Thursday, August 8, 2024

A Bit of Both, A Few Errands

The Ridge

Today, Thursday, Aug. 8th, my day was filled with a bit of work outside the home, a bit inside the home and a bit of relaxing. Bill was up at 6 and on the road to work by 7:15. Gibbs and I watched him go and then I made my tea and headed for town to clean the Mat. Ptooties needed a fuel fill up so I was happy the price had dropped 4¢ overnight. "Slurp!", she was thirsty!

Good morning!
This was last night's sunset.

No surprise here and 3 more to follow.

I wasn’t there long and the little Newfie (he doesn’t mind that handle) arrived at the front door. He already walks with a walker but today he was fighting to get in the door. I helped as best I could to reach around the laundry laden walker to hold the door and he told me fell and euchered his hip. Anyway, he put his laundry in and then walked across to the gas station for scratch tickets. LOL I guess he’s okay. 😊

These clouds are so pretty!
The sun is valiantly trying to break through.

Another first-time customer came in and asked for assistance/opinion on a few things. Nice man. I see more men in there than women, which I find interesting. It’s probably like a 3:1 ratio. I finished up and drove to Foodland and then to fill our water bottle at Battery Pro/Water Store. When I returned home, it had warmed up so I opened windows.

He isn't crazy about it, but he does
stand quite well. Don't put my front paws in though, Mom. 💗

I know he'll just lick himself dry.
Oh dear. I massaged the itch spray into his tummy and
will keep watch today.

I had planned on making cheesecake but decided to wait until after lunch, instead I created an Epsom salt bath for Gibbs. He has been scratching his tummy a fair bit so I wanted to see if this helped. Then I read some of my book. It will be finished today, come hook or crook! 😊 I fried up the last of my keto bread and took the advice from one of my readers. I ate 3 pieces and put the rest in a freezer bag. Thanks for that tip!

This was a good way to use up the keto bread.
I'm done trying, I shall wait until we get to Arizona!

I was too full to try it so Bill was the guinea pig.

A walk down the lane to check mail

and to deadhead and count dahlias.
53 left today. 💖
I'm tickled pink/purple and red!

Our only clear view of the messy pond
and only because Bill cleared a path.

I made Instant Pot Cheesecake but found I had to substitute some yogourt for sour cream and then again for 1/3 cup of cream cheese. Geesh! I thought I had enough ingredients. They were acceptable substitutions according to Google so it should still taste okay. For supper, I figured, since it isn’t supposed to rain until after 7, to have barbecued sausages. A bun sounds good so I may have one too.

The Sedum (with many names)
is not very tall but ready to
become 'showy'.

Gibbs and I were in and out a few times, each time my book went with me and a few more chapters got read. Bill was home by 4:30 and we relaxed until it was time to start grilling. The clouds had moved in but no precipitation forecasted now until 10. 😊 The sausages were good and filling. Bill had a piece of the cheesecake and gave it a thumbs up.

No words, just lots of LOVE

After the few dishes, I finished my blog and turned the tv on. Last night, I watched Miss Virginia, a movie recommended to me by my sister, Cathy. It was heartwarming, heart wrenching too but a good watch. Many are based on true stories so that makes them a bit more interesting. If you like Maggie Smith (Lady Grantham from Downton Abbey), The Lady in the Van is good.

This pot of mini petunias is a strange one.
One week it is glorious with red fllowers
and the next it looks deader than dead.
The stems look dead but today I have a pretty presentation.

This has been a good day, warmed up nicely to 24C/75F, with a slight breeze. Did you get the kind of day you wanted?

Sausage on a bun with cheese, mustard and onion.
Good night!

Thank you for popping around.


  1. We had a beautiful day here. Pulled Somes weeds and cut the front yard. Going to have a big cool down here starting tomorrow. Glad to hear all is going well.

    1. Thank you Doug for the comment! It is cooling down here too.

  2. It started out quite cool here, but warmed up nicely.
    The sedum is looking lush and healthy.

    1. We have a few cooler days ahead too and some rain.
      The sedum takes its time coming but is another pretty summer plant.

  3. I admit, I make cheesecake at least once a month, if not more. I love that simple recipe. Mr. Cooper is the same way ... only one foot in at a time! LOL

    1. It is easy to make and always turns out. Even when I have to substitute!
      Funny pups, eh?

  4. All the food looks yummy. Our's was a busy day.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  5. Everything looks beautiful especially the dahlias.

  6. Grain-free dog food doesn't feed yeast that causes itching.

    1. Thank you. Gibbs has eaten the same food since a baby, so it's odd that he is itching now.

  7. Lovely blooms. Poor Gibbs, does not look like his happy self getting out of his bath.
    Our day was cool and windy once again. Actually a very nice change from the heat.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. Gibbs does not look happy but he knows he cant move up there on the counter. I imagine you would enjoy cooler temps. We'll get ours for the next few days too.

  8. Those Dahlias look amazing! As does the cheesecake!
