Thursday, August 1, 2024

It’s Another Hot One!

The Ridge

Thursday, Aug. 1st  is here and the last full month of summer begins. We are very fortunate to be able to extend our summer months by heading south for the winter and we don’t take a bit of that fortune for granted. All too soon, it can change. So! Even though Bill is on holidays this week, I have decided to still do my part time cleaning/driving jobs. We all slept in this morning, the boys until 7 and me until 7:30. Dreams kept me dropping back off each time I woke.

Good morning!
I starting out with 2 pictures from last night.
Usually, he moves over for me to sit after
I finish my blog.

He was sooooo tired,
so I sat in Bill's chair for the evening.

I was scheduled to pick up the bnb shift for Robin today after 11 so she could drive to Toronto airport and get her sweetie. After 8 weeks, Andrew is coming home. 😊 She will be pleased to have him back. That was my only plan for today. It was already 20C/68F at 7:30 and with the humidity, we’re expecting to reach a ‘feels like’ temperature of 35C/95F by this afternoon.

I caught you this time!!

When there is no wind, and today there just isn’t anything, we are totally out of our element. Ontario, heck, many of Canada’s provinces, are not used to this heat. Bill had a couple of things to do today so when M called and told me his tenant was gone, moved out by midnight last night (Yay!), I agreed to give a couple of hours to clean the apartment for the new arrival. I went over just before 9 and left at 11.

This house in town is so intriguing. I'd
love a tour, hoping of course that the
inside is just as nicely looked after.
Wouldn't you?

M has a shop vac for doing the floors and it is old and missing parts. There is no decent head attachment to do the carpets but I did the bathroom and kitchen as best I could before I left. It was crazy hot in that place, he was using the fans in the shop where Dennis, his friend, was working on a car with him. I should have stolen one! I’ll take my Dirt Devil tomorrow to vacuum the last two carpeted rooms and it is ready.

I was worn out and hot when I
Gibbs was cuddly and a comfort
while I rested. ♥♥

Back home, Bill had gone for water and to town for things needed for other jobs here and had just returned as well. I changed into something cooler, took my water and snack bag and headed for Williamsford at 11:30. This is another hot spot but at least all 5 fans were running. It is a stone building so it isn’t terrible with the furnace fan also feeding cool air up through the vents.

Looking down on these little
Tare lots of them!

My first harvest.

It must be my age; I notice that I get hot from cleaning sooner than I used to. LOL When I left, I popped the a/c on in the car and felt much better. 😊 Robin does advertise “no a/c” in her ad so it isn’t as if guests aren’t aware although a note left for her today mentioned it. Like I said, these excessively hot, humid days are unusual for us.

I don't think I got these posted
last Saturday/Sunday.

This shade tree grouping helps him work
on a large plane outside when it is hot.

Bill was working in the shade down by the Hangar. I don’t know what he is all doing to the plane, since I thought he flew it last weekend, so I asked him at supper. 😊 Just minor adjustments, he said, he wants to continue flying it. I was so happy to be home today, around 2, that I came indoors and stretched out in my recliner with Gibbs firmly planted on my chest. He was lacking the attention today, I guess. 

Donna and I getting cooled off
Gibbs can't figure it out.
He's not a water dog, at all.

I had my tea around 4 and started my blog. Donna texted from the Acreage inviting me to come for a dip in their pond because of the heat. There was no debate, Bill and I were soon in Ptooties with Gibbs, my water shoes, towel and pool noodle. Donna and I took a minute (heh heh) to slip into the cool of the pond but it was soon warm and refreshing.

How deep is it, anyway?

Gibbs couldn’t figure out how to get to me and isn’t used to the water so waited on shore. When we got out, Bill carried him in just enough for him to dog paddle his way back to dry land but we all think he enjoyed getting cooled off from the way he ran around after. 😊 It was a nice visit for about an hour and a half and we scooted home around 6.

Gibbs is giving up on us

Bill grilled our smoked sausages and while he had his in a bun, I used a tortilla wrap for mine with some squash on the side. That tasted pretty darn good! We had a square for dessert and relaxed for the evening. The clouds have been dominant for most of the day but by 7, we had a clear sunny sky and a bit of a breeze in the tops of the trees.

It was a busy, hot, sweaty day for me so cooling off late afternoon in the pond was just what the doctor ordered. 😊I earned myself $80 and feel pretty good about that.

It was a yummy meal.
I picked up a big jar of my olives at Costco,
they will last me for a few years!
Good night!

Thank you for your visit.


  1. If Gibbs continues to be scared of the water, you might consider getting him a Personal Floatation Device. Luna (a St Bernard) nearly drowned following Sanford (a Lab) into the pool. They use the pool more than the family, but Luna always waits for her PFD to be put on, before going in. Something to think about.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks Rick. Yes, we have already discussed getting him a life jacket. I had one but not sure where it got to.

  2. $80 is a lot, you should feel good about it 😊
    A jar of olives that will last for years must be huge, your plate of food looks
    delicious -Mary xx

    1. That is a lot, and I do feel good even though I work for it. ;)
      The olives are so packed in the jar, no skimping by the company (Unico) there!
      Thank you Mary.

  3. That was a good day's work, followed by a lovely dip in the pond and time to visit with your family.

    1. Yes, thank you, it was. The dip was so refreshing and fun with Donna.

  4. Just wondering if that pond has any weeds growing in it that you touch when swimming in it? Looks lovely though. Some dogs don't like to swim just like people while others can't get enough of it.

    1. No weeds but the bottom (which we never touch) is mucky. You're right about the dogs and water. Clemson was the same. We never took him in unless we were right beside him while he swam to shore.

  5. Yup I want that house!!!! It's beautiful! Cooper would have been in the water in a flash. Until he figured out he couldn't touch bottom. Great way to cool off for the humans!!
