Saturday, August 17, 2024

Taking Care of Business and Pleasure

The Ridge

On Friday, Aug. 16th, our day started off with the knowledge that only I would be working this morning. Put it this way, I was hoping that was the way the day would play out. For a couple of reasons mentioned below. 😊 I was up by 7, dressed and on my way to town by 7:15.

Good morning!
Looking out our back window.

Across the pond to the east
as I leave for Durham

The Mat was empty and in pretty good shape! I was impressed. It gave me the opportunity to do the high dusting and areas that I can’t easily reach with my hand dusting. I spent the hour and finished with a floor wash. One customer had arrived by this point and I said my goodbyes as I left. 

If you are missing a sock, I know where it is.
These were all in the garbage, no matches.
It's like someone brought them from home.

Back home, Bill was at the end of the lane with the rider and wagon. He was determined to get the last of the dirt pile moved.

Someone was playing games this morning.
He found a big stick and would drop it here
run up the steps to the door. As soon as I would
go to the door to let him in, he'd run back down and grab his stick.
He knows he can't bring anything inside so he would sit
there, teasing us. He did it 4 times before he gave up. 

Because I had a couple of itchy spots, I knew I’d got bitten yesterday, I took a Benadryl first thing. Sitting in my chair after cleaning, I got an expected call from M to see if I could take him for his errands at 9:45. So, I set my phone alarm for 9:30 and stretched back in my recliner with Gibbs. Good thing, as it went off and woke me up. I totally dropped off. Had to be the Benadryl! Btw, that pill sure helped! 😊

Another Moonflower
Sorry for the blur.

Gorgeous, huh?

After his run, Bill and I had lunch and we relaxed until it was time to take Gibbs to the vet. First reason, I was happy he was home. Going on my own, which has happened a couple of times, is difficult if there is bloodwork, needles, ear probes or bum thermometers involved. After those last 2 things were done, Dr. Charlton gave us some antibiotics and antihistamine for him to take in the coming days. Yes, expensive, but if it helps at all, totally worth it.

On our journey around town, there are many
lovely bushes of Rose of Sharrons.
Mine don't like it up here on the rocky Ridge.
Our 30-lb. bum isn't crazy about the vet
Neither are we because of the cost but
it is a necessary bill

A short break at home and we were off again. Bill being home, reason #2, gave him an opportunity to join me for the drive to the Kitchener airport to pick Robin and Andrew up from their whirlwind Newfoundland trip. 😊 I was happy to have him along, as they were. It is always an opportunity to get to know each other better. Their flight was pretty much right on time so we were headed home by 6.

 I drove about half the way there and Bill took over.  Bill offered to drive home again if they were tired and Andrew gratefully accepted. He wasn’t so much tired and more comfortable with not having to remember how to get home – in the rain. Yes, it started raining along the way and more on the return trip. Andrew should be on stage at Comedy Central.  We laughed so much, our sides were sore.

Robin and Mildred came first
Andrew sits in the back where the seats are bigger.

At their house, we hopped back into Ptooties and drove home to Gibbs. It was 7:30. We’re sure it is from the pills he took this afternoon, but the poor little guy had piddled on our bed while we were gone. ☹ He has only ever had one accident in here since we brought him home and he was just a few months old. He was only alone today for about 4 ½ hours so it is obvious what it is. ♥ Bless his heart, he probably went back and forth to the door a few times.

I'd go to this small airport any day!
This is the arrival terminal

He ate his supper like a champ and drank a fair bit of water (the vet said it was a side effect) so we’ll pay close attention to him over the next couple of days. We had grilled cheese for supper and after I wrote my blog, I was too tired to finish it. Tomorrow is a free day so I’ll post in the morning. We had a great day. If we all laughed each day as much as the 4 of us did in 2 hours, what a great world it would be! ♥

I didn't think I got this many apples from Robin's tree
but 4 bags in the freezer is great!

Today, we began with the rain. More to follow over the coming ‘weekend’ days so I feel sorry for the working class who only have weekends off. We reached a high of 22C/74F today which was pleasant enough.

An easy supper!
Melty goodness!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Poor Gibbs, I'm sure he was upset about his accident.
    Glad your drive to and from the airport was good, despite the rain. Laughter is good for the soul.

    1. Yes, we're sure he was so we comforted him all evening. Poor little guy.
      We did have a nice drive to and from.

  2. Mom ... I NEED this stick!!!! Poor baby Gibbs. I hope the meds work for him. It's nice to be able to laugh and have fun like that. It makes life better!!

    1. Ha ha! I know, he didn't once come up the steps with it but kept going to sit with it. ♥
      The meds are working!! Yay!!

  3. Hope Gibbs problem clears up soon. Holding that stick appears that he wants to plat fetch.
    It seemed a good thing Bill went with you to pick Robin and Andrew at the airport.
    Our big storms turned out to be a few drops on the windshield.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Thank you, yes the meds are working.
      Bill and I enjoyed the time with our friends on the drive.
      Funny, all the warnings and then nada. :)
