Saturday, August 17, 2024

Phone Warnings - Do We Run?

The Ridge

On Saturday, Aug. 17th (which feels a lot like Sunday) we made it through the night without Gibbs having to get up and go out. This surprised us after his accident but mostly because he had taken another dose of his medicine about 2 hours before bed. He always drinks a fair bit but we were filling his dish all evening and then he’d go out for a piddle. What a good little guy.

good morning.
The Hibiscus replaced my Moonflower
showing this morning!

The best news is that from 6:30 am, neither of us have seen him scratching! That’s after just starting on the pills. We are thrilled, the cost of it already well worth it. He’s gotta be happy about that too. I can’t believe that it was 8 o’clock when I woke up this morning! Out like a light, that was me. Bill had one thing to do first thing so once I was up, he headed over to the Acreage to get water. The second time he went, while I was in town, Gibbs went along for the ride.

This is my only event today
I'll be Forrest Gump.
You never know what you're gonna find.
(now where IS that box of chocolates?)

Sadly, our water bladder is still leaking around the nozzle so Bill’s attempt at sealing it didn’t work. It’s right at a bad spot that moves, breaking the seal he creates. Bummer. We’ll fumble through the rest of the summer and maybe over the winter, pick up another one. My plan today was to go into town to a church yard sale. They are always fun and cheap.

Of course, I found a few things.
2 pair of my size capris, a 3-hole punch, a ceramic
coffee mug with a lid for my in-house tea, some craft
beads, a Fitbit charge 2 (!) and a couple of funky necklaces.

Oh! and a black one piece bathing suit.

This one was no different. The Anglican church ladies were so welcoming and greeted everyone with “everything you can fit into a bag is $5” (adding, unless you think its only worth $3) 😊 Before I knew it, I had my bag full and couldn’t just give her what she asked. I told her that her price was unfair and I gave her $10.  It’s for the church's foster child and I got some good deals.

Just a few glimpses on my walk
around the property

Gibbs was inside so I got a peek
at the turtles before they slipped into the pond

The area that Bill likes to 
cut and I threaten him each time.
He got stuck here a few times with the
old mower. Like a child, he still has
to try. 💗
Today, it was almost to wet for me to walk on.

I filled our water jug before returning home and all this was happening during rainfall. It wasn’t heavy and I didn’t melt in the least, so no worries. My plants were getting a drink. Our rain barrel level is dropping so it is time for more rain anyway. The rest of the day was very quiet. After taking a Benadryl, after lunch, I dozed, relieved of the itching, started a new book and played some of my games.

Bill managed to get the dirt spread down here
at the road. Nice job!
Notice our apple-LESS tree?
Because of our pruning last fall,
it might need to re-cooperate.

Bill went to the Hangar and I took a walk down the lane to deadhead my dahlias. Still over 50 in bloom after popping the tops off about 25. I love it! Ha ha. We did have a scare earlier with a tornado watch/warning on our phones for this area, so we packed the appropriate bag and sat in Black Beauty, prepared to go if the need arose. It didn’t. Other than rain, the winds didn’t even pick up so we came back inside. Good!

Today's small harvest.
My first larger tomato.

When the sun came out, it
was quite warm.22C/73F was our high temperature.

For supper, we had bbq’d sausages on a bun and finished the last of our strawberries with cream for dessert. Yummy. I’m working on a project on line so did that for a while before working on today’s posting. It has been a warm day, pleasant, with a very hot sun when it appeared. The sky has been interesting but not threatening looking at any time. I hope you got the weather you wanted and if not, there is always tomorrow! I'm happy to report that Gibbs hasn't scratched his belly ONCE today! We are both so relieved for him. 💖💖😊

Good night!

Thank you for stopping by. We had a nice quiet day.


  1. Nice haul from the yard sale!! My favorite pic is the field with wind mill, clouds,trees and lots of grass! PERFECT :)) Glad the meds work for the "itchies" !

  2. Patsy it's good of you to pay more than was asked so you are helping the
    church's foster child.I'm glad the pills give Gibbs some relief .Bill does a great job keeping the place looking good.I hope you three have a good night,-Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. I like a good deal but they just weren't asking enough for a full bag. :)
      Bill does do a great job around the property and yes, Gibbs is a happier camper now. ♥

  3. Glad Gibbs is doing better.
    You made a good deal at the church.
    Not sure if it's good for Potable Water, but Princess Auto sells Water Bladders.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks Rick. Church yard sales are usually the best! :)
      We don't drink the water from their well anyway. We're trying not to buy a new one - especially at their prices for the few years we may have left BUT we are checking around for a deal.

  4. Good to hear that Gibbs no longer scratches his belly. I was wondering if he perhaps was bothered with fleas as those are hiding in the grass. The grassy fields Bill cuts are so green and nice to look at. You got a bargain at the Churches yard sale.

    1. Thank you Marlene. That is what we think about his itching too. We haven't changed anything in his diet or treats but are just happy the meds are working.

  5. I'm happy to hear that the meds have relieve Gibbs' itch.
    Great score at the rummage sale!

  6. Yay for Gibbs!! I bet he's a much happier boy! Oh for the taste of a FRESH tomato! It's worth it if it's the only one you get ... but I'm sure there will be more! Good to see the turtles back too!!

    1. Thanks Nancy, yes indeed. Yay for Gibbs. If he is relieved, I am doubly relieved.
      One tomato, two tomato..........I'm sure there will be more too!

  7. I am glad Gibbs is not scratching anymore. Yes!!! you got to see the turtles and even got a picture to share with all of us.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie, hopefully more turtle pictures, I've missed seeing them.
