Saturday, August 24, 2024

Laundry Day, Resolving a Worry

The Ridge

On Saturday, Aug. 24th we entered the weekend on a gorgeous day. The sun was playing tag again with the clouds but it was to be warm regardless. Summer has returned. 😊 Bill was up at 6 but although last night he thought he’d head out early to the field, he was moving a bit slow this morning by the time I woke up. Normally, the guys can’t fly until 9 am (at least that was London’s rules) so he was in no rush.

Good morning!
Sharing the spotlight this morning.

I got up at 7 and by the time I finished in the bathroom, Bill had pretty much sorted all the dirty clothes into two loads. I left before he did, with my tea-to-go, and arrived at the Mat by 7:30 (ish). No one was present the whole time and that made life, well, cleaning, easier for me. As I was leaving, a young couple with a little girl came in to do their laundry. Mine was in the basket ready for hanging.

A quick snap as I  back out of our lot

The day was perfect for line drying, with just the right amount of breeze. I stopped at M’s on the way home to take pictures of the washer that he wants posted on Kijiji. Back home, because we were soon scraping bottom in the fresh water tank, instead of showering, I just washed my hair in the sink. It is quite easy to deal with now that it is so short and takes no time at all to dry. 😊

The pond and corner view

I drove to the Acreage, where Donna was waiting at the end of the lane, and we went to see what the Hanover Market was all about. It wasn’t what we expected in terms of a ‘yard’ sale but we each found some bathroom products for good prices. All new items. We nipped into Walmart for a few groceries on my list and made one stop on the way home at a ‘non-productive’ garage sale.

Catching a few winks on
a lovely day.

Both of us

I dropped her back at the Acreage at 12:30 and came home for my own lunch. Bill wasn’t home from the field which meant he was enjoying himself. 😊 I had a tortilla wrapped with meat, cheese and the last of the egg salad. Filling and tasty, just enough. Then, I sat with Gibbs in my recliner. Last night, I’d taken my book up to bed thinking I’d finish it. My eyes put a stop to that as I couldn’t keep them open!

From 10 until 1 am, I tossed and turned, wouldn’t you know? Therefore, it made for a sleepy Patsy this afternoon and I read until Bill got home around 1 pm. I dozed outside in the sun while he did the same inside with Gibbs. 

A visit next door where Gibbs met
Caper (we cant remember his name)
They got along swell!

Around 3, we all drove next door to see if Dot would mind popping in on Gibbs on the day of Bridgette’s wedding. Of course, a dog lover, she fell in love with the little guy and would be obliged to do that. This has been on my mind for a long time. Dot and Gord will come over to get the lowdown on the Suite and where Gibbs' special things are. Now I can look forward to the wedding. ♥ 

Within minutes, we went from dead calm
to a strong breeze. It felt good though.

My heart is full and I’m so relieved, I’ve been very worried about what to do with him as it will be a very long day for us, away from home. I was quite happy about the decision so poured myself a rum and Coke while I finished my book. It was a very good story, with many historical references to the music I grew up with. I enjoyed it very much. 😊

Supper was delish tonight.
Who doesn't love leftovers?

For supper, I reheated roast beef and gravy, fried potatoes and cooked a vegetable. It was good and there are potatoes for another nigh.  A couple of pieces of beef and a dribble of gravy will serve for a lunch for me one day. While Bill did the dishes, I went out and brought the clothes in off the line. I’m sure there were dry hours ago but I’m never in a rush to bring them in.

This was another nice day. The 26C/79F today was not too much, I found it to be quite perfect. Two perfect days in a row? What?? I spent time with my sister, Gibbs and of course, Bill. My mind is at ease tonight with decisions made and discussions I had. I hope you’ve had a nice day too!

Surprisingly, Bill got a picture of ME doing some work.
Sneaky. Gibbs seems to be watching him at the window too.
Have a great evening!
Good night!

Thank you for the fly by!


  1. It's nice to read that Bill
    had a pleasant day off.
    How nice of Dot to care for Gibbs while you're away.Your shorter haircut
    looks great,-Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. Bill loves his weekends to fly as long as the weather cooperates!
      Yes, Dot is very nice and loves dogs.

  2. Glad Bill got to go flying!! I know the puppy woes ... finding someone to pet sit is not an easy task. On the other hand, it's why I get out of doing a lot of out-of-town Elks stuff!! LOL

    1. Thanks Nancy, he is too! :)
      We're fortunate to have new neighbours that we click with even though we don't know them that well - yet.

  3. Good morning Buddy
    So happy to read you got someone to watch Gibbs for you.
    You’re right now you can go to the wedding and relax and enjoy it.
    Nice they are right close by to watch Gibbs. And most of all that they are a dog lover. And Gibbs will be so so easy to look after.
    Nice you were able to spend some sister time with Donna. 💗

    1. Thank you Buddy, nice to see you commenting! ♥
      We are fortunate to have met Dot and Gord, she loved Gibbs at first glance and he wasn't even out of the car!

  4. Glad you were able to find someone to watch Gibbs while you'll be at the wedding.
    Your weather sounds lovely!

  5. It's great to have a smooth-sailing kind of day. I love your clothesline, very efficient and things smell so fresh after being line-dried.

    1. Yes, it was exactly that kind of day! I love my clothes line too!
