Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Great Day

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Aug. 13th we woke up knowing that Bill didn’t have to go to work again today. Again, mixed blessings. I woke up around 6:30 (but didn’t get up until after 7) feeling very refreshed after a great night’s sleep. So, because I didn’t have anything pressing today either, we decided to clean up a bit around the property. Bill went out first and took the chainsaw down beside the Hangar where that dead tree‘lives’.

Good morning!
Last night, Gibbs had it in his mind to sleep on 
the couch while I watched tv.
Every night he sits with me but tonight? Nope.
Can't help but wonder what gets in their head. πŸ’—

Whether we do it ourselves, with help or someone else does it, there were a lot of small nuisance trees that would make it difficult. He cut a pathway into and around the 2 large trees there. One is dead and one is alive. The temperature this morning started out on the cool side, which is perfect for outdoor work. By the time Gibbs and I went out, around 9, it wasn’t cool anymore. 😊 Of course, we knew that would happen.

We have a brush pile that gets filled every summer.
Bill added to it this morning. By spring, it has composted
enough to leave room for the next summer.

I donned my work gloves and pulled weeds out of the berm garden, in my bucket on the hill and then along the outhouse. The irises have been long done and look yucky now so I snapped those leaves off at the ground. I did some more minor weeding along the fence line near the Bunky but stopped before starting into the big garden. It was hot and I know I have to pace myself or I’ll feel it tomorrow. So, although it was only just over an hour of work, I quite and joined Bill.

My job of clean up looks minor next
to his work! But it still looks better.

He doesn’t let himself stop so easily, he has the ‘just one more, just a bit more and then I’ll stop’ attitude. I can talk myself out of that quicker but he can’t. So, Gibbs and I came up and I changed into shorts and took my book out to the picnic table. Bill finally stopped and cleaned up the cut branches but he was completely tuckered. Yes, I gave him heck! We rested outside before coming in for lunch.

Here is our back field after a cut.
Across the fence to our neighbours side,
we are quite disgusted with their field.
It has been 'half' cut once since they moved in
last summer. Our previous neighbours, however strange,
kept it neat like ours. Sad.

Just sandwiches today but mine was toasted pb with cucumbers and tomato. It was very good on sour dough bread. That loaf of bread has been in the freezer, where I ‘feed’ from it, for a long time and still tastes great toasted. 😊 I’ll have to pick up another since there is only 1 slice and a crust left. Bill had a snooze with Gibbs after we ate’’

We are very grateful for the fence line
and we try not to look at it. We aren't
the only ones feeling this way, it extends to the road as well.
Their fire # (address) is hidden and the mailbox soon will be. πŸ˜•
As far as we can tell, they are fine.

When he got up 30 minutes later, we hopped on Jazz for a quick run into town. I wanted to pick up some epoxy and J cloths (for Williamsford) from the hardware.  I do need more bird seed but will get that later this week. I filled the feeders with what I had left and that included the hummingbird feeder. It was empty and by the time I returned inside the Suite, she was already drinking from it. I’m sure she was in the trees just waiting!

Bill made a path into the bush for access to the
dead tree that needs to come down.
He worked hard at it today!

Bill went to the Hangar and I sat at my laptop. I have a project on the go that I need to get working on so put my mind to it and made some progress. When it was tea time, I settled back to start today’s post. Bill came up around 4 and found something to watch on tv. It has been a really nice day together, yet doing our own thing. 😊

My lunch was tasty!

We had Bill’s Burgers for supper, loaded, of course. Delicious as usual. Again, I was too full for dessert but Bill had a piece of cheesecake with strawberry sauce. I’ll be sure to save room tomorrow night for one of those last pieces! There weren’t enough dishes to use the dishwasher so Bill washed them by hand. The evening went along quietly.

My book is so good now, it is hard to put it down, but I have bookmarked a few movies to watch on Prime. Last night, it was James Patterson’s ‘Cross’. It was good! A series starts on Nov. 14th so I hope we can still get it down south. 😊 We reached a warm high of 25C/77F, dropping to 11C/51F tonight. Rain isn't expected until Friday and then it won't stop for a few days. LOL I hope your Tuesday was a fine one too.

Bill's burger was right up to par!
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. Sounds as if Bill needs to take some lessons from you on when to quit. I spent the day baking bread, working in the house and sewing mittens together. I also kept looking at the bottom of the closet in my sewing/craft room and decided no more procrastinating, tomorrow it gets cleared out!!!

    God bless.

    1. You did good today! Accomplished quite a bit, I'd say.
      Yes, Bill needs to learn how to slow down and actually STOP. I'm good at it! haha

  2. As interesting as it is to read about your day with Gibbs and Bill seeing what you ate always makes me hungry, I need to learn to skip that part😊Have a blessed and good night -Mary

    1. Ha ha, you are too cute. You are being kind about our days being interesting. Maybe about the food too!

  3. I tend to be like Bill, but I'll sit down and then think, I can do one more thing. However, most of what I do is not nearly as physically demanding.
    The burger looks delicious.....and messy. That's a perfect burger in my opinon.

    1. Yes, from reading your blog, I get that you are a lot like that. :)

  4. Yes, I know how Bill feels about not quitting when there is so much more work to be done. Garden work seems to never ending, you turn around and it's all grown back!

    1. Absolutely! I think I can talk myself out of things easier than he can and do a bit at a time.

  5. I get the neighbor problem. It's too bad, because your place looks so FABULOUS ... and theirs so overgrown ... maybe a fire hazard? Gotta love the pups when they are sleeping. They look so angelic!!!

    1. We try to justify the neighbours - because they are off grid maybe this is their way of enjoying nature BUT they are never outside around the yard BECAUSE it is so long. How can their 4 year old play in that? Anyway.............puppies, yes, adorable when sleeping. ♥

  6. I tend to be like Bill. Gerry is always telling me to take a break but I still keep going seeing more to keep me busy! If I do sit it's generally only for 10 minutes and then up again!
