaps I needed to get myself out more often for those walks. Last winter, I was much more active in that department and it felt pretty good. 😊

Good Friday morning!

So, after bringing Gibbs home, I headed to the east and walked through some of the residential homes. One section was a dead end so I had to turn around and come back. 

We need to buy lotto tickets.
This little gem is for sale and would be just lovely!

I had my eyes peeled for rocks so ended up strolling back into the desert and turned my walk into a Saguaro hunt. My goal was to put some miles (steps) on this old body and just enjoy being outdoors.

Along the way, I few pretty things

in a quiet neighbourhood
Hi Santa!!

When I returned, I sat with Gibbs for a while before walking over to start a puzzle. This is another one I brought from home, another pretty picture, another 1000 pieces. 😊 Boy, did it seem easy to flip and sort the pieces after that last one! I worked on my own until 11:30 when Adele came over. I had done a fair bit and left her to it while I returned home for lunch.

While walking, I noticed this black smoke down town.
Yikes it usually means an rv has gone up in flames. 😢
It was all over and done with within 10 minutes.

A nice easy puzzle today.

I was surprised, and a little stunned, when Bill texted to tell me that Carol-Ann and Kobus had pulled out! They never said a word so we hoped everything was all right. Turns out, they were going to visit friends until after Christmas so we’ll see them when they return. Gibbs will miss his pets from them, for sure! We had our lunch and Bill went to get water and check the mail depot for his (Ken’s) parcel. When he returned, I was stunned once more!

This is the first one I ordered.
LOL is all I can say. This one has
the fruit/nut dispenser.

Yup, my bread maker, the one that was ‘lost in transit’, arrived! No reason why, because the address was correct, but now I have two. LOL. I have a decision to make because we sure don’t need both. I think I’ll keep the newest one, it was the most expensive, and check with my sister before offering the other for sale anywhere. How funny! A lot of people said ‘it will arrive, wait and see’ and that is exactly what happened. 😊

this may look soft and cuddly BUT....
it is an ant hill made of cactus shavings.
I watched them for a while, keeping my distance.
the video won't show up for you but take my word for it,
it was fascinating watching them so busy.

I left Bill and Gibbs at home and went back to the puzzle at 1:30. Adele was still there so we worked together on it. It seems so easy! It was a fun afternoon and when we parted ways at 3:30 ish, we said we’d finish it tomorrow. Bill and I shared a Seagram’s Calypso Colada that Susan gave us rather than my cup of tea. A whole one would have put me under the table! It was tasty and refreshing.

While Bill bbq'd supper, he had to 
point out that he upgraded our
gazebo lights. ♥♥

Gibbs and I went for our afternoon walk and I slip past the 6,000-step mark. Good for me! I needed to find a new book so pulled out The Girl in the Spider’s Web by David Lagercrantz. I’ve read a couple of his first ones so wanted to check this one out. It’s in large print so that will help! For supper, we had grilled bacon cheeseburgers and the evening was spent quietly.

The sunset wasn't epic so instead, I'll share
today's Saguaro pictures. 

This was a good day, they are stacking up! Good news from a friend back home too.

Look closely here.
Who's holding who up?
The tree branches are tightly wrapped around the 
cactus base.

It is amazing how they can still stand,
thrive and produce babies while their
bases are so beaten down.
I love their stamina.

And then like brave soldiers, they fall.
After hundreds of years, it is just sad to see them.
Good night!

Thank you for the pop in. Check out Bill's new blog post here


  1. Love the picture of Orange Jubilee flowers! I have 2 bushes in my backyard and they are full of flowers! Love that POP of color! Lights are wonderful ~ the burger too!

    1. Thankyou for naming them. I was hoping someone could do that. They are so pretty!

  2. Love the lights! Told John we need inside lights like that. I napped half the day away, both Adele and Patti were wondering if I was okay. My body lets me know when I need that sleep though. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get a chance to put a piece in before you girls finish the puzzle 🧩😁

    1. Thanks, credit to Bill. 😊
      Adele and i did wonder why you weren't over to help. Glad you weren't sick, we all need sleep like that sometimes. See you later!

  3. That looked like a nice neighbourhood you walked through and those orange flowers are so pretty :-)

  4. Two bread machines are better than ONE! Let me know if you come up with a good keto recipe. The ant hill ... I used to watch them in Vail. All those cactus shavings will go down the hole to feed the kids. It's amazing to watch.

    1. Is we had a house, one bread maker for the rv and one for the house. But we don't!! Haha.
      Those ants are amazing!

  5. One does wonder where these lost in transit items sit and why. But I'm happy to hear the original bread machine finally showed up.
    I would have been slightly creeped out by the ant hill. It's huge!

  6. Love that Santa! That neighborhood is really nice! Glad you got your bread machine finally, even though you have to sell it.

  7. I was going to say those flowers look a great deal like yellow Mandeville flowers. Whatever you call them they are very pretty. Love the bright colour.

    Yeah, for the bread machine showing up.

    God bless.

  8. The anthill looks like an ear! A number of my cousins have moved from the frozen north to your part of the desert as permanent residents. They all LOVE it there.

  9. Nice rising sun picture with the rays. I often wonder what keeps some of the Saguaros standing, also, but stand they do. There are a few I check out every year and it is wonderful to see them still standing year after year.
