Thursday, August 15, 2024

Summer is Definitely Here Again! Apples for the Picking

The Ridge

On Thursday, Aug. 15th we woke up to a pleasant morning of 15C/60F. Bill and Gibbs were up at 6:30 and I didn’t move until 7. Seems to be my sweet spot when I’m cleaning or even if I’m not. 😊 Billy called at 8 asking Bill if he wanted to work today. The answer was yes. It will at least be a few hours pay this week.

Good morning!
Last night's sunset from the window

He finished getting ready and I made his pb and cheese sandwich for him. He left just after 8:30. My day was pretty much free. No cleaning, no runs to town for M, just a favour for Robin this morning. I had my tea, played my games and drove down the road to her home. Even though she is in Newfoundland, (or wherever she may be) she still manages to sell items from her Market Shed. 😊 What a gal!

Two Moonflowers today from 2 newer plants

I almost missed them.
Ignore the weeds, if you can.

I moved a 2-drawer file cabinet from one garage out to the driveway and 2 other items (a cat tunnel and a riding toy) to the side porch for pick up by buyers. In th’e morning, I’ll stop to retrieve the cash from her ‘spot’ and drop it inside for her. That was it!

This is Robin's fruitful apple tree
They are nice yellow/golden apples
but when they drop, they bruise easily.
See the pile at the trunk?

They might be Crispin? Not Golden delicious.

Before I left her place, I raked a few apples that had dropped on their lawn and then picked enough for a freezer bag or pie or crisp. She had gathered 7 pails already. 

I returned home and Gibbs and I sat outside together for a while before I decided it was time to do a bit of sun-tanning before it got too hot. The forecast was hot hot hot. Gibbs found shade and I read my book in the sun for an hour – until lunch time. It was a toasted pb and cucumber sandwich which finished off the ends of the sour dough bread loaf. I’ll put the new loaf I bought in the freezer so it lasts like this one did. 😊 

#2 Hibiscus with
5 waiting in the wings

Bill texted at 1:30 that he was on his way home and pulled in just a few minutes later. We sat together for awhile and then parted ways. He dozed and I read more. This book is also hot hot hot! Until time to eat, Bill went to the Hangar. We had an Amazon delivery, by ALS, surprising me again with the quick service. 

I think the grass felt good on his tummy

Yes, I took your picture.
Dogs definitely have attitudes! 💖

For supper, we shared a large air-fried chicken breast. I reheated my onion rings and cooked squash for me and corn and little potatoes for Bill. It was quite good and we finished the cheesecake with strawberry sauce for dessert. 

Can you see him in the shade over there?

It has been a warm day, reaching 28C/82F with mostly clear skies. There was a slight breeze so that kept it pleasant. Gibbs needed his teeth cleaned so he sat really well, while I did the best I could. He likes to chew on the rubber finger. Goof! Today, I noticed why he might be scratching his belly so much. It looks like a rash on his belly so we'll take him to the vet tomorrow afternoon. This has been a lovely day, nice and easy going. 

Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. As usual I enjoyed reading about you,Bill and Gibbs
    Thanks Patsy,-Mary

  2. My dog would lay like that on the tile floor with a/c running!! Nice and cool. Very pretty moonflowers!

  3. I enjoyed reading about you ,Bill,and Gobbs.Thanks .

  4. Looks like the Rain we get tomorrow will be heading your way.
    I've notice that Gibbs seems annoyed when you take his picture or is he reacting to the sound of the Camera?
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. You have to know Gibbs. No, he isn't annoyed, he poses and waits for the click before he moves. 💕

  5. Ha. You are the only person I've heard of besides me who eats peanut butter and cucumber sandwiches on toast! Everybody around here in TX looks at me like I'm crazy when I mention it. I put mayo on it too, as I first learned when I was 22, 64 years ago from my Wisconsin friend Jane. Well, that's closer to maybe it's just a thing in colder climates..

    1. Ha! That is funny, Judith. Never tried mayo as well, but just might. Definitely salt though.

  6. Quiet days with a good book and good weather are wonderful. I hope the rash isn't anything too serious for Gibbs.

    1. Thank you Maebeme. His other habits in the day have not changed so hopefully this will stop the itching.

  7. Yup that's a bag of apples!! How wonderful to make pie, applesauce ... they look delicious! Love to have fresh food from the garden.

    1. Yes, served us right and proper for a few winter apple desserts. You might even get a taste!!

  8. I am waiting for my neighbours apples to ripen a bit more. I am going to make some pie filling hopefully for the winter pies, and crisps. Enjoy your apple haul.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. I love having apples in the freezer so I don't have to buy any for cooking.
