Thursday, August 29, 2024

Cleaning Things Up

The Ridge

On Thursday, Aug. 29th I woke up around 6:30 and was happy to realize that I had no time constrictions on my today. Bill, however, was already downstairs getting ready for his day of work. It isn’t overly strenuous work that he’s doing right now, although it is steady and he’s happy about that. 😊 Put it this way, he reeeaaallly looks forward to the weekends again.

Good morning!
Only about 4 more blooms to go.

I dropped back off to sleep and woke again at 7:15 and got up. When Bill left, Gibbs and I sat while I played my online games and finished my tea. Then I got down on the floor for the few exercises I partake in. I’m not as dedicated as I could/should be but at least every ‘other’ day, I make the effort. Then I vacuumed (or did I do that first?) upstairs and down with our D.D. (Dirt Devil).

This is the funniest thing.
No one can say dogs aren't smart.
He's hiding from the mower.

And here too.
Does he think I can't see him or just that the bad
old mower can't get him? 💖💖
I laugh every day at him.

Next, I wanted to cut grass. I didn’t cut it as short last week because there wasn’t a lot of rain in the forecast so today it was looking shaggy. Time for a haircut. Darn it all, the mower battery must not have been fully charged when we unplugged it as it only cut half of my area before moaning and groaning to a full halt.  

All tidied up here, irises cut back for the next two seasons

So, I plugged it back in and set to work cutting back the irises around the Bunky. They are so bunched in there that maybe in the spring, I’ll dig some up. Maybe.

This is a garden that will change appearance
in the spring but the mint gave off a lovely smell
while I worked around it.

I almost pulled this Purslaine until I realized what it is

A nice bunch of it here, maybe enough to fry some up

I wondered what this viny plant around the bike pedal was
Google says it is an invasive clover
but in this flower bed, I don't mind it.

There were a couple of other small gardens up here that needed some weeding so I crawled around at ground level and cleaned those up too. I messaged my sisters when I saw how many Moonflower babies were in that 2 ½’ garden, I knew they didn’t have any luck with theirs this year and mine were crazy! At least on average, 1 bloom a day since they started. I’ll dig some up just before we meet for ‘ladyfest’.

I sent this picture to my sisters
and they all jumped at the offer to take some.

Gibbs and I walked down the lane before lunch and put a card in the mailbox for an upcoming birthday and then I ate. Toasted sour dough bread with peanut butter and cucumber, oh my! Some of you are grossing out likely, but I love it and toasted made it even better. 😊 We all have our specialties, right? 

Lunch was so good. 

Next, I went back to the mower and was able to finish cutting the lawn before she died again. I hope I don’t need to buy a new battery in the spring.

a walk to the mailbox before lunch

I was done playing in the dirt so I moved on to the Weber Q. I’m not into the whole ‘clean the bbq’ thing (at all!) so I just emptied the grease tray from underneath and cleaned the table. It’s something! 

All cleaned (well, kind of) for another month or so.

Then we came inside so I could have my shower. It was 2:30. With that done, I was getting my tea made to take outside with my book when Bill surprised by arriving home early. They’d been drywalling and had to wait for the mud to dry before moving ahead.

Mrs. Hummer had a visitor todday but I couldn't
catch them together. I never see two at the same time here.

They were being discreet, I guess.

He hopped on the riding mower and Gibbs and I started a fire in the pit to burn two more delivery boxes. It beats putting them in the recycle bin. I burned a few smaller pieces from our wood pile and sat comfortably with my book and pooch beside me. 😉 Bill finished all but the laneway and the front field when he needed a break so came in for a snooze while I made supper.

Then she rested and posed for me.

Tonight was simple, omelets on toast aka toasted westerns was on the menu. I had bread at noon so opted for mine on the plate with some fresh garden tomatoes and pickles. I sent him back out instead of doing the dishes with me and I cleaned those up before making his egg salad sandwich for tomorrow. I used to hate the fuss of boiling the eggs, hoping they turned out and were easy to peel. With Madame IP, there is no guess work and they peel perfect every time. She’s a keeper!

Gibbs and I enjoyed the fire

While Bill cut the grass on the berm

Watching the fire and Billl

Last night I began watching a new series called American Rust, just one episode. It seems pretty good but when Bill asked me what it was about, I had a hard time explaining it. Maybe after a couple more I’ll be able to answer him. 😉 A suggestion by a commentor sounds interesting so I think tonight I’ll check out The Beekeeper. I’ve zipped past it on Prime, not knowing what it would be like. A recommendation makes it an easier decision.

It was nice for a change.

This has been a cloudy day, until supper time when the sun broke through for a bit The temperature reached 21C/70F and it was perfect for working outdoors. We’ll be hotter tomorrow, back in the mid to high 20’s, low 80’s (F) and it will be a different kind of busy. Working in the morning but expecting company to arrive at some point for the weekend. Yay! We are looking forward to seeing them again.

It was nice to see a late sun rather than
no sun at all. 
Good night!

I hope you’ve enjoyed your day as much as I have.

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. I’ll send you a box full of that purse stuff. I’ve got a huge crop all over my yard!!! Can’t get rid of it!

  2. Yes, I can't imagine peanut butter and cucumber together, but I'm sure some things I've eaten would seem unusual too.
    Have a wonderful weekend with your friends!

    1. ha ha, I think we all have cravings for odd things. Thank you Maebeme.

  3. Not a big peanut butter eater here, usually on toast only. I do eat cheese and pickle sandwiches though.
    Love the way that Gibbs tries to hide.

    God bless.

    1. See? That sounds weird to me but I'll bet it tastes okay.
      Gibbs makes me laugh all the time at his human-like antics.

  4. I do hope you like the Beekeeper. The only thing I didn't like about it was there was a lot of unnecessary automatic weapons fire without hitting anything. I guess Hollywood thinks this is the way to go, but to me, been there, done that, Viet Nam, it is very unrealistic. If you end up liking Jason Stratham, (the beekeeper) he has a lot of movies out there, some good, a couple really good, and a couple of duds, too.

    1. Thank you KennyD. I did like it, a lot. It was close to home right from the start and although it was very violent, its how Bill and I felt once when we got scammed. I'll check out more of J.S. movies. thanks.

  5. I've never tried eating purslane before but I've wanted to for a while. Do you use the 5-5-5 method on the eggs in the IP? Or how do you do it? What a productive day, bet your feeling good about it all.

    1. Purslane is good fried in butter. :) Yes, that is how I do my eggs. So easy, just a matter of timing the second 5 minutes without forgetting! haha

  6. One day I was helping my mom with weeding and I got yelled at. I was pulling up the verdolagas!! I'm not a fan but she liked them.
