Monday, August 19, 2024

Feels Like late September! Yet Another Family Birthday

The Ridge

On Monday, Aug. 19th, Bill and Gibbs were up around 6. Gibbs went out for Bill at 12:30 so made it through the night with no issues. He got his meds around 7:30 when we got home so that creates a thirst and then that creates an immediate need to go out. By midnight, it was all out of him. 😊 Commenter suggestions are good ones but we hate to limit his drinking too much, if the pills make him that thirsty. Bottom line, we’re just so pleased with the change in him.

Good morning!
I had no interest in playing outdoors
Cool, cloudy and windy.

I didn’t have to go anywhere today and by 8:30, turned into a real wimp. The weather was not nice at all today. Windy, cool and wet. It didn’t rain, but it was wet from overnight rain. I see from indoors that a Moonflower was blooming again and also that 5 Hibiscus flowers were spent and drooping in the rain from the last couple of days. I did venture out to pick those off and take a picture of the new buds.

I removed the dead buds so this
one could show off better. 

Gibbs was in and out a lot, not wasting any time until once later this afternoon. Bill left for work at 7:30 but was home by 11:30. The flooring they were working on was damp from being in the shed so they couldn’t go too far. Oh well, 3 hours is better than no hours. 😊 We had lunch and Bill went to the Hangar. I boiled 5 eggs for sandwiches for him while he and Gibbs had their snooze. Well, one of their snoozes. This weather must be to blame!

Huge and glorious!

Gibbs wanted to stay out one time and sat on the step watching the Hangar. Not once did he go down to see Bill but when I offered him to come inside, he was actually shivering! Poor little mutt. He came in with coaxing and got some Mom cuddles to warm him up. We had the furnace run this morning and then some low heat from the fireplace this afternoon. I had to put a sweater on! Told you, wimp.

Here, I'm looking down on the plant
so you can see all the buds.
She's a happy Hibiscus!

I worked on my online project for most of the afternoon and for supper, I made chili. Well, however you make it without chili powder. Good grief! I was sure I had lots of that spice but you know what? It tasted great with the spices I used. I had to add 5 of my little cherry tomatoes as I was also out of canned ones. LOL I need to take stock of what is up in that high cupboard before my next shop.

I still call it chili even if the flavour was different.
We quite liked it!

After clean up, Bill went to the Hangar and I finished this post. It has been a cool but still a good day. We only reached a high of 14C/58F and that is just ridiculous! It is still August. A couple of cool days in a row here with nights below 10C/50F so we’ll leave our blankets on the bed. No heat runs through the night. I hope you have had better weather where you are! I watched a couple of good movies over the last two nights. Violent mystery type but I enjoyed them. Denzil Washington and Mark Wahlberg in 2 Guns and Al Pacino and Robert DiNero in Righteous Kills. Edge of the seat viewing. 😊

Our little hummer didn't mind the cool weather.
The food was good!

Happy Birthday today to my little brother, Michael, out in Cold Lake, Alberta. It was a popular month for my parents, apparently. 💓

Michael is a happy guy!
His car won 2nd place in 
the Modified Car competition.

Now, isn't she purty!!?
Good night everyone!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. That is one huge hibiscus bloom. Love the colour.

    God bless.

  2. Wow, huge hibiscus flower! Very pretty.
    We were in the city today - it reached a high of 32C, with the humidity it felt like 38C. Wicked hot! We might have gotten a few sprinkles here in town, but it sure wasn't much. I'll trade you a few degrees, because I'm not liking the heat.
    Happy Birthday to your brother.

    1. Yes, that is too hot! I wish we could all meet in the middle somewhere for the weather! haha

  3. Great looking car, Michael. Happy birthday. We had a high of 77 so really nice here. Got my yard cut.

  4. All of you having birthdays in July and August probably had something to do with it getting cold and dark early come October/November, maybe?

  5. Looks like we might be getting an early Fall/ Winter. Even some Weather Stations are saying so.
    Nice Ride, but a lot of work involved.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. all the more reason to get out of Dodge! ha ha, not even talking about the car! :)

  6. Nice car! We are still in the high 30's but tomorrow is supposed to cool down a bit. Other than a full day of heavy rain last Friday we have had nothing but high temps and sunshine all summer ... I'm okay with it but many are hoping for it to cool down soon :-)

    1. Thanks, he is very proud of it. You've had a great steady summer for weather. We've had a good one, but up and down. Trying not to let us get bored with any one kind of forecast, I guess! haha

  7. Wow, so nice to see that hibiscus flourishing and blooming the way it is.
    So healthy looking, and the size is amazing of each flower. Good that Gibbs is feeling a little bit better. 💗
    P&R and Bella 🐾🦮🐾🦮

  8. Green thumb ... you have a green thumb!!!! Happy Birthday Michael ... nice car!!!!!
