Sunday, August 25, 2024

Short and Sweet – Well, Sweet for Sure!

The Ridge

On Sunday, Aug. 25th I woke up knowing I’d had a restful night’s sleep. Not like my previous one. Bill was downstairs getting ready for the field and it was my usual 7ish rising. The sky out my window was clear blue and that always makes me smile. Can you believe it is almost the end of another summer month? Our countdown is dropping numbers off like ice off a tin roof! Wow, time flies.

Good morning!
Gibbs watches his Daddy leave.

Bill leaves his truck and trailer hooked up
Saturday night for an easy pull out on Sunday.
Looking out our back window, these clouds
were soon gone.

Bill left to meet his fellow pilots around 7:30 and I had nothing on my agenda. With the lawn work done, and worries put out of my head, I had nothing but good things on my mind. I had my tea with Gibbs, played my online games, did some Block Therapy exercises for my hands and feet and after washing, I pulled out my dress for the wedding. It is just around the corner and I wanted to try on the whole ensemble, jewelry included.

It was cool in the Bunky so Gibbs
came in to help.
Um, I can't paint with you on my lap,
cuddle bum! 💗
You know I love the hugs.

With that finalized, Gibbs and I went outside to the Bunky. There is a date set for the next clothing exchange and I already have 4 over-stuffed bags of clothes to take. Most of it is from the Lost and Found, some boys and men’s items and some ladies things as well. I sorted into bags, one for friends, one for sisters and the rest to take and then put them back in the Bunky. 

Okay, now they are all shined up.
One odd one in the mix, can you find it?
Do I watch/read too many mysteries?
The shape of the rock couldn't be denied.

While in there, I finished a few of my rocks before I took a run into town for bread. I forgot it on Saturday.

Keto pancakes for lunch
with (of course) local maple syrup.

My lunch today was 3 keto pancakes that I’d put in the freezer. Thank you to whichever commenter suggested that. 😉 I have 3 left for another day, they reheated really nicely in the frypan. Bill informed me that the guys were ordering pizza for lunch so I knew he wouldn’t be home too soon. Gibbs and I spent the whole day outside and it was beautiful!

Hammock time!

Bill used our new bladder today and
it worked like a charm!

The berm garden is displaying different shades 
now that fall is approaching.

The hostas and dahlias give it some summer hues though.
The evening primrose is colourful too even without flowers.

Bill was home around 2:30 and had a few ‘chores’ to take care of. He got a bladder full of water and dumped our black tank, two of the biggest jobs, then he went to the Hangar. I dozed in the hammock and then in my chair, starting a new book. This one won’t take long, I zipped through the first 50 pages in half hour. This one is James Patterson’s Killer Instinct.

You've met
Goose the Spruce before.
Each summer he must spurt up 2 feet!
He was our retirement gift from
a good friend.

We had a simple tasty supper. Toasted bacon, cheese and homegrown tomato sandwiches. They were wonderful and I will credit my tomatoes for that extra good taste. 😊 After cleanup, Bill went back down to the Hangar and I did even more relaxing for the evening. It was a good day with a high temperature of 29C/84F. There was a slight breeze occasionally just at the right time!

Tasty supper.
Good night!

Thank you for popping in. Your comments are always appreciated and that is it for the weekend!


  1. Short and sweet comment
    to go with your short and sweet post Patsy.I am glad you Bill and Gibbs had such a good day,I hope you have a restful good night -Mary

  2. Gibbs in the chair reminds me of my dog~so sweet. Chairs on the white rocks by berm garden look very nice and colorful ! Great view from your hammock! The sun here cooked mine even with a beach towel covering the canvas.....was great in the late afternoon in the shade!
    I thought your lunch was french toast! Anything with maple syrup is good!!
    Made a pot roast yesterday so will heat some up for dinner tonight. You keep giving me food ideas - Thank You!! :))

    1. Bill did a nice job on the berm with the rock and chairs.
      The canvas on the hammock does get hot!
      Glad to be of help with your meals!!

  3. Am envious of your sandwich - nothing like home grown tomatoes. I guess we'll have to wait til the wedding is over to see your outfit.

    1. The tomatoes do taste darn good!!
      Yes, no dress showings yet. Nothing special, just pieced together.

  4. Glad you both had a good day and your's wasn't all thumbs.
    Bruce has come a long way from when you first planted him.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Funny, you found it!
      Goose, our tree, comes from the gifters name Gosset.

  5. Summer is definitely flying by. Enjoy your lovely weather!

  6. Not much better than home grown tomatoes!!! Glad the new bladder is working. Yes, time is getting shorter and shorter!!

  7. Your rocks are very cute! Love the tiny faces.

  8. What a lovely day you had. I really like the orange slice that one of your rocks turned into. Your place is looking lovely and green. Ours is slowly turning brown from the heat.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. The orange looks better in the picture. I wasn't pleased with it until now when I look at it. 😄
