Saturday, August 3, 2024

Get ‘Er Done! Perfect Day! (Sorry, long-winded today!)

The Ridge

On Saturday, Aug. 3rd, I relished in the fact that I didn’t have to leave the property – for anything. 😊 It does seem to have been a busy few days, running here and there for my part time jobs, so I was looking forward to today. Bill was up and readying to go to the field by the time I got up. I’d decided on a shower first, so declined his sweet offer to make my tea.

Good morning!
As I walked to get the mower,
Gibbs just watched.
Apparently with his 'ghosty' friend.
Pretty sky.

He left, Gibbs watched to make sure he got off okay (or was it longing?), and I hopped into the shower. Pleased with what the scales said again today, it was with a smile. 😊 There isn’t a lot of change in my clothes, but I have had to tighten my belt a bit more, as I know Bill has. He is dropping weight faster than I am, but he does work harder too and hasn’t really had to change his diet too much at all.

Yup, another one
and 3 more getting ready.

After my shower, I realized that I should have switched the order of what I was doing this morning. Duh! I wanted to cut my grass, the areas that Bill couldn’t get to on the big mower because of chairs, hammock and picnic table. And I did, at 8:30 we were out there moving all those things to make the job easier. It wasn’t hot – yet – and it didn’t take long to get it cut. Looking good again.

Then we rested and enjoyed the view.

While moving the chairs to the patio area, I couldn’t help but notice how green they were getting, especially on the backs and sides. Not the ‘good’ green either. Hmmm. Without a hose and direct hook up to water how much of a chore would this be? I filled 2 pails from the rain barrel, one with the hand pump (after priming it) and the other at the same time, directly from the barrel spout.

Much improved and I made
do without a water hose. 😁
Yes, we are boondocking.

To one, I added a Lysol cleaning solution. The other remained clear for rinsing. Once more, I moved the 6 chairs back to the grass area but I had no shade yet this morning so it was pretty hot. They really needed to be cleaned so I pushed myself to finish them before taking a break. Lastly, I carried each one to the south side of the Suite and used the outside ‘shower’ hose nozzle to rinse them before carting them back to the sun area to dry.

So, the bread, not such a success.
I think it will be good for grilled cheese.

You know by now, I was regretting the earlier shower! I put things away and had a half shower inside. I’d opened all windows this morning, debating about the a/c but there was enough of a breeze that I (and Bill later agreed) didn’t think it was necessary today. Maybe tonight, we’ll regret that. We sat outside in the shade until Bill came home at 12:30 for lunch.

While my boys snoozed,
I made a mess in the Bunky.
Ladybugs for Robin.
Birdies - Nancy's suggestion.

I tried my bread. Hmm, I just can’t seem to get past the taste of the almond flour so I think I’ll give up for now. Yes, I’ll eat as much of this as I can so not to waste the 6 eggs required, but I guess I’ll just stick to the sour dough until we return to Arizona. That, and tortilla wraps.

There is something about a hammock.
I love ours and so does Gibbs.

So, when the boys stretched out in their recliner, I went out to start painting some more rocks, for Robin this time. She’d like some in her Williamsford planters. Bill worked on his plane, the landing gear in the Stinson needed to be fixed before morning. He did have 3 good flights with it today and 3 good landings but the gear is loosening too much to rely on for another one.

He was either with me or down with
Daddy watching for me. ♥
Notice the little alligator in the grass?
When I approached, he rolled over for his tummy rub
and tail wagging. I believe he is smiling!

Gibbs and I hung around outside, in the shade and in the Bunky. He shared his time between Mom and Dad, in the hammock with me and by Bill’s side down at the Hangar. For supper, we had Bill’s Burgers on the Grill and I had a bun again. I earned it today and this time the lettuce went ‘inside’ the bun. 😊 I finished my book this afternoon so chose a couple more from the Bunky selection. I have so many! (not a bad thing)

This tree has to come down and we'll
get to it, once it cools down a bit.
BEFORE it falls down on the Hangar.

The day was a hot one, 27C/84F, but with the breeze and in the shade, we enjoyed it very much. There are little sweat bees annoying us at times but they don’t bite unless caught in a bad location. Don’t bend your arm unless you’re sure one isn’t in there! Ask me how I know!? It has been a great day, very relaxing.

More hammock cuddles before
it was time to start grilling.

Not sure which one, but one of
these will be opened next.

We are into a long weekend, called the Civic Holiday, celebrated on the first Monday of August. Not all provinces in Canada recognize it but Ontario does. It means no work for Bill or I on that day……..(unless Robin needs me). Regardless of whether you have Monday off or not, I hope you enjoy your weekend.

This restaurant sure knows how to
make a great burger.
Where are you, Nancy?
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. Can't beat a good hammock!! Great view from yours. Burger looks yummy!
    Gibbs laying in the grass is too cute!

    1. I love our hammock and now my little buddy does too. It's only 21 years old! haha

  2. you could be a photographer for food in a fancy magazine. That looks great. I wonder if you made sure those chairs were in the sun, even flipped over, when you weren't using them would cut down on labor. (I'm always looking for low labor methods...ha.)

    1. Too funny, a have photographer friends who would disagree with you! haha I'm pretty amateurish.
      The chairs are in the sun a lot but not flipped over. once a year, well maybe every two years, they get washed. :)

  3. Such a cuddle bunny you have there! Love the hammock ... perfect for naps in the shade.

    1. Yes, he is! Naps in the sun are nice too just not in this heat. :)

  4. I recently finished reading the James Patterson book and really enjoyed it. Mitch Albom is also a good read, though I've not read that particular novel.
    Oh my, that burger looks fantastic. I'm drooling!

    1. Good to know about the J.P. book, I'll read it next. I have read 3 or 4 of Mitch's books too and have not been disappointed. This one is more of a story so should prove interesting too. The burger was good, wait until you see our steak!
