Sunday, August 4, 2024

Laundry Day, Taking Jazz for a Spin

The Ridge

On Sunday, Aug. 4th it was almost 7 when we moved. This indicated to Gibbs that it was time to get up. He’d been awake since 6, cuddled beside me but he kept lifting his head to see if we were awake yet – or not. Once Daddy moved, it was time to get excited and they went out. 😊

Good morning!
Pulling out of our parking area.
Catching another Moonflower (I'm keeping track)
From the corner at the highway.

For those of you watching the Olympics,
this is my preference.
Don't judge me, I've never been involved in sports
so can't sit and watch it on tv. I support Canada
in my silence. πŸ˜€
I find the ISS live sightings pretty cool.
This is a sunrise and a sunset.

I began sorting clothes and with the 2 chair quilts, it all made 3 smallish loads. It makes a difference when Bill isn’t working. I left first, around 7:15 and drove to the Mat. One fellow was just finishing up when I arrived and another couple arrived just before I began the floors. I was in and out within an hour and a half with clothes ready for the line. I did dry the quilts while there as my umbrella line wouldn’t have adequate room for everything to dry properly.

This morning, there was a rocket launch
from Cape Canaveral, the Cygnus (6th load this year)
taking supplies and scientific equpment to the
International Space Station.
I enjoyed watching it.

Gibbs was waiting when I opened the door, he’s my helper at the clothes line. It wasn’t long though, and he had come down to sit on the picnic table while I finished. Better to keep watch, don’t ya know? We sat outside then for a while and I went into the Bunky to add a few more coats to the rocks I’d painted yesterday. To make the bird design from Nancy, I needed more small sized rocks so I walked around our parking area to collect a few more.

Inside, I played my games online and then we went back out to wait for Bill. He was home by 12:30 for lunch. I tried a grilled cheese sandwich with my keto bread and it was a failure. I’ll try once more, cooking it longer but I may end up dumping the last bit of the loaf. Too bad. Bill stretched out for a snooze and I checked our lottery ticket from Friday night. That was a dud, just like the bread. LOL I do have 2 scratch tickets to cash in for replacements at least. 😊

On our Jazz ride, we passed an old
farm house that we lived in when I was in public school.
The red brick house was across the road, friends of ours
who walked to our one room school with us.It was a long walk.

The familiar drive towards a town we spent the
winter in during Covid.
You all know when that was!

At 1:30, we got dressed and took Jazz for a bike ride. Yesterday, was a write off as Bill needed to work on his plane. Today, with the clouds clearing out by noon, we are getting out there for a while. It’s a lovely day. 27C/80F with a slight breeze. As usual, I had no idea where we were going so I just sat and enjoyed the ride. I always over dress because I’d rather be too warm and be able to remove a hoody than be too cool.

Paisley. We shared the house above with the owners.
It wasn't terrible but it wasn't all fun and games. 
It's a challenge living with strangers even though
we were totally grateful for the opportunity.

Every small town is individual for something.
We crossed the Saugeen River a few times.

Woops, a wrong turn had us on a gravel
road. I didnt like that, at all.
In Southamptom or near Sauble Beach, we found a few
corners with Cannabis stores. Do they outprice each other
or is it just availability like it was/is for cigarettes?
4 years ago, they weren't here

We ended up going towards Paisley on roads I was quite familiar with. I drove them Covid winter, back and forth to Durham. That seems like ages ago but it sure isn’t forgotten. Through Paisley, past the home we spent 5 months in, and our destination ended up being Chesley Lake camp. This is where Bill spent some of his youthful (teenage) summer years, working in the park. It is a good memory for him.

Arriving at Chesley Lake, Bill was able to 
nurture his memory bank. 

I've been here a few times with him, and once we went to a reunion, of sorts,
in the above hall. At that time, I met one of his high school friends. Today we got ice cream cones.
Bottom picture was their family cottage. ♥ He enjoys coming back just to see what the new owners
have changed. My family never had a cottage nor did we know anyone who did.
I can dream about it through his stories. πŸ˜ƒ

I was happy to get off the bike at their community centre/restaurant for a large single scoop Maple Walnut cone. Yummy. Bill had Tiger Tail but no picture, we had to eat them fast outside on the bench. 

Another of my memories in Elmwood.
My family lived in that gray house.
It looks really run down now and it makes me sad.

Our route home seemed quicker, probably because I knew where we were going but I did love the surprise. My butt gets numb quicker, the older I get, and my inner thighs feel like I’ve been riding a REAL horse!

Just outside of Hanover, "hey Mister! Nice car!"

I still enjoyed the ride and will as long as we are able to go. Maybe our ‘spins’ just need more stops in between. 😊 We were home by 5 and brought the clothes in off the line before Bill lit the Weber. T-bone steak and baby potatoes tonight and boy was it delicious!! I tried not to say ‘ummmmm’ at each mouthful but I’m pretty sure I failed at that. We both enjoyed the meal very much.

I ordered these markers and other things
for my daughter and I YESTERDAY from Amazon.
They were shipped YESTERDAY, I was told delivery
would be Wed. Aug. 7th.
They arrived by ASL delivery TODAY at 5:30 pm.
I'm stunned but very pleased.

Time for a relaxing evening – well, Bill didn’t have good luck flying today so he’ll be back working on that darn landing gear again. It was a nice day and with a chance of rain and/or storms overnight, we’ll be sure to close up the Bunky and sheds etc.

this steak was amazing!
It was our $10 deal.
There is one more in the freezer just like it.

One more cool shot from
the live ISS app.
This is Earth from the space station. 
Enjoy your Olympics!πŸ’–
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. AS we get older (who us!) the seat on the bike gets harder on long rides. We rode a Sporster to Toronto from Cincinnati in 1976 and have you seen the seat on one of those things? We had to stop at K Mart and buy a pillow. We now have a HD Low rider trike , bigger seat.. Love to ride. Safe riding to you,

    1. Thank you! Love the story. Our Honda Goldwing was more comfortable and we were younger than too. We have a sheepskin to sit on but boy, a trike would be much nicer! :)

  2. When I was little my older siblings went to a one room school, when it closed my father brought it's merry go round to put in our yard, I hope you, Gibbs and Bill have a nice night -Mary

    1. Oh! i love these stories. My readers are very special because of their/your input. ♥
      Thank you Mary.

  3. I can say I've never ridden on a motorcycle. I'm sure it isn't entirely comfortable but you certainly got to see many places that bring back memories.
    I've been to Cape Canaveral and did the bus tour that took us past the launching pads (miles away but they are huge. What amazed me most was the size of the tires of the vehicles that transport the rockets. I can't recall the exact width - just looked up the size of the vehicle - it is 115 ft across, so you can imagine how huge the tires would need to be!

    1. Not the most comfortable but a trike would be better for us older (ahem) butts. :)
      Interesting about Cape Canaveral, until we started watching for the ISS to fly over, I never knew anything about it. Didn't pay much attention, I guess Those tires had to be HUGE!!

  4. Oh yeah .... nice 57 Chevy!!! We pretty much followed the 50 mile rule. We can ride 50 miles until we have to stop and get off for a few. It's the vibration that got our butts!!! I miss it. And no, I'm not watching the Olympics either, after that opening ceremony!

    1. Isn't it though? Colour could be better, I'm just sayin'. Cherry red and white.
      Yes, I think we rode 190 km which is 118 miles with one stop for fuel and one for 30 minutes and a treat!
