Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Relief on its Way, Birthday, Lazy Day

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Aug. 27th we woke to another hot day. 29C/84F on the horizon and it was already 20C/68F when we got up at 7. This morning when Bill checked our batteries, they were right up where we’d expect them to be after being plugged in overnight. Strange what was happening on Sunday night that ‘fried’ the charger. Oh well, with a new one on the way this week, we’re just fine. 😉

Slowly but surely,
my Sedum is blushing

Bill left for the job site at 7;30 and Gibbs and I just hung out inside. I planned to vacuum today but I realized at the end of the day that I neglected to do that. Woops! I did some exercises and we went outside for a bit until the temperature got too ridiculous, even in the shade.

The brush pile is massive this summer.

However, I did dress in long sleeves and pants and picked up all the brush behind the cargo trailer. The brush pile is so high already that it was a challenge doing the ‘up and over’. I managed and came in to do a bit more clothes purging. Two more drawers produced a few tops and I added them to the Bunky bags. All that is left is my jewelry box and I can always find something to donate. 😉

Not much more, but a few things
that won't be missed.

I made my coffee later than usual so didn’t feel hungry enough for much other than half a banana and some yogourt. Leaving Gibbs indoors where it was somewhat cooler, I put my markers and rocks away for the time being and got a puzzle out to start. That turned into a big disappointment, finding out that 160 pieces were missing.

It's a cute picture so I was disappointed.

What you see in the centre is the bulk of border pieces.
The puzzle is 19" x 28" you tell me.
I should have quit right there and then.

No, not me! I just wanted to do some puzzling.
I got this far and it all went into the garbage.

I knew I was in trouble when there weren’t enough border pieces but stubborn as I am, persisted until I got bored with it. It’s in the garbage now. It was a yard sale purchase for 50¢ so no real loss except my time. Bill was home just before 5 and after catching up, he relaxed in his recliner with Gibbs and I started my blog. I did figure out how to fix the phone camera issue so hopefully that won’t happen again. If it does, you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll forget how to fix it! LOL

I had a few shoestring fries and they were nice for a change.

Fish and chips for supper, easy and tasty. Bill had rain 30 minutes away today but not up here. Now we are getting severe thunderstorm watches coming across our phones. It’s the wind we hate so we’ll pay attention and may need to pay Robin a visit this evening. Tomorrow will be a busy day for me too, with a few things on the go and the weather will feel more like late spring again. Strange.

Other than some rain, it would be nice if the 
storms just past us by. 

Last night, I watched a movie called The Timekeeper. It was entertaining and reminded me of Deliverance. Not sure what I’ll find tonight, I’ve saved a few in my 'Favourites' on Prime. Today, is my big sister, Gayle's, birthday so I can't forget to send wishes out to her. 

Looks like 6 candles on that cake.👀
Happy Birthday!💗

Good night to everyone else!

Thank you for taking the time to see what we’re up to.


  1. It's nice that you, Gibbs and Bill can visit Robin if the weather gets too severe for you to be safe at home,take good care yourselves,-Mary

  2. Happy Birthday Gayle!!! Your weather sure has been up and down this year. Hope the warnings are for naught.

  3. Happy Birthday to Gayle!
    It sounds like the cool temps have reached you. It's been cooling off a lot at night, down to 9 or 10C so the house has cooled off nicely.
    Have a good day!

  4. If you like action/adventure with a few ka-booms and shoot-em-outss (not very believable if you have ever been in one) then try out the "beekeeper". We enjoyed it very much, except like Darth Vader's stormtroopers, nobody could hit anything, even on full auto. It does have a nice story line though.

    1. I wondered about the beekeeper but keep skipping over it. Thank you, I'll check it out now!

  5. It has been down right chilly here today. I think we have a few cooler days and then back up for the long weekend. I am just glad we don't live at a high elevation like some in Alberta. They have predicted snow for those areas.

    God bless.

    1. The coolness has arrived Wednesday. I'm glad as well about where we leave. Too early for snow!!

  6. I agree, the Beekeeper is an excellent movie! We love Jason Statham's movies. We watched the Timekeeper on the weekend. It wasn't the best actingbut had to watch to the end even though hubby wanted to turn it off!😉
