Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Run Off my Feet Day, By Choice

The Ridge

On Wednesday, Aug. 28th while bank accounts zinged for many senior citizens, ha ha, I slept like a log. I slept REALLY well. Our Canada pensions went in the bank overnight so much banking would be taking place throughout the day all over the country. 😊 It’s payday!

This Moonflower fought to greet the day.

As did the Dahlias beside her.

Bill was downstairs getting ready for work and Gibbs and I slept on until after 6:30. I knew I had to get up to go to work as well, but was dragging my heels – for no reason other than the comfort factor right there in bed. Remember, this is a time that I set for myself, it is by choice that I go in so early. Sandy doesn’t care what time I clean the Mat.

Thick as pea soup, right Daddy? 😍

I'm glad he has his lights on or I might have missed him

Clear now, I can go.

It was drizzly at 7 when I left and yet all I could think was ‘the storm missed us, we’re safe for another day’. 😊 The gravel was lightly wet except under the vehicles, and as I approached the highway, fog had moved in quite heavily. It was a challenge to see vehicles through the blanket. Luckily, lights are standard on all cars!

Yes, it is becoming obvious that fall
is approaching.
Can't deny its beauty.

No one was at the Mat the whole time so I went about my duties. It was an hour and a half today with the big dryers to clean ($3.45 in my pocket) and a mess with the garbage. The boss buys cheap garbage bags so when customers cram them full with old clothes and blankets, they rip when I try to remove them. Anyway, it took me longer dealing with those things.

Black Beauty left a funny shape in the lot.
Quite curvy, I might add. 😁

I stopped at Battery Pro/Water Store to fill our jug and then returned home around 9. M needed me to run him around today so at 9:30 I picked him up and took care of that part of my day. I made a bank stop first thing to get Bill and I some cash out for spending. Although not much, we like to have some in our wallets for small purchases. I was back from M’s errands at 11;30 and warmed up some lunch.

After dropping M at his house,
in a corner beside his shop, these Petunias
are flourishing. He just tossed them there a few years ago
from his containers. 
There is a lot of fertilizer that was in the boxes and they love it.

Today, the last 3 keto pancakes and the last 2 slices of roast beef. Not a great blend but they filled me and emptied a couple of fridge dishes. At 1, I drove to Hanover to pick Donna up and we searched for the garage sale we found on Saturday to no avail. Oh well. We stopped by Bill’s work site to see the house and the job they’re doing. Nice!

Gotta love the farmers until at rush hour,
the busiest time on a two-lane highway they slow
everyone down. I'm a patient person, as a rule, but this was

A quick stop at Independent Grocers before dropping Donna back at home. It is nice spending time with her. We don’t solve the world’s problems; we just have fun together. I made a stop for fuel in Hanover and then Walmart for an ink tank, birthday card and some Omega 3 capsules. It was the worst drive ever! I (a long line of us) got behind a large piece of farm machinery. He was too wide for one lane so rode on the shoulder of the road. Didn’t help. No one could pass him with all off the traffic coming our way.

What should have taken me 20 minutes, took an hour. Our plans to go to Costco tonight was canceled because I was so late getting home. We had leftover scalloped potatoes from the freezer, mixed vegetables from a can (not bad, actually) and pork riblets. It was easy, filling and we topped it off with a dish of Chapman’s Premium French Vanilla ice cream. Better still because it was $3.99!

Supper was pretty good.

We cleaned up the pots, started the dishwasher and by now Bill had our new battery charger connected and running. It was waiting on the step for me when I got home at noon. Fast service, he ordered it Monday afternoon! It has been a dull, cooler day, as expected but a relief from the past few days and my plants got watered! We only reached a high of 16C/64F today, no sunshine. 

Ice cream for dessert with 1/2 banana
was great!
Good night!

I enjoyed the busy day and will sure sleep well again tonight. 

Thank you for the visit.


  1. I do love a good tractor on the highway ... though when I drive them, I do everything possible to move OVER so traffic can pass. Even if it's in someone's driveway. Ooooohhh ice cream!!

    1. This wasnt even a tractor pulling, just a huge machine. He had lots of opportunities to pull over a bit at a sideroad but he didnt. The ice cream was so creamy and rich.

  2. That is crazy weather you are having up there. We were still sweltering and no fog. Interesting that the Petunias came back.

    1. It is crazy weather for sure. At least we're getting a bit of everything!

  3. It's unfortunate there wasn't a pull-out where the tractor could pull over for traffic. Or better still, timed the transfer when traffic was light.
    Those are some hardy petunias!

    1. It was but he did have some sideroads he could have nudged over at but he didn't. Sometimes it's a power thing.
      Those petunias have survived for 3 years in that same spot. He does nothing to them!

  4. It's nice to have someone to shop with and mainly have fun with while doing it. Love your flowers by the gate. Supper looks good.

    1. It is nice to have someone along - especially two people off like minds and who better than sisters? :)
      Thank you WTTLTL

  5. That was seriously thick fog, it's sweet that Gibbs slept in with you,Bill likely
    enjoys having you visit him at work, stay warm and happy,-Mary

    1. It was thick fog and then in a blink, it was gone in the other direction.
      Bill is always proud to show off what they're doing. ;)

  6. A busy day for you both. I remember having to share the road with farming equipment.
    The Fall Colours in that tree are reflective of the coming forecast.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It was busy and fun at the same time. At least for me, I was with my sis!

  7. A busy but productive day always feels good. New iPad; hope it works.
