Friday, August 2, 2024

Finishing Up, Bit of Rain and Getting Missed by the Storm

The Ridge

On Friday, Aug. 2nd we were up before 7 and I was ready and out the door with my tea by 7:20. The Mat was empty until I was wiping out the last washer. It just so happened to be the one my regular guy uses so I steered him away because it was really dirty and needed me to run it for a good clean. Other than the floor, which needed to be swept before I did anything, the Mat wasn’t too bad today. 😊

Good morning!

The gal who replaces me during the winter and while I’m on vacation dropped in to replenish the coin machine and empty all the rest. It needed it – badly – especially the dryers, which use only quarters. I left them with newly washed floors and got home around 9. Bill was weed trimming and doing a nice job, as usual. We discussed lawn cutting but other than him using the rider, mine wouldn’t be cut today.

The sky was very pretty this morning when I left
for town.

I left again to pick M up at 10 and did his town run. When we returned, I used my Dirt Devil to finish the 2 carpeted rooms in the apartment. Apparently, the new tenant had stopped by and dropped a few things off in the porch. He is quite excited, even though it is not a great place, to have a place to himself and is making plans on where he’ll put things already. 😊

These deep red dahlias are stunning

Good! That makes me feel better, he’d not even set foot in before agreeing to rent. I was home at noon and this time, Bill was finishing cutting the grass in the back field, berm and corral. He even did what he could in my small area. I can get the rest tomorrow morning, if the rain holds off long enough.

I forgot that I had this mint growing in my little
flower bed. I'm not one to
pick it and use it, but I will break a leaf off
to get the sweet scent.

Remember my glass mushrooms?
Well, the hot sun does a number on the glue I used
so I'll be redoing them with epoxy. 
Those piled on top had all slipped off.

We’ve been ‘warned’ of thunder storms and rain between 2 and 6 pm but other than clouds, a few light sprinkles, we’ve been missed. That’s okay, as it moved south of us, it left the air a bit cooler. Bill went to the Hangar and was happy to open the door down there, as I was to open up windows and turn the a/c off.

Such a big plant for one
small dahlia!

Only two gladiolas this year. Hmmm.

I decided to try one more bread recipe, since I was inside anyway so when I popped it in the oven, Gibbs and I went to check mail. Nothing today but on the way back, I gathered some of the missed dead branches from Bill’s trimming last week. I had a cold drink instead of hot tea this afternoon and the zero ginger ale tasted pretty good for a change.

Cows laying down means rain, right?
Well for the amount of rain we got, they 
should only be crouching - no?

Gibbs sat out with me until the rain drops chased us inside. The bread was done and is now cooling. I’m nervous for the result – I want this one to be a winner! I have a chicken breast out for supper and little potatoes, cauliflower w/green peppers and corn for Bill.  ðŸ˜Š Now that meal is over and it all tasted very good. Unfortunately, a meal like that means a lot of pots including the air fryer.

We sat outside for a bit when it cooled off.
The sprinkles chased us indoors again.

I'll let you know how it turned out tomorrow.
It looks good but not like the Youtube guy's result. 

A shot through our door screen
of the evening sky.
Should be a lovely day tomorrow and Sunday.
We reached a high of 27C/81F again today
with barely a breeze but it was still better than rain!

Supper was good! I had a fair bit of cauliflower
going brown so had to cook it all.
I'll have the rest tomorrow night, it was delicious!

We relaxed with our own thing for the evening. Bill is making sure all batteries for his planes are charged for the morning. I have a book to finish or a movie calling my name. This was a good day and I’m glad the apartment is ready. More cash in my pocket and that is all good since we only have 2 ½ months before departure!

Once he is sure Daddy made it to the Hangar,
he takes himself upstairs to the bedroom.
Windows up there are making it nice and cool.
Good night!

Thank you for popping by.


  1. Gosh, you could share that cooler air with us folks over here in E.Ontario?

  2. All the while Mr. Gibbs keeps watch!! Weird about the mushroom ... I hear E6000 glue works good ... but haven't tried it.

  3. It sounds like the fellow who is moving into the apartment has likely lived with other people and is ready for a place of his own, humble though it may be. I do hope this tenant works out for M.
    Your gardens and plants are doing so well. I've never had much luck with dahlias. Perhaps next year as I have a dry, cool place to keep the tubers over winter in this old house.

    1. Yes, he has been in a family members home and is quite happy with the country-life too after being in Barrie. :) I think he'll be a good tenant.
      Thank you, the dahlias have always been okay here but these are crazy lovely out there!

  4. Mint spreads and should be in pots, at least that is what I read in blog land. Dee
