Monday, August 5, 2024

Another Nice 'Weekend' Day

The Ridge

On Civic Holiday Monday, Aug. 5th it was a slow moving morning. When Bill and Gibbs went out at 6, it was lightly raining so they came back in to bed. Bill didn’t expect he’d be flying although the forecast wasn’t calling for much in the way of precipitation until late day/evening, if at all. I made my tea and when Bill went about joining me in our chairs, his friend, Dave (Gibbs) called and was on his way to the field. 😊

Good morning!
Gibbs was quite content outside in the chair
while I made our bars. 

Positive thinking, so Bill got ready and pulled out within 15 minutes. After he left, it rained lightly for about 10 minutes and that was it for the day. Calm winds so a good day to go. He has 5 great flying buddies here and they all enjoy each other’s company. I played my morning online games, with some good luck it seems, and made a batch of No-bake peanut butter granola bars. I hoped these would turn out and that Bill will like them to. Yes, they are keto with lots of protein.

The Coneflowers are huge and beautiful


At 11:30, I loaded up the 2 outdoor games Patty and I picked up on the side of the road last week and left for Williamsford. Robin is expecting more 'family' guests in August so happily took them when I offered. Robin was busy in Wingham today, at one of their rental homes there. These are full-time tenants who have just moved in so no air bnb cleaning required. 😊 I arrived around noon, passing at least 2 interesting looking garage sales on the way, and set to work stripping beds and starting a load of laundry.

this spare fan and night table were brought downstairs
for this bedroom.
They moved the stand alone oscillating fans upstairs because
it is obviously hotter up there. It would have been nice if
They are had put things back for us. Oh well.
they left the house in good shape otherwise. 

I was pretty warm by the time I put her oscillating fans back where they belong, made the beds and carried a night table back upstairs. That was also after my regular duties. Today pushed me to the limit and at exactly 90 minutes later, I was closing the door and loading a basket of sheets and the garbage in Ptooties. I turned the a/c on and watched for those sale signs on my way home.

Her prayer plants are doing awesome in this window. 
Yes, that is one of my ladybugs. I dropped a few off today.

I was looking for a smallish fan for the Bunky but at the three sales I stopped at, I had no luck. I did find another chenille bedspread that, when washed, I hope will fit our bed. I love ours but with Gibbs’ claws, it is looking shabbier everyday. I don’t mind too much at all, it is very old and not a family heirloom or anything. 😊

While Bill worked on a plane,
Gibbs would visit for periods at a time.

Back home, Bill and Gibbs were just getting up from a snooze. I was feeling pretty hot and since he’d had pizza at the field with the guys, I just nibbled on a bar. They taste pretty good and Bill agreed. I’m still weighing what to do with my keto bread so offered a suggestion to Bill for supper. French toast with sausages. He can have his own bread and I’ll try mine. I hate giving up!

otherwise, he was happy to have Mom
pay his some attention.

Hes not spoiled at all.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet. I spent time on my laptop going through pictures, with a project in mind, and came across a bunch that made me smile. Some even brought tears to my eyes. Happy and sad ones.  

I knew there would be no mail but
a walk down the lane allowed me to count my dahlias.
48 are in bloom right now. 25 have been deadheaded
and there are at least 40 more to bloom.
Crazy! I love it!

Supper turned out pretty good! I may have to have French toast every day to eat that bread up! Haha. We cleaned up dishes and Bill went to the Hangar. He has one more day off, so he found out after Billy called. He has mixed feelings about that. 😊

Before supper, we have to play a bit.
Good thing the grass isn't too long, I'd lose him!

It got warm today, 25C/77F, but is cooling down to 14C/58F overnight so easy sleeping. It will be mixed weather for this week but many are happy for the cool down. It was a good day here on the Ridge.

It's acceptable. The syrup and butter
helps a lot.
It filled me. ♥
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. It's nice that Bill and his friends got to enjoy flying their planes
    Another day's work for you, that's income that will help you.Gibbs is so cute,
    Patsy I hope you Bill and Gibbs have a great night -Mary

  2. 6am here and have sunglasses on to read your blog! 2nd cataract removed yesterday!
    Gibbs is trying to hide in the grass~so cute! French toast looks great!

    1. Congrats! I'm hearing about a lot of friends and family getting cataracts. Gibbs is hiding, they are smart, eh?

  3. French toast freezes great. Cool on a rack & put in a ziploc. Thaw & warm in the toaster.

  4. I'm glad you were able to find a use for the bread. I have a hard time throwing something out that didn't work out.
    We're definitely in a cool period, only expecting a 21C high today. I'm quite enjoying it.

    1. I like Barb's suggestion. I may fry up all that is left as french toast and freeze it.
      Cooling down here too and it is nice!

  5. Syrup makes EVERYTHING better!!

  6. You could feed me French toast every day as long as there's syrup!
