Wednesday, August 7, 2024

It Was a Rest Day for Me

The Ridge

On Wednesday, Aug. 7th we woke to a morning that was a bit cooler than what we’ve had in a long time. So cool overnight, as a matter of fact, that both Bill and I felt chilly a few times through our sleeping hours. Neither of us was game to getting up and bringing our Mexican blankets upstairs. Ha! I didn’t know until this morning that he wished for it too. 😊

Good morning!

It didn’t take long to warm up though as the sun was blazing in the clear blue sky, even at 7:30. Bill was called into work today, in Hanover, but he didn’t need to be there until 9 so he had a leisurely start to his day. After he left, I just ‘chilled’ for most of the morning. I did a few exercises that I found on Youtube, the Block Therapy site.

One more
and the dahlia beside it is getting close.

My left forefinger has been aching and giving me some grief lately, which sometimes makes it a challenge to open things with that hand. Picking up a heavier pot or opening a jar is an accident waiting to happen, so I’m going to try and stick to doing this simple, but hopefully effective, routine for a month. I can’t do too much with such a small floor and no wall space but these are doable. I’m not alone, my two sisters have/are dealing with the same thing. Hmm.

Gibbs and I took a card down to the mailbox
and I couldn't help but take a picture or two
of this view. I love seeing the Suite up there on the Ridge.

Home Sweet Home

I needed to dust and vacuum today so took care of that before putting together a makeshift lunch with my bullet coffee. 😊 Slowly, I’m adding a few things to my daily routine and adding Marine Collagen to my yogourt or coffee is one of them. I figure now that I’m making a bit more cash, I’ll try to improve some things. Do any of you ladies take collagen?

After being inside for a while,
this is Gibbs' reaction to being outside. 

I went online looking for a light sweater, jacket, bolero or shawl for the September wedding. Bridgette buys a lot from Shien and it is beautiful stuff (from China) at a very reasonable (almost ridiculous) price. Right up my alley. Finding a colour that would work for either of the two dresses I’m deciding between. Also, shoes, just seeing what is out there while still keeping an eye out around here. As you know, second hand is not out of the question since my dresses are not new.

And what do YOU think he's waiting for
with that smile on his face?

I drove to town with the 31 beer cans I’ve found on the road plus the wine and beer bottles from the air bnb recycle. I’ll take that free $4.40, thank you! 😊 I stopped at the bank and deposited my pay. Next, I popped into the variety store to cash in my scratch tickets for two more and lastly, at the LCBO I picked up a bottle of Bill’s Appleton’s rum and one of vodka (any kind) for me. Also, 2 cans of light beer for my next margarita batch.

A face I can't resist

Gibbs and I spent time outside this afternoon, in the sun and in the shade, repeat, repeat. It was lovely in the sun but too hot for you know who. My book is a real page-turner, I believe it was Maebeme who told me that. She is absolutely correct! NYPD: Red 3 by J.P. is one to keep you riveted. Bill had a later day, I guess because of his later start, and pulled into after 5:30.

Another hammock day

For supper, we just shared the leftovers. Hamburger & mac cheese with the small potatoes and cauliflower from the previous night. It was all good and plenty for each of us. I want to make a dessert we can have after supper, the pb bars are good but more for a snack. Maybe tomorrow after I clean, I’ll make cheesecake.

There were enough leftovers
aand we were both full.

We cleaned up the pots and Bill made his lunch before his shower. He is headed for the Hangar and I’ll be reading OR watching a movie. He had a delivery from Purolator today with a couple of airplane parts so he is happy. Just ordered on Monday, I think. 😊 This has been quite the perfect day. We reached a pleasant sunny high of 25C/76F and just when we think how much we like it, the rain moves in for 4 days. LOL

This is a fill in photo.
How true!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in. Your comments are always welcome!


  1. Fun memory you reminded me of- when I was about 9 or 10 we'd
    walk about 3 miles to a little grocery store out in the
    country where we lived in a dirt road .Back then folks would just toss their
    soda pop bottles out if their car windows,I would walk to the store picking up all the bottles,get nickel refund for each and buy candy with that money 😊-Mary

    1. What a neat memory!! Thanks for sharing. I remember doing that when we lived in a small town too.

  2. I started marine collogen 5 months ago. I have seen and felt a difference. Dee

  3. Hi folks, the Ridge looks just great & really reflects all your effort. I'm looking forward to Bill's update on the solar/lithium performance-hope has met expectation[s].I've found that Voltaren lightly applied really helps on the joints[finger]-expensive but lasts quite awhile.All the best; sure do enjoy all the Gibb's moves,lol.

    1. Thank you AJames. Bill will have to write a blog soon.
      I've wondered about Voltaren, might look for it this winter.
      Thank you for the comment.

  4. I've read NYPD Red 2, 3, & 4 and they're all good. I haven't been able to find the first one in the series but will pick it up at some point. I have a hard time putting the book down because the clues aren't obvious.
    We dipped down to 6C last night, but in the city it was even cooler at 2C. Brrr! I'd take some of that rain from you, it seems likes weeks since we've had any accumulation.

    1. I'm pretty sure I've read NYPD Red, the 1st one. I hope I have#4 in the Bunky, I'll check tomorrow.
      Brr, that is cold.

  5. Hey, if you didn't make the french toast for the freezer yet, I also add a touch of vanilla and some cinnamon & nutmeg to the egg mix. Might have to whip it between bread dippings.

    1. Just did it today. I wondered if spices would help but that's okay. It's good like this and appreciate your idea.

  6. I know a few people (ladies) taking collogen, but I haven't. Let us know how it goes for you.

    God bless.
