Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Summer Heats Up, A Purge Inside and Outside

The Ridge

On Monday, Aug. 26th I woke up feeling refreshed. Gibbs was bouncing back and forth between the window on my side of the bed, and down to the door – and so on, a few times. I thought Bill was just gathering up garbage since it was pick up day. It was only 6:30. I wish it had been that simple.

Good morning
Last night, a bright orange ball dropped below the horizon.

Not to be outdone by returning this morning
in a blaze of glory again!

No, he was trying different things to see why our batteries went dead overnight. That’s not good! We were plugged in to power over night and this morning when he got up, we had no 12-volt power – which except for appliances, 95% of our power comes from. I’m bad at understanding this kind of stuff and Bill has the patience of Jobe re-explaining it to me.

All we can figure, is that our battery charger (which we bought when we got our lithium batteries) has given up the ghost. Nothing major would have been running over night but something went cuckoo. He spent a fair bit of time, back and forth, trying to get an answer but we both had to get to work this morning. I heated a pot of our drinking water (the water pump doesn’t work on 110) to wash with and we made our drinks and left.

A quick snapshot of the 2 Moonflowers this
morning but the second one was too far away.
I was a bit rushed.

Dropping the garbage at the mailbox,
this was the view east.

I loaded the 2 recycle bins and garbage bag in Ptooties to drop at the road when I pulled out. Bill wasn’t too far behind me, heading for his job site. When I returned home an hour and a half later, the sun had started doing its duty and charged the panels hence charged our batteries to 12.1 volts. They improved by the hour and we were fully charged by noon. 😊

This shouldn’t have happened but a battery charger replacement is a lot cheaper than buying a converter so we'll talk about which way to go. Things can’t go smoothly, right? That wouldn’t be the norm for most of us, so we deal with it and move on. 

purgings from my closet
Time to get rid of some jeans - it's hard when they
all still fit so well. It's a matter of choosing the BEST to keep!

It was a hot, humid day so I stayed inside with Gibbs where it was cooler and did some closet purging. I needed to get rid of some things and these clothing exchanges are the perfect push for me. If things didn't fit me, the choice to purge would be a lot easier. LOL

Today's pizza.

With just two drawers left to do, I stopped for today. Lunch time found me making one of my tortilla pizzas but I wasn’t as successful with this one. It was still very good but I browned my crust too much before adding the cheese, sauce and toppings. Oh well, it was still quite yummy. Gibbs and I went outside and did a walk-about. That found me down by the Hangar.

This is the dead tree area.
Bill has cleared most of it himself
so I moved all the recent cuttings from the left corner.

There was a lot of brush still in the area that Bill was cleaning out around the dead tree. (yes, it is still there). I wasn’t properly dressed but you know when you start doing something, since I was down there anyway, it’s hard to stop. I risked a few scratches as I dragged everything I could see that Bill had recently cut. This was my outside purge, helping Bill clean up what he'd already cut.

to a pile behind the cargo trailer.
I'll move it tomorrow to the brush pile.

With the huge pile up behind his cargo trailer, I decided to wait until I was better dressed to drag it to the brush pile. Short shorts, halter top and flip flops were just not appropriate! I was very hot and sweaty anyway, so came up to the shade with Gibbs and downed some water. Time for a shower, it was crazy itchy! 😊

Whatever will he do when he has no stoop to sit on?

Once I was all cleaned up, I didn’t want to go out too soon so I worked on my laptop for an hour or was it two? By 3 pm, we were at duplicate of yesterday’s temperature so the fans inside were helping to move the air. We should get a bit of relief with possible showers in the next day or two.

This afternoon was pleasant if you were in the shade as there was a lovely breeze. Bill pulled into the laneway as Gibbs and I were almost down to the end to check the mail and bring the bins up. That saved me some lugging as he put the bins up on the tonneau cover.

I laughed at this picture but
had to include it anyway.
I had my phone set up on the fence for a selfie
and this is me convincing Gibbs to come and pose.

Then we both missed it after all! 

This is his way of walking with Mom
to get the mail. About 3' behind sniffing everything odd.

Come on, Pokey!
The mail was for me, from the Ministry of Transportation telling me that I have been approved for NOT having to wear glasses when I drive. 😊 That was a determination at my eye check-up and I can remember way back when, with my first pair of glasses, indicating that I needed them. I’ve always been far-sighted so not sure why I thought that. My new license will arrive in a few days.

It was a lovely day. Did I say that?

Our brush has overgrown this year,
we should be able to see SOME of the pond
through here.

Bill moved the hammock into the shade and relaxed with Gibbs. I sat in my lounge chair not far from him with my book. That was the coolest place on the Ridge. 

They relaxed in the shade with a great breeze
beside me.

I laughed when I got to this sentence in my book.
Nancy K will get a kick out of it. 
It was actually one of our Phrazles a week ago. 😃

For supper, we had smoked sausages. Bill had his on a bun with fried potatoes on the side. I had mine w/o the bun and cauliflower on the side. It was a good meal with some sliced tomato from my plants. Yum.

I do enjoy the smoked sausage but those
tomatoes? Yummy!

It has been a great day and the evening will be a quiet one, either reading or watching a movie. Last night’s was so-so with Gerard Butler (who made up for it) called Last Seen Alive. He’s such a cutie in my eyes.  

I had a visitor just off our patio where I 
was sitting.
Pictures aren't perfect, it was hard to catch her
opening her wings. That's my excuse!

FYI: Bill placed an order for a new battery charger that will be here within a few days. It's the affordable route for us right now. He went to the Hangar after supper and watched his own movie while working on his new plane. He is scratch building a big one. 😊

Madame Monarch says
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. There's always something, whether a portable house or a stationery one!! As you know, I don't get the whole electrical battery thing either. Your pizza looks much better than MINE!!!

    1. It's all too much for me which is why I could never travel on my own.

  2. Winner winner chicken dinner ... one of my favorite sayings! LOLOLOL

  3. The monarch is pretty!
    Here's hoping th enew battery charger takes care of the electrical issues.

  4. I hope that new battery charger takes care of your problems. Vine ripened tomatoes are the best!!!

    God bless.
