Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Drizzly Sunday, Birthday Supper

The Ridge

On Sunday, Aug. 18th I woke to Bill and Gibbs getting up. There was a bit of an accident on the edge of the bed and step but we understood the reason. Gibbs may have tried to wake Daddy but he’d slept on the floor part of the night, so Bill didn’t hear him. One of those ‘no fault’ claims. 😊

From inside, the sun performed
with the clouds

Looking out the door before closing it for the night.

It was after 6 when they went out and I dozed off and on until almost 7 when I joined them downstairs. Laundry got sorted and Bill carried the overfull basket of clothes and bedding to Ptooties. At the Mat, only Dollar Store Dave was in this morning, doing his laundry. A couple of others soon arrived and when my cleaning was done, I still had to wait for the two loads to finish drying.

How about a close up of this morning's
Another bud in the back ground.

The weather was such that it was not a question of how to dry them. 😉 Misty, yeuchy, damp, rainy – I loaded the dryers. It was an off and on kind of day and when the sun appeared a few times throughout the day, it was quite hot and muggy. After we had some lunch, Bill went to the Hangar and I went out to vacuum Ptooties. Gibbs came out and, of course, had to sit inside and watch to be sure I was doing it right.

Just in case I was going somewhere,
he stayed close and watched my every move.

For lunch, I had a wrap with salmon, feta cheese
and lettuce. But first, I had to grab the 'unsealed' bag of feta cheese from the
fridge drawer. Yikes!!
Gibbs had no interested until after I swept the mess up.
What a waste! Oh well, I still have some left. 

With that done, we all rested inside until it was time to get ready to go out for an early supper. It was the family birthday meal, 3 sisters altogether. One each in June, July and August. We picked Donna and Gerry up on the way and drove to Harley’s Pub and Grill in Mildmay. So Gibbs didn’t have an accident on our bed again, we closed the upstairs door.

Not much of a bright spot ahead
when we left

A clear patch of blue amidst the rain showers

Bill had fish and chips and I had my first chicken Caesar pizza with cauliflower crust. Yes, Shirley, I thought of you. 😊 It was delicious! I only ate half, saving room for a yummy butter tart. Apparently, a specialty of Harley’s. The rest of my pizza will be lunch tomorrow. After dropping Donna and Gerry off, we stopped at Walmart for a few necessary groceries and then home to Gibbs by 7.

This was a great pizza! I wish I could make this
crust. Mine don't stay together and it is a very
messy process from scratch.

He did have a few accidents but on the bare floors so we were wise in our decision to close the door. His water dish was empty and he had to go as soon as we opened the door. I say poor little guy, but at least he is on the mend. Bless his little heart. I put groceries away, Bill made his lunch and gave Gibbs his second dose of meds. He takes them like a champ, part of it has to be wrapped in cheese. 😊

The birthday girls and their
Left to Right:
Donna, (July), Gerry, Bill, Cathy (June)
John, Gayle (August). One sister, Audrey (August also)
couldn't be here.
Happy Birthday to my OLDER sisters. 

This has been a good day. Clean clothes, a visit with family and my veggies got watered again without my help. We did reach a high of 20C/70F at mid-point this afternoon but by suppertime, it has cooled off to 15C/60F, with rain and some winds from the north. Starting to feel like fall and the next few days will be similar, minus the rains. Oh well. I hope you’ve had a great Sunday.

A picture of our little bum,
waiting for us to come home.
Such a sweet pooch.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. Poor Gibbs. Maybe take his water away at night or when you’re gone. It’s definitely the meds. What did they prescribe? Prednisone makes them go constantly. Had that with Cooper.

    1. Cefaseptin, a chewable tablet and Vanectylp, a small pill we hide in cheese.

  2. Love the two pics of Gibbs!! :) Could you cut the meds back a little or maybe less water in his bowl? Pizza looks tasty!

    1. When we're home, we don't mind but if we go away, maybe we'll ease off on the water left.

  3. Happy Birthday to your sisters! :) I'm so glad you liked the pizza! It looks amazing! Our Walmarts have the crusts in the healthy food frozen section. I don't make mine either. LOL. Hopefully Gibbs heals quickly!

    1. Thank you Shirley. Hmmm, I thought you made them! Okey doke, I don't think our Walmart carries the they come like a tortilla package?

  4. I have always wondered what a cauliflower crust on a pizza tastes like. Thanks for your post saying how much you liked it.
    Poor Gibbs is probably so upset about leaving a bit of a mess for you.

    God bless.

    1. You're welcome. I'm glad the restaurant provided the opportunity.
      I know, hes never messed inside since he was 6 months old and then only once.

  5. Happy Birthday to your sisters. I'm sure they are thrilled to be reminded that you are younger. :)

    Hopefully, Gibbs' regimen of anitbiotics are done soon. Poor pup. Loved the photo of him in the car watching you. What a cutie!
