Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Meet-Up with Friends, Hobby Switcharoo

The Ridge

On Wednesday, Aug. 21st I didn’t have to work anywhere so took my time getting up and dressed. Bill was up as per his usual time and had Gibbs out by 6. That little guy for as much as has to drink and piddle, drink and piddle, he lasts all through the night from 11:30 to 6. We think that is pretty good. 😊 Bill left around 7:30 and I sat with Gibbs and my tea.

Good morning!
I hope you managed to get a better shot of the Super Moon
last night than I do. My timing was off.

With my games done, I washed, dressed and we went outside to greet the day. It was cool, only 6C/45F when we got up, so Bill ran the furnace through a couple of cycles. I was washing a few things up in the sink when I noticed that our gray tank was full so went out and pulled the lever. We (namely Bill) keeps forgetting to leave it open after dumping the black. 😊 I left it open when I finished, since it is set up to drain away slowly.

Gibbs and I enjoyed a bit of time outside
although it was a cool wind early on
No Moonflowers to show today
but there are buds on the horizon.

Gibbs and I hung out, once it warmed up a bit, and enjoyed sitting in the sun for a while. There were still clouds but that sun, when it came out from behind them, was beautiful and hot. I thought I would do some weed trimming and got set up to do that when I couldn’t find the fuel mix for my trimmer. Hmpf! Both mine and Bill’s trimmer were M T. So much for that idea, obviously it wasn’t meant to be.

The Hibiscus is making up for it. 
Woops, the picture is on its side.

At a few minutes past 11, I was on my way in to Tim Horton’s. I was meeting our friends, Lori and Roland, from Dryden for lunch. They’d hopped on their bikes a couple of days ago and decided to take a trip to south/midwestern Ontario to visit friends and enjoy some time away from home. 😊 A cool week to ride but they have heated gear so were fine. I was very happy to be able to see them and sorry Bill had to work.

Broccoli soup, steeped tea and flat bread
All were very good although we didnt expect the bread.

I am terrible at selfies, I said.....
but we got a laugh and a fun picture

We had soup and a drink before they hopped on their Indians and headed off, further south. I stopped at Foodland for some French fries, which were on sale until tomorrow. Bill likes his fries.  

Two Indians wait for them
Travel safely, friends!

Back home, Gibbs got his medicine, and we walked down for the mail. This time it was my parcel that arrived. We didn’t want to come inside yet so he sat on the step and I went to the Bunky. Time to finish some rocks.

It sure didnt take me long to finish
my rocks today!

Since I ordered and received my acrylic markers, I wanted to try them out. Gibbs wanted to come inside (surprise, surprise!) so I brought my stuff inside to work on them. 😊 Boy, now I’m surprised with how this will change this hobby of mine! It will be so much nicer to carry the markers south rather than my paints. I can get a bit more detailed and certainly save myself a lot of time. I’m quite pleased.

I love cuddle times like this
Although, it did mean supper was later
than usual. I hated to disturb him.

Bill was home from work by 4:30 and I started supper around 5. Tonight, a sirloin tip beef roast in Madame IP with potatoes and a vegetable. This should be our last cool night before it turns warmer again, so we can get back to barbecuing soon. Don’t I sound optimistic! However, the roast dinner was wonderful and we have leftovers for another meal.

It was a lovely Sunday meal
on a Wednesday.

This was a wonderful day; meeting up with dear friends is the best, isn’t it?

I managed to get some weeding done
in the small gardens

This one is so full of Evening Primrose
so it didnt take long.

I was surprised to see another Gladiola was 
flowering in the shovel. 💗
We reached a mediocre 17C/66F today
and warmth returning tomorrow.
Good night!

Thank you for your visit today.


  1. Big waves to Lori and Roland!!!! Your rocks turned out cute. So much easier with markers.

  2. How do you over winter your glads and dahlias?

    1. Hi Karen. I have to give them to my sister to store for me. 👍

  3. Very nice day, despite the cooler weather. We had a good thunderstorm last night with rain, and it cooled off somewhat overnight. It's sitting at 15C at the moment and we're expecting a high of 26C. After the temps in the 30's, it feels great!
    Love the rocks - I'll have to mention the markers to my daughter as she occasionally paints rocks too.

    1. It has been pretty nice during the day here too. Cool when the sun hides though but warmer each day.
      Thank you, so much easier with the markers.

  4. Like Maebeme we got rain here (we are only about 200 or so km apart), but some small hail fell as well. Nothing that damaged the garden however. Ohhh, those markers will really be handy when painting your rocks.

    God bless.

  5. The rocks are adorable! How nice to meet up with Lori and Roland and lunch to boot! Will they be in AZ this year?

  6. sorry Bill had to work so we missed seeing him.. But greatful we got to see you. Always a great visit.. I love your rocks...they are so sweet
