Monday, December 18, 2023

From a Sunny Start to a Dull Ending, Mostly Sky Pictures

Park Place RV Park

Monday, Dec. 18th, we were all up by 7:15. Of course, I was the last to get out of bed. 😊 There was no rush. I did hop in the shower right away since I could tell that the furnace was running, warming up the floors and bathroom. Other than that, it was a milder start to the day. The clouds were not prominent first thing and we actually had a clear sky with just wisps of cirrus clouds throughout the morning.

Good morning! 
Bottom right pix looks like an explosion.

As Gibbs and I walked, there
were numerous opportunities
for photos if you looked upwards.
I did.

Gibbs and I walked after Bill left and then at 9:10, I walked over to join the ladies. There were 6 players today and, as usual, we had fun. Second to last is not bad, right? Ha ha, I didn’t do great but it doesn’t matter. Dora was the big winner today by quite a margin. 😊 Back home for lunch and then, feeling homey, I stayed put for the afternoon. Bill had picked up mail from the depot and we received a lovely Christmas card from our Buddies back home. The words were perfect.

There were some boxes of garden/orchard fare
at the clubhouse so I took some radishes and a couple of these.
Don't know what this hybrid is called but it is apple and plum.
So, Plapple? or Applum? 😋
They are quite good and yes, this is the natural colour.

By this time, the clouds had rolled in so I had no desire to sit outside. What a wimp. It wasn’t cold but in capris and a sleeveless top, I was just as happy to try my hand at more crocheting. I had to teach myself how to do the Magic Ring (again) and then I made a bad choice of yarn to do the new pattern I found. Blech, another time. Right now, I’ll stick to my worms. I made my tea around 3:45 and started my blog.

All around us, the sky was gorgeous at

No words can describe it.
And this doesn't even show the brilliant reds the
way I saw it.

Gibbs and I went for our afternoon trip around the park and then it was time to think of supper. I had ground beef out so just decided on something simple. It is the meat I fall back on when nothing else sounds feasible. 😊 A hamburger, gravy, onion, celery mix over potatoes with vegetables on the side was the result. Yum, I love this meal, at any time. I guess I grew up on something similar and it was always a favourite. Oh, we had the last slices of one loaf of bread too.

Gibbs watches as I prepare supper.

A good hearty family meal from my childhood.
Even including the home made bread (but not the olives).

After cleanup, with the dishwasher running, we watched an episode of Bosch Legacy together before I finished this post. It was a good day!

Today's Christmas adornment.
Not sure what the flower is but
it was Bill's Moms so I'm proud to wear it.
Good night!

Thanks for taking the time to see what we’re up to.


  1. Great picture of Gibbs and the scenery.

  2. Great picture of Gibbs and the scenery. Merry Christmas to you and Bill and the best in the New Year.

    1. thank you Terry! Same to you and your family! Including the snuggle bums.

  3. Can't tell you how many crochet projects and started and stopped! Cute picture of Mr. Gibbs!

  4. I agree with Nancy, so many projects get started and frogged because the yarn, the pattern, or just my mood says not a good idea.
    Goodness, where is the sun? Weather this year has been weird. We're having days above freezing here - which I'll take but it is so odd.

    1. Thank you, ribbit ribbit, I know! The sun is not being very kind this month, hope it improves.

  5. You captured some great colors in the sunsets. Some of mine don't get the brightness either
    BUT when I get that red/purple sunset it's spectacular!!

  6. The sky out here is always coming up with new ways to impress.


  7. Looks a bit like a scotch thistle, at least the top does.

    We are the opposite, the days start off dreary and then the sun pokes out for a couple of hours.

    God bless.

    1. That sounds right. Not really Christmassy except it looks it. Thank you Jackie.
      Strange weather all around. Enjoy your warmer days.

  8. We have had mild weather through December. It should be great for Christmas traveller's though no white Christmas.
