Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Improvement to the Day

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Aug. 20th, there was a noticeable improvement in the weather when we woke up. Still cool, don’t get me wrong but when I came downstairs at 7, I saw it was closer to 10C/50F than the previous morning. Bill had turned the furnace on at 6 am to take the chill off, which I am always grateful for, and we turned it off soon after we got mobile. I left for the Mat first, around 7:15, and I’m sure he left about 15 minutes later.

Good morning.
Last night, although my phone doesn't capture
it too well, it was a pretty sunset.

This morning, it was nice to see the sun come up.
More sun than clouds, yay!

We agreed not to give Gibbs his little red/pink pills until I was done my running around this morning. We give him one of the chewables, 3 x a day, so Bill gave him his first one when he got his breakfast. He also gets 2 of the little hard pills, hidden in cheese, (they work magic in their mouths and spit those things out so easily!), now we’re at once a day so it will be noon hour when I’ll give him those.

So, yesterday we received the new bladder we ordered
from Amazon. The price was too good to refuse and it is 
bigger than our current one. It will be peace of mind that we're not
losing water each trip to the Acreage. πŸ˜€

I had the Mat cleaned within my hour and was home by 9 ish. Gibbs and I sat together until it was time for me to make my coffee and drive around the corner to M’s place. He needed a run into town and it was pretty quick with only 3 stops today. I did go into Foodland when we got there as I needed butter. The Great Value brand was out of stock at Walmart the other day so I was desperate for a pound.

Now where have these guys been?
They are headed north. 

Gibbs has been in and out quite frequently today and after I gave him his pills, I reheated my leftover pizza in Rosy. She does a perfect job of warming it up with just the right amount of crunch. 😊 Oh-oh, I’m hooked on this pizza now so I’ll have to find the crusts when we start heading south. Shirley says Walmart so I’m going to be on the look out! A guilt-free pizza, are you kidding me?

I'm sure there are a few car enthusiasts who will
appreciate this 78 Dodge Aspen. She was at the
Beer Store when we were. A car M worked on a few years ago.

Yup, I'm addicted now!

Gibbs sat behind me in my chair or up on the back of my recliner while I worked on my project. It’s online so I’m sure he misses having me sit with a book or something where he can be close. The sun was making appearances periodically, enough for us to unplug from power and turn the inverter on. The solar panels can do their stuff today. We were totally amazed with our hydro/electric bill for last month after using a/c for a few days. It was a surprise!

We walked for the mail and in case
you were wondering, the Dahlias are still
budding like crazy!

Bill arrived home at 5 and the two of them had their doze. I put Rosy to work again, air-frying (reheating actually) two pork ribettes for supper. I fried up the last little bit of baby spuds and cooked corn for Bill while I had squash. It was a good meal and we finished it off with an ice cream bar. I’d forgotten they were in the Bunky freezer, so although it wasn’t a hot day for them, they were good. 😊 Bill loaded the dishwasher and made his lunch before going to the Hangar.

Sleepy time for my sweeties. πŸ’•

The process of this Sedum is fun to watch.

Gibbs is looking at the black and white feather I found in
the spring. It fell to the ground and I took it from him.
He barked at it a few times but since it didnt budge,
he finally came inside with me. Goofy dog.

Last night, I watched another good movie but different than my norm. This one was called The Choice and I enjoyed it very much. Actors I was not familiar with. I worked on my blog and then sat with our little snuggle bum for the evening. He has been such a good little guy, taking his meds and eating his meals pretty regularly. I wonder if the pills are also giving him an appetite.

Supper was good with a little ice cream treat
to boot!

This has been a good day, only hovering around the 17C/63F mark at the hottest part of the day. I must say, when Gibbs and I walked for the mail, it didn’t feel like 17C but it was still pretty nice. We've got one more coolish day and night before summer returns again. Keep watch for the Super Moon tonight, I will be.

Another pretty sunset and early.
Good night!

Thank you for popping around. Your comments are always fun to read.


  1. Gibbs is just too darn cute!! Flowers at the front gate are beautiful and very tall !! :)
    Dinner looks good! Great sunset and will look for the Super Moon tonight.

  2. 5:40am and Super Moon is right out my patio door! Saw it last night and this morning~sure is pretty!

    1. Lucky you!! I didnt get much of a sighting, my own fault. Glad you saw it!

  3. I just love your bunky wall. That's Gibbs feather you STOLE from him! Okay, what's the name of the pizza crust??

    1. Thank you, I like the wall too. haha about Gibbs' feather.
      I don't know the name of the crust but I want it!! It was so good!

  4. Looks like a good day for you all! Pizza still looks yummy! The name of the crust is Caulipower..they have all different kinds of pizzas and also the plain crust. Price just raised here to $7.44 for 2 10 inch crusts. :)

    1. Thank you! Oh and for the name of the crust. I see it online but it has to come from the U.S. for me so will wait and hope to find it in Az. That's not a bad price either.

  5. We were at the pool yesterday, as the temp went up to 32C! It was good to be able to dip into the cooler water and with the breeze dryng off was lovely.
    Our electric bill last month was crazy! I've upped the temp on the thermostat with the hope that next month's won't be as horrid.

    1. Youve really had some heat, nice to be able to cool off in the pool. I'm envious of that when it gets hot here.
      Hopefully you'll get some relief from the electric bill next month. We don't use our a/c enough to make it jump, I guess.
