Friday, August 30, 2024

Let the Weekend Begin! Company!

The Ridge

On Friday, Aug. 30th Bill and I both had to go to work. I left at 7:10 and he left about 5 minutes later. Today, it wasn’t fog that made it difficult to see traffic coming at the corner……….it was that big ball of sun! Even Bill said later that it was bigger and brighter than he’s seen yet. 😉 Wow!

Good morning!

I was alone at the Mat until my Newfie customer came in with his laundry. He told me he is going in for hip surgery this morning at 11 yet here he was, walking down to do his laundry. He was more cleaned up, hair cut and beard trim, than I’ve ever seen him. I wished him good luck when I left. He’s on his own so I hope he has a friend close enough to help him at home.

Two Moonflowers in two different gardens

This is a first on this new baby plant

I drove down to the Esso and bought our sheet of 10 garbage tags. Goodness! Everything is going up. I got them for $25 ($2.50 each) and tomorrow that will increase to $3.50 each! We’ve got enough for the rest of this year and a start on next spring too. I was home before 9 and at 10, I went back into town with M for his errands. We dropped off a stereo system at Robin’s sale and on the way home picked up a dozen cobs of fresh corn.

Across the pond as I drove out the first time

look how bright that sun is at the end
of our road. It was bigger at the highway,
I couldnt see to get a picture.

Our fuel prices. This is the price in Durham.
In Hanover, they are switched. I got Regular for $1.47
and Diesel was $1.53
Strange but lucky for me!

Our friends, Ken and Kim, arrived at 1:20 and Gibbs and I were waiting for them. 😊 We haven’t seen them since this past winter so it will be a fun catch up, as always. Once they got set up and after a bit of chit chat, we all went in to have lunch. I had a half banana and yogourt when I got home from town so just had a slice of toasted sour dough with pb and cukes again. It was good and then we all met outside on our patio.

Interesting how just a few leaves change
ahead of the others.

The Journey pulls up the lane

Ken stopped here to unhook their tow vehicle

Catching up in the shade

Bill got home shortly after 2:30 and joined us. Happy hour ensued, we haven’t one since Duncan and Patty were here. 😉 At 6:15 we were chased indoors because of a light rainfall that the awnings didn’t protect us from. 

With these dark clouds off to the north,
we had a few spatters of rain

More coming later tonight.
It was a warm day when the sun was out.

I was planning on grilled burgers which got changed to weiners and beans. Hardly a suitable replacement but it worked and filled us with a piece of toast on the side. We cleaned up dishes and relaxed for the evening.

Doesn't look like a burger.
Doesn't taste like a burger.
But it was still a passable meal and filled us.
Good night!

It was a good day and wonderful to see our friends. Lots of laughs so this will be fun. I took the suggestion from a commentor to watch The Beekeeper. Wow! Nothing like hitting close to home! We've been scammed before and this released a lot of anger from that situation. ♥  

Thank you for your visit too.


  1. A nice visit and catch up today… thanks for sharing The Ridge with us!

  2. Beans and weenies chopped up - soooo good!! Nice to see Kim and Ken again. Love all the greenery and then the SPLASH of RED!! Fall is coming. Thanks for all the pics!

  3. Hi Kim and Ken!!! I know you’ll enjoy time at the ridge!! Patsy, what are garbage tags?? I won’t complain about our fuel.

    1. We have to buy tags to put on our garbage bags for pick up. If they are not applied to the bag, they leave them. So, essentially we are paying to have our garbage taken away.

  4. It's nice that you and Bill had a bright sunny morning,such a cheerful way to begin a day.Gibbs is so cute sitting under the table to enjoy the shade
    I hope you have a great weekend -Mary

  5. Our gas prices range from 156.9 to 165.9. I expect they'll jump over the weekend since it is a long weekend.
    Enjoy your time with your friends!

  6. Back when I was eating a lot of C rations, (long ago and far away) the beans and weenies were my favorite. The ham and lima beans sucked, though. Still like the beans and weenies, but a piece of polish sausage (not the whole thing) cut up and covered with Dennison's chili with NO beans is my favorite now. When you get back to the states, you might get a can and try it.

  7. I am glad that you are going to have a lovely visit with your friends. Enjoy the time together.

    God bless.
