Friday, August 9, 2024

It Was a Good Day, Not Only a Fri-day

The Ridge

All Fridays are good, right? On Friday, Aug. 9th I woke at 6:50 knowing full well that I had a great sleep. Perfect temperature with our upstairs windows open and just the right amount of blankets over us. 😊 I was in a dream, although I can’t remember it, so really wasn’t ready to end it by waking up – but I did. Bill was downstairs getting ready for his work day and little Gibbs was sound asleep stretched out on Bill’s side of the bed.

Good morning!
Tired of them yet? I'm not!
Two more to bloom.

I came down, made my tea and sat with Gibbs until Bill left, just before 7:30. It was a cloudy morning yet the original forecast for rain appeared to have changed. 😊 I’m not opposed to overnight rain but not during the day. On my agenda today, starting at 10, I was taking M into town for his errands. Around 9, Bill called to tell me that he was on his way home, the work site didn’t have the supplies they need. He and Billy did a couple of smaller jobs and after an hour, parted ways.

From a different angle, Blacksmith's bnb
looks so unique.

Bill stopped in town at Impact Tire to see if they would be able to do Black Beauty’s tires today rather than Monday. They said yesterday that they might be able to do that. However, our tires did not come in on the truck so he was on his way home – for real, this time. 😉 I was at the corner with M when we met on the highway.

Robin has wanted to do this
since early spring.
It is perfect!

At 11, I returned home to find Bill cutting the front field. It needed it badly, since it got missed earlier when he ran out of fuel. I had a nibble, hung with Gibbs until Bill finished and then left for Williamsford. Robin and Andrew finally got away this morning for Manitoba – delayed by only a day. We chatted back and forth about a few things while I worked and I was home by 2:30ish, just a few minutes after Bill. He’d got the call that our tires came in and they made room for him.

After stopping at Robin's to 
set out a couple of her sale items for customers,
I return to Baptist Church Road.

The rest of the day was free so while Bill went to the Hangar, I tested out a blender that I got from M. One of his tenants left it. It is a bit smaller than mine, in height and circumference, so he gave it to me. Our cupboard space in the Suite is more valuable than it was in our home, most homes, so even a few inches make a big difference. I wanted to make sure it worked before I sold mine. 😊

The front field looks great.
Pride of ownership again 
(even if we don't own it)

After blending a milkshake perfectly, my decision was made. They are both Hamilton Beach so good brands. I’ll take mine to Robin’s ‘market shed’ (her name for it) and leave for her to sell when she returns. There are a couple of items she has sold (even when she’s not home!) so I’ll set them out for pick up in the morning on my way to the Mat.

Not a huge difference in size but
shorter and narrower at the base.
Mine is the white one, obviously, but
now it will be sold at Robin's.
Size DOES matter. 

Then, I made, or should I say, I attempted to make the Chicken Chili that Patty and Duncan made for us. I had all the ingredients now, with the exception of white chili powder. Hmm, can’t be found in Ontario they say, so use Taco seasoning. I hope it tastes half as good as theirs did. I pulled my ‘deadly’ dinner rolls out of the freezer to have with the chili. Bad for the waistline but good for the tummy. 😊

This is the cupboard over the dining table
so the smaller blender leaves more room.

Bill went to the Acreage to get us a bladder of water and I hope the quick fix on the spout is working. He noticed it last time and did some Bill magic to get us through for a few more years. Please, please, oh please! We hate to have to buy a new one. This is our second in 8 years with leaks in two different locations so it isn’t a fault in the design, just age.

It looks darker than it should
but I realized I had one more step
before it was ready.
Add cream cheese.

Supper, chicken chili, turned out great! We both enjoyed it. It might be a bit runnier than Patty’s was but that’s okay. We have leftovers for a couple of nights at least and maybe what’s left then can be frozen so we don’t get tired of it. Bill went out to finish with the water transfer into our tank and put things away. He has a big day planned for tomorrow, an early one, so it won’t be a late night for him, I bet!

After cream cheese and voila!
I added grated cheese and sour cream.
The rolls were..... well, you know (delicious!)

This has been a good day. I’m into a new book by a new author so we’ll see how it goes. It’s called Cold Blooded Liar by Karen Rose. So far, it is interesting but it has long chapters, which aren’t my favourite. Not a valid reason for judging a book though. 😊 We reached a high, dry temperature today of 24C/75F and will drop 10 degrees lower than last night for our sleep. Keep the blankets up there, just in case.

A number of years ago, 6 maybe? our Buddies, Rob and Pat,
gave us a Hibiscus plant.
After planting it in our rocky ground, it never grew
very tall (as I know they should) but every year,
we get an amazingly good crop of huge blooms. 
So, here, size doesn't matter. 
Good night!

Thank you for the visit. See you tomorrow!


  1. Blue sky and green grass/field - looks GREAT! The chili looks good and tasty! Never made it with ckn. hmmm? only hamburger here~in the winter! I add Malt Powder to shakes - just taste better to me! Pat and Rob gave you a very nice plant!! New blender looks good! Size matters!

    1. Yes, I bet Malt Powder would be a good addition to shakes. :)

  2. Smaller is better when it comes to RV's .. and even SMALLER for vans!! That was a good trade. The chili looks great! A little too hot for it here .. maybe this winter.

  3. I really enjoy chicken chili, but my son prefers the beef version and my daughter doesn't like chili, so I rarely make it. It certainly can be frozen, though the beans will get a bit mushy. That would likely thicken it up a bit too.
    The front field looks so green! Our lawns are burning off here due to the heat and lack of rain.
    Have a good day!

    1. I'd never had it with chicken before and I do prefer the beef version too. It wouldn't hurt to have it thicker.
      Sorry about the lack of rain. We seem to be getting an even trade off, sun, heat, rain, cool.

  4. I FIXED IT!!!!! Don't ask me how cuz I don't know, but at least it says who I am now!! LOL

  5. Robin's Galanz would be more better if they can swap the doors to open from the other side, no reaching around the door to put things on the counter.

    1. Definitely, she said that but this one was the only one they found for a reasonable price. :) It's cute. The other fridge, she had to put a note on the door to guests that it had to be pushed closed - firmly.

  6. It sounds like everything went well for you,Bill and
    Gibbs,how nice 😊-Mary xx

  7. I haven't made chicken chili, though I have used ground chicken to make tacos. Must give that a try.

    God bless.
