Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Morning in Town, Afternoon Visitors

The Ridge

On Saturday, Aug. 10th, I woke up to darkness but I could hear Bill downstairs getting things ready. Actually, he was almost ready to leave and was coming up to the bedroom to say goodbye. It was only 5:30 so I don’t know what time he got up. Today, he had a Fun Fly at his London flying club and he had the cargo trailer hooked up, ready to go. 😊 The weather wasn’t necessarily going to be conducive to flying BUT it was going to be a fun, social day for him regardless.

Good morning!
This was the eastern sky last night after supper.
Yet the sunset to the west was nothing to write about.

These are flying friends, many of whom he has been acquainted with for a number of years. I’m sure they’ll have a wonderful time. His friend (our friend), Keith would be there as well and that is great. While he was pulling out of our lot, Gibbs watched him through our window until he couldn’t see him anymore. Bye Daddy.

Bye Daddy, hurry home.

I am not sure if I dropped off fully but did doze until 6:30 when I got up. I know for sure that Gibbs fell back to sleep and while I sorted laundry, he curled up at my pillow and still slept. About 30 minutes after Bill left, it poured rain for 10 minutes and quit. It was clearer to the west, where he was headed, so that was good. It isn’t fun driving in rain. We were under a blanket, or two or three, of heavy looking clouds so I doubted we’d see much of the sun today. Forecast for rain was low though.

The day started quite lovely.
I had hope.

I was on my way to town around 7:15 with our basket of clothes and Robin’s bedspread and bath mats from Williamsford. If I’m working on Sunday for her, I’ll take them with me. Otherwise, I’ll drop them at her place. Their plans went topsy turvy last night near Sault Ste. Marie and they had to turn around after a long 7-hour drive. They made it home safely at 4 am this morning. They have tenants renting in Wingham and there seems to be a serious enough plumbing issue for them to return home.

Of course, can't forget
another Moonflower.
Look at that sky as I drove to Durham.

I cleaned the Mat while our 3 loads of laundry were being done. There were a few customers in during my last 30 minutes but when I arrived, I understood why we sometimes have a deeper love for our dogs and cats than we do people. There is a certain kind of person (persons) who can ‘innocently’ leave a mess like this and think it is OK. Unbelievable! Anyway, the floors had to be swept before I did anything as I didn’t want others to walk in on that.

The dryer sheets all over the floors.
Recycle and garbage bins crammed with everything
and anything. Bottom right: I swept it all together
before doing anything else.

It was after 9:30 when I finished up drying everything. The sky would appear to clear and then cloud over so I decided to dry and fold them before leaving. From there, I drove to the United Church on the hill to see if Ruby could cut my hair. Today, was one of 8 Saturdays that she was offering haircuts for a donation to the church. Those are my kind of deals and I can pay what I like. She is a very sweet young lady and Bill and I, both, enjoy going to her.

This nasty critter on the outside window
didn't improve my mood.
I got the BIG snow broom and swept him
down and all other webs out there. I won!
Let it rain, I don't care.

I was able to walk right in and sit down. I told her upfront (she probably could tell) that I cut my own hair – it is often my choice, rather than pay ridiculous stylist costs. She totally understood and that is why she no longer works in a salon. She volunteers her time and works at the seniors’ homes in the area for minimal. 😊 I’m very happy with the pixie-shag. Deposited my $20 and after walking around the church for her to get the ‘best’ light for a picture, I left.

then it was haircut time.
I don't have thick hair so for this much to be
on the floor, she took a lot off.
I'm very pleased and it will grow a bit before the wedding.

Maybe she should be a photographer,
she asked me to stand in behind the Hydrangeas
because they matched my shirt.

I stopped in town at the Corner Market building and found the perfect shoes to match my dress for the wedding plus the perfect cover up(s). I’m tickled pink that I took the time to stop in. For not having to pay anything for a new dress, I feel really good about my find. 😊 Back home, Gibbs was waiting for me and went out for a quick run around. The weather has cooled off and it is windy up here, so he wasted no time doing his business.

Still looking nice before noon hour
and then clouds moved in.

After a p.b. and cuke sandwich for lunch, my sister, Donna, and Gerry popped over for a wee visit. It was nice to see them. It isn’t nice enough to hang around at the Acreage either so we sat inside. Donna approves of my outfit so that cements it! Finally, a decision. Bill texted around 3 that he was leaving the field in London. I like a ballpark time so I know when to expect him and when to start worrying. LOL yes, I do worry after a certain ‘justification’ period, just like he does.

A pooped Daddy is home,
so I'm happy now, Mom. 💖

He was home by 5:45, making great time and parked the truck and trailer. He had a perfect day, even getting one flight in. 😊 Someone, not mentioning any names, was extremely happy to see him! Tomorrow looks like a washout for any outdoor stuff so he won’t be flying in the morning nor will any grass get cut up here. I wasn’t in the mood today so mine will wait until Monday afternoon.

I might make a sauce from the strawberries.

Supper was leftover chili, rolls and cheesecake with strawberries. Filling and delicious! It was a great day although we only reached a high temperature of 16C/65F today, quite the change.

The sky changed many times during the
evening hours.
This was the best part of it.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. My goodness, Bill was up early for his day at the airfield. I'm glad he was able to get a flight in.
    I'm not sure what people are thinking when they leave such a mess behind in a public place. I'd probably be saying a few bad words.
    The wedding must be coming up soon. I'm sure your outfit will be lovely and the haircut is very nice. You clearly have some natural curl.

    1. Bill is an early bird, even on weekends. Always has been even though he is also a night hawk! I need my 8 hours, not him!
      Thank you, the wedding is Sept. 7th so yes, coming quickly.

  2. She was right ... great picture by the flowers!! Obviously Mr. Gibbs misses his Dad AND his Mom when you are gone. As to the Mat ... it's just too hard to extract those dryer sheets. Just shake them out on the floor. Makes you wonder if they do things like that at THEIR house.

    1. Thank you! Ruby is a real sweetheart. :) Gibbs does miss us, sometimes I think Daddy more though. ♥ Yes, such a hard job picking up after yourself, right?
