Friday, August 23, 2024

Perfectly Wonderful Day!

The Ridge

On Friday, Aug. 23rd, I am happy to start with this title. From the moment I got up at 6:45, it was a good day. 😊 Bill did have to go to work but he is pleased that he got in an ‘almost’ full week of work so we won’t grumble about that. It’s a day off for me, which is great as I had a couple of things to do.

Good morning! 
I was up on time to see the sun rise.

Pretty, even out our back window,
through the evergreen. 

After Bill left, I sat with Gibbs and had my tea and played my morning games. Sometimes they go lickety-split, other times, not so much but that makes it worth the challenge. I got washed and dressed at 8 and drove into Durham to ‘finally’ take Rob and Pat their cards (for his birthday and their anniversary) and a gift we’ve picked up for them. They were leaving after 9:30 to go to the island for a few days.

There she is!

At the usual corner, it is a 
different view every day.

I’m so glad they are feeling better, things that it isn’t my place to go into, and hope they have a relaxing ‘holiday’ away from home. It was a short visit because I didn’t want to get in the way of their schedule but it was very nice to get the hugs and a wee bit of catch-up time. When they return, we all will commit to getting together. 😊 I filled our water jug while in town and returned home for the rest of the day.

We thought this would be nice at their cottage...
but they love it so much, are hanging it at home where they
can see it more often. 💓💓

 My lawn mower was charged from yesterday so got it out and cut the area up here, moving chairs, the table and hammock as I went. Gibbs made sure to keep well out of the way every time I got near. You’d think we had traumatized him with these motorized things but we haven’t! Goofy little guy. Then we sat together, first in the shade until I cooled down, then in our separate spaces. 😊 The lawn looks great again.

When I returned, I drove further down
North Line to see what neighbours were home.
Notice the moon, centre of the picture?

I picked a few cherry tomatoes and
these two bigger ones.

Sitting outside with my book, clouds moved over and then off again throughout the afternoon but it was a lovely day. 

Sleepy boy in the shade.

A salad plate for lunch. 

We walked to get the mail after lunch and then I felt like starting a fire. I didn’t need the heat but there was some cardboard sitting around just waiting to be burned. I do enjoy a fire, even in the daytime! 

Look up and sing
Bill's gate flags are flying proud!

Bill was home by 2:30 so that was really nice for him too. I made a tea and he went to the Hangar for a bit before supper.

A fire at any time of day
and I was able to clean up old cardboard boxes.

Bill’s ‘best grilled’ Burgers tonight on the menu, since it is the perfect night for a barbecue. I made the decision to have the lettuce instead of a bun though, so I don’t get carried away with the bread. 😊 After we ate and cleared up, we accepted Donna’s invite to the Acreage for a while to sit around their firepit. It has been quite cool for a few overnights but starting to change today so it should be nice.

Sound asleep puppy makes
for quiet reading. 😍

I think all that I’ve mentioned and documented above justifies my title of it being a wonderful day. We reached 24C/75F this afternoon. No complaints from this gal! I hope you can say the same.

Lettuce bun & burger.
It was extra yummy for some reason!
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. You, did indeed have a wonderful day. Our thermometer says 29C, but with the breeze feels much cooler. I think, perhaps a fire tonight might be a good thing. That is unless the forecasted rain hits.

    God bless.

    1. I hope you didn't get the rain and were able to have a fire too!

  2. You have such a positive attitude Patsy, I'm glad you,Bill and Gibbs enjoyed
    your day.I agree any time is good to enjoy a. fire,

    1. Thank you Mary. No point in being down in the dumps so I try to be positive.
      A fire at any time of day is fun!

  3. Love the sign. Got any old piece of wood you could paint for yourself? Your entry gate flowers are fabulous!

    1. I do too! However, I am running out of room where to put things like this! haha
      Thank you Nancy.

  4. Definitely a good day, time with friends and family, and gorgeous weather too!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Thank you so much, Buddies for the beautiful sign you gave us for our anniversary. It’s beautiful and we can’t wait to get home to hang it up where everyone else can see it.
    Thanks for the visit and the hugs. It was great to see you and we look forward to having more hugs when we can visit with Bill as well.
    Won’t be long now you will be counting the days before you leave to go south.
    Love the flowers at the entrance when you come into the ridge.
    Wonderful spot for them .
    Nice rich colours. Sending hugs and love💗💗
