Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Pretty Fine Day, Warming Up, Family Birthday

The Ridge

On Thursday, Aug. 22nd we were both up ready to leave for work at 7:15. We gave Gibbs his ‘look after the house’ treat and left at the same time. Bill was on his own today, Billy had a prior commitment, so I wasn’t sure how long he’d be at work. He is doing a pretty basic job, laying floor, so will work away until he’s ready to quit. 😊

Good morning.
Madame Moonflower.

Following Bill as far as Durham,
a pretty picture at the corner of the highway.

The Mat was empty the whole time I was there which allowed me to work at a good pace, washing a few things from the Lost & Found and my cleaning rags. I finished up an hour later by washing the floors before locking up. My jobs are pretty absent this week and next, since Robin is home and she has a couple in the bnb for 2 weeks straight. That’s good for her, she is busy with Andrew working on a cabin for friends. Andrew leaves again on Monday for 6 weeks.

If there is shade on the steps,
this is one of his fav places to sit.
Here, he is sleeping.

So, back home, I sat with Gibbs finishing my tea and played my Wordle games. After talking to Bill last night about weed trimming, he informed me that we should have fuel for the trimmers. That gave me the incentive to see if I could find it and get the little machine running. I hate pull cords but saying that, today, I managed to fill the tank and get it going. 😊 I was proud! My goal was to work away at the hill in the corral, places we can’t get easily with the mowers.

I was doing good when I remembered what I forgot from last time. The gas tank leaks! Crap! My pant leg is smelling again. LOL I kept going until I ran out of fuel and got a fair bit done, leaving only the thicker tall stuff that I should be able to cut with my mower. I came in to change and Gibbs and I sat outside for most of the rest of the day. In and out, some of the time in the Bunky with the rocks and of course inside for my lunch.

Oh how I enjoyed my pizza.
Peppers, onions, bacon, cheeses, sauce, tomatos, olives.

Lunch: well, it was delicious! Even though it wasn’t a cauliflower crust, I used one of my tortillas to make a pizza in the fry pan. Yum! I’ll do that again, it was delicious! I cleaned up dishes and we went back outside. After 1:30, we walked down to check the mail but there wasn’t anything in the box today. I pulled a few weeds from the dahlia garden and along the fence line and then got my mower out to finish the corral. 😊

There is a small patch in the top picture for Bill
to reach with his longer trimmer reach
but I'm pleased that it is mostly done.

It looks so much better, except for one small section that I can’t reach with either machine. I’ll leave it for Bill. The rest of the afternoon was relaxing. The sun was hot and yet with a bit of breeze and some cloudy periods, it was quite perfect. My book by Mitch Albom is so good, quite a different read than my norm, but a real treat. I think my daughter would enjoy it and maybe Chris, since ‘Music’ is the narrator of the book.

I was cooling down from cutting
and Gibbs was debating whether to sit on Mom.

I played with some settings on my
phone camera.
He looked for the piggy's since there was
a sound. Cute!
The bottom right picture is now my Lock Screen wallpaper.

Gibbs and I sat outside waiting for Bill, who didn’t drive in until almost 5 o’clock. He was on a roll with the flooring and was quite happy with all he completed today. The boys dozed while I sat outside and read until it was time for supper. Leftover chili on toast for Bill and I had mine in a bowl with cauliflower on the side. It was filling and tasty. Even without chili powder, we love it! 

There seems to be a push on
Hibiscus this week!

But, if you've never looked closely at
the buds, here they are.
They look ceramic!! Gorgeous!

After dishes, I worked on my blog and Bill went to the Hangar. I don’t think he has yet noticed the corral so he will be pleased about that. Something he doesn’t have to do. 😊

We walked to check the mail.
Gibbs takes up the rear, lots of sniffs
you know.

This has been a nice day with the temperature warming up to 20C/72F by mid afternoon. I hope yours was a good one too. Today is another older sister's birthday so I'm sending a Happy Birthday Aj out to Montreal. I know she's having a good day.

A pretty day.

To answer Karen in comments, I give my sister, Donna, my dahlia and glad bulbs to overwinter for me in her basement. Which makes me think I’ll have to take my paints south after all – they will freeze in the Bunky. Oh well, they don’t take up a LOT of space under the bed.

Woops, no supper picture tonight.
Instead, a relaxing place to sit
with my book and tea.
Good night!

Thank you for taking the time to pop in.


  1. Oh, I never thought about the freezing temps in the Bunky. Yep, definitely take them with you south. That frying pan pizza looks great.

    God bless.

    1. I may regret not taking them too, who knows?
      The pizza was delicious!

  2. Both you and Bill got a lot done today,Gibbs looks so cute sleeping on the stairs
    Your idea of a tortilla for a pizza crust is great,I will try it ,Mary

    1. Yes, thank you. I can't take credit for the tortilla idea, my friend Shirley suggested it. :)

  3. I was wondering about that. I started mine in pots this year. It's the only way I get the season long enough to bloom.

    1. I like the bags, not sure if I'll keep the soil or empty them each fall.

  4. Busy day for both of you. I had to take a peek at your won't be long before you'll be heading south again.

    1. Yes, I know! It will go in a blink as it has all summer. We don't like to rush it as long as the weather is decent. :)

  5. The Ridge looks awesome! Pat yourself on the back sweetie!! We do the tortilla pizzas too on our griddle! Oh so good and low carb, can't beat that! :)

    1. Thank you Shirley. :) I took the idea about the tortillas from you! Your pizzas always look so goooood!

  6. I was going to say I just read about making pizza on flour tortillas in the frying pan. I wonder if an air fryer would work too. Beautiful flowers ... and good for you doing yard work. Want to come to my house????

    1. Interesting about the pizza, eh? I can't get the lowest carb tortillas here but can further south. I bet they would be good in the air fryer too, mine isn't big enough.
      Thank you, my flowers turned out well this year, the up and down weather, I guess.
      Your yard looks great too!
