Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Another Busy Day, Gorgeous Weather!

The Ridge

On Wednesday, Aug. 14th I woke up to Bill’s alarm, in my head wondering if that meant he had work today. Turns out, no, another day of them waiting for something to happen at the job site before they can go any further. That is frustrating for all involved, and for Bill since he’s looking at another week of no income. He crawled back into bed and we slept until almost 7 when I got up.

Good morning!

They're ba-a-c-c-k
Haven't had moonflowers for a couple of days
so today, we had 3 to make up for it.
The dahlia beside it has bloomed in brilliant red too.

I did have a couple of jobs today so got ready and left the Suite at 7:15 for the Mat. One regular customer today and we chatted while I cleaned and she did her laundry. I was out of there an hour later and home to see what my boys were up to. Bill was doing some more trimming down by the big dead tree and cleaning up branches as he went. The path he has created will certainly a big help when the time comes to take it down. Gibbs and I helped carry a few. 😊

Bill took us back to the back side of the west pond
and although he sees the turtles on this log a fair bit,
today 'we' (Gibbs) frightened them before I got there.
I'll sneak back another time, I miss seeing them.
This might me favourite pix of the day.

Bill had promised Robin that he would look after cutting their grass at their house when they were away so that’s where he headed next, around 10:30. At 11 or soon after, I gave Gibbs his ‘look after the house’ treat and left for Williamsford. I met Robin’s tenants from the house in Wingham as he was there to cut the grass on that property. When Bill isn’t working, he could have done it, but when she first asked, he was  going to work everyday so has found someone else. Nice kid, probably mid 20’s.

In between my cleaning jobs, we sat outside together.
Notice how Gibbs is sitting in the hollow of Bill's crossed legs?
I heard Bill say "are you comfortable?" He wasn't talking
to me. Gibbs is answering him here, affirmatively. ♥

We couldn’t get the mower running so I drove Ptooties and tried the jumper cables. Finally, he realized the PTO was left on from the last time Andrew cut and he was off and running. I left them to it and went inside to clean. It put me about 20 minutes behind schedule but the guests weren’t due until 4 so I had lots of time to finish. This group of 3 will be staying for 4 nights so I made sure to stock them up on the regulars, tp, Kleenex, paper towels, water and snacks. She looks after her guests.

Her healthy Philodendron was 
looking worse for wear after last night's
guests. Booked for 2 but 6 slept there.
She keeps this large Monstera plant
sitting on the old stove for decor.
Today, the pot was tilted, the stove
moved and a couple of support stakes
were out with some broken leaves.
What the?? No children so we wonder
what they were doing?

I rehung a new shower curtain today while she cleans the
other one.
Isn't it pretty?

Coming home through Durham, I stopped for a few of the sale items at Foodland, as the sale ends today. Then a pop in at Robins to drop off the basket of a couple of bedding items. Bill did a great job, their property looks perfect, and they will be very pleased when they come home Friday night. Oh yes, their plans have changed again and I’m picking them up at the airport. Just a reverse of what we did on Monday. 😊

Then we hopped on Jazz.
Perfect way to cool down!

Gorgeous day for a ride.

Back home at 2:30, Bill had just finished showering and wondered if I was up for a Jazz ride. I was very tired and hot too so agreed as the ride would cool us both down. It was great! He headed for Shelburne, thinking an ice cream at Superburger would be the ticket. However, they don’t sell them so we ordered an early supper instead. Burgers again but with fries and onion rings tonight. They were very good and a few rings came home with me. Yummy!

The burger for me, was not as good as my
first one here but the onion rings are the very best!

There was some roadwork in both directions today
but we were in no hurry and they are making great improvements.

And 3 hours later, we were driving into
Priceville, nearing our home on the Ridge.

Just because, it is pretty.

Bill went to the Hangar and I sat with my book for a while. Time for my blog, so at 7:30, I finally sat to do that. It might not be finished until morning, a slack day for me. LOL This has been a good day. We each earned some cash and it was a perfect summer day. We reached a high of 27C/80F with full sun,  

All is well in someone's world again.
The family is together. 
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Bill certainly was busy on his day off! It was nice of you and Gibbs to help him
    a little bit,have a good night -Mary

    1. Bill is usually always doing something - except when he's dozing. :)
      Thank you.

  2. Lots of work keeping your place up, but boy is it beautiful!!!

  3. It's a shame that Bill's work has slowed down so much.
    Love the photo of the pond. I hope you get to see the turtles soon. Gibbs may have to stay at the rig.

    1. I know, nice for him and not nice for our winter savings! haha
      I'll definitely leave Gibbs at the trailer!

  4. Your favourite pix is very nice and I like it too. Such beautiful area.

  5. That is pretty bad that Bill's work needs to wait so long for items to be delivered. Hopefully he gets back to work very soon.

    Love the pond picture.

    God bless.

    1. It is, but probably the same everywhere. Hopefully, it won't take too long.
      Thank you.
