Tuesday, August 6, 2024

No Rest for the Wicked

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Aug. 6th I guess I’m the wicked one today. šŸ˜Š I was up at 7, washed, dressed and on my way into Durham by 7:20 to clean. The place was empty and not terrible so I loaded one machine with the chenille bedspread from the yard sale. There were a few yellowing spots from being folded for a while and I hoped they would come out for me.

Good morning!
Light at the end of the cloudy tunnel

It was looking pretty good, and so was the Mat, when I left an hour later. I was disappointed because Sandy still had not left my July pay in the office – maybe later today. I drove home and had about 45 minutes to kill before driving over to pick M up for his hour of errands in town. He is such a chatterer, about everything, so I was happy to drop him off and return home at 11. I guess he’s lonely and I’m a pretty fair listener. I know he’s very pleased with his new tenant and that is great.

I knew I'd see a few today.

I was home for 15 minutes, grabbed my snack bag with cheese, nuts and crackers and drove to Robin’s. She had the cleaned sheets and bedspread from yesterday all ready to be picked up. As it turned out, her and Andrew were still home, loading the truck with garbage for the dump and a folding cot for Williamsburg, in readiness for August ‘family’ guests.

I think the bnb is bigger inside than it looks.

The backyard is looking good.
Outdoor games by the shed, a firepit and a hammock
for the guests to make use of.

They arrived about 15 minutes after me, dropped stuff off and left. I would be gone before they returned. šŸ˜Š A small apple tree in the garden along the highway was getting strangled by that nasty wild grape vine so I took 20 minutes pulling and tugging it out as best I could. What kind of apple tree has thorns? I got a few jabs before I was done and tossed the vines into the field behind the yard.

This is a thorny tree that now
has a chance of surviving and producing

I took a turn at Dornoch over to Hanover and popped into Giant Tiger and then Walmart for a few items. We have birthdays in August plus I wanted to replenish Bill’s juice and Gibbs’ cookies and milk bones. I was happy when Sandy texted that my pay envelope was now in the Mat office so swung by there to pick it up. He has never taken so long before but I know he had a few days’ holidays so needed to be patient.

I battled this viny stuff for a while
and I won.
There are still vines in the tree but I'd need
good clippers to cut them off at the ground.
I only had a pair of scissors from the house today!

I dropped the laundry basket at Robin’s house and scooted home. It was 4:30 when I drove in the lane. That was a long day and I had no idea for supper. We put groceries away and I grabbed a pound of ground beef. It’s my go-to when I don’t want ‘grilled cheese? toasted tomato? Bacon and eggs? Or Fish and chips?’ at Bill’s suggestions. He means well but I’d rather put something together with hamburger tonight.

It  brightened up quite a bit on my
drive home.
By suppertime, the clouds were mostly gone.

First, I needed a cup of tea and I sat to play my afternoon Word games. My book would probably have me snoozing so I sat in my dining chair instead of my recliner. šŸ˜Š  My boys went outside and left me to it. Bill suggested mac & cheese with the meat so I went with that in separate dishes. I didn’t want too much pasta and this way we controlled our own. It turned out quite good with our sliced pickles on the side. Very filling too.

Supper turned out good
and there is one serving of 
the blended mix for another night.

We cleaned up the pots, loaded the dishwasher and that was it for our supper. Bill wasn’t sure about work tomorrow but made his egg salad sandwich anyway, just in case, while Gibbs pretended ignorance as the cheese was cut. His supper was gobbled up, so the few pieces of cheese was a dessert treat. Robin has been texting me a few dates when she needs me to clean for her, she is keeping Andrew busy while he is home for his 4 weeks!

My red and white Kalanchoe plants
from Canada Day were starting
to die off. The flowers, I mean.
A Youtube video showed me how
to deadhead to prolong their life. 
This is what's left.

I worked on my blog and Bill went to the Hangar. The air has cooled off considerably here today, reaching a nice high of 20C/69F, and no rain since first thing this morning. It feels quite pleasant. My day has been full but I really don’t think I’m ‘that’ wicked. Tomorrow, I will rest as I have nothing on my plate – so far. šŸ˜Š It has been a good day and I'll sleep great tonight!

Today, my father-in-law would be 96 years old
so we wish Dad a heavenly Happy Birthday.
If you think he is singing here, wrong. He is threatening
me (jokingly) with my camera. šŸ’–
We miss you!
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Amazing how time flies when you are busy.
    Another amazing thing is how much Bill and his Father, could pass as twins.
    Be Safee and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. I just love the names of your stores in Canada. They never seem to let you know WHAT is in the store!! Giant Tiger???? I agree ... Bill looks just like his Dad.

    1. Yup, don't know where the name came from but its a great store. clothes, household decor (no big furniture) food. :)

  3. Busy and productive day! I'm sure Robin appreciates the little extras you do for her.
    I'm chuckling at Nancy because I'd say the same thing about Aldi. :)

  4. You had a busy and very productive day. I wish we had a Giant Tiger here, I make do with Walmart, Canadian Tire, and our two dollar stores. Still love our Co-op though.

    God bless.

    1. Their prices at G.T. are very good, I think, and quality of clothes too.
