Sunday, August 11, 2024

Oh, Mixed Bag Day!! A Peek at my Vegetable Progress

The Ridge

On Sunday, Aug. 11th I was awake waaaay too early. When I looked at the clock at 4 am and my family were still sound asleep, I couldn’t help but wonder what woke me. Weird. I do know there were a few silly dreams in there and I think the book I’m reading might have played a part in that. LOL Do any of my bookworm friends find that to be true as well?

Good morning!
After last night's changing sky, it cleared at bedtime
and stars appeared as well as the small disk of the moon.

So, I forced myself to lay/lie (?) there until 7, even though Bill got up at 6. He took Gibbs out and then stretched out in his recliner. 😊 Sometimes he dozes there and sometimes he catches up on news. The big news this morning was from Quartzsite Chatter on FB. A group in and around the town we spend our winter in. They had terrible wind storms and the sister park behind ours had some damage. Park Place RV Park was missed and no one around town was hurt. Phew!

Instead of the Moonflower, which was wet and droopy,
here is my first 'Aljoe' Hibiscus bloom.
There are many more to follow.
Isn't she gorgeous!

I made my tea, Bill wasn’t able to go flying because of the 80% chance of rain and that could mean a dull day. It rained off and on up until 9 and then the sun came out. What?? That wasn’t even in the forecast. I got washed and dressed and played my online games before delving into my book. It is a murder mystery and quite the page turner.

There was chatter of rain most of the day
so this was a surprise today.

At 11:30, I took my snacks and drinks and left for Williamsford. I had a few things to pick up from Robin’s house and to drop off my blender. They are on their way back to the rental in Wingham. I hope they can get the issue handled by the end of the day. It’s a cool day so pretty crappy around here. I don’t believe the temperature got above15C/62F all day and the winds made it feel much cooler. Up and down weather, continuing throughout the summer but that’s okay.

This afternoon, Gibbs and I walked to
'get the mail' which on Sunday, translates to
'count the dahlias'.
63 in bloom today after tossing 8 dead ones

Too bad there wasn't a wedding tomorrow!
These are perfect Flower Girl petals.

I was finished at the bnb at 1:30 and home by 2. I’ve earned some cash today so I’m happy. Bill was in the Hangar working on a plane that he is scratch-building so he is happy. Gibbs has been in and out, spending time with each of us so he is happy too. One big happy family! 😊 This will be an early night for me as I have to be up early in the morning. More on that tomorrow.

Tomatoes are doing well.

Peppers, not so well but still,
this wiill be 3 ready for picking.
The top right pictures, which produced my first, only
has 2 teeny ones and it looks the healthiest.

For supper, we have corn on the cob to be eaten so all we’re having with it is one large pork chop to share. For dessert, I’ve made a strawberry sauce for the cheesecake. Yum. It all tasted great and was easy to prepare. 

The pork chop was huge!
We split it and it was enough with
this for dessert.
The corn was delicious as was the strawberry sauce
I made. 

After supper, cleanup and my blog, I went upstairs to watch tv. That way Bill and I won’t have to swap places when I’m ready for bed.

Gibbs wanted out and instantly stretched out on
the grass. 

This has been a fine day despite the 'forecasted crappy' weather. It was better than they thought it would be. I hope your Sunday was too. 

After a few bursts of rain this morning,
the day was a surprise although still cool with the strong winds.
Refreshing for sure!
Good night!

Thank you for taking the time to pop by!


  1. Bill Gibbs and you,one big happy family, wonderful!Have a good night -Mary

  2. Glad to hear that your winter home wasn't impacted by the wind storms.

  3. Sad about next door Q. So many flimsy car covers ... I guess they lost a few of them. No one expects winds like that in Q. Mr. Gibbs rubbing his tummy on the grass ... is that what's making him itchy? He's just so darn cute!! No surprise, your garden looks amazing! YUM ... fresh tomatoes.

    1. It is sad about the park in the Q, selfishly, I'm glad ours is ok.
      I don't know why the grass would make him itchy, maybe it feels good on the itches. :)
      Thank you, Nancy. The garden tomatoes are growing.

  4. We would sure take a week or so of your weather out here in Northern CA. No rain since the end of May, and a lot of 100+ days this summer. Almost too hot for the mosquitos this year, though, so that is nice.

    1. Wow, that's crazy. Not to have rain in such a long time. :(
      However, no skitters is a bonus!

  5. Your garden is doing really well considering that this year is different and most people complain about the poor harvest. If you need hotter weather, come on down here ;-)

    1. Thank you Marlene. No, thank you. We don't need it hotter, the cooler days are a relief here too. :)

  6. Your tomatoes and other veggies look great!
    Do you fertilize often?
    Wish we had some of your rain, none here since early April.
    Lots of hot weather !
    Linda a.

    1. Thank you Linda a. Shamefully, I have to say I haven't fertilized at all since the first planting. I'm pleased with these new bags this year, they seem to be big enough.
      Wow, like KennyD - no rain in such a long time. :(

  7. What lovely meals you manage to create. I do wish that our weather was a bit more rainy, but one does what one needs to do.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. I never ever think my meals are that great.
      We'll be getting rain overnight, I think, and then even though hot again, in the next few days too.
